Index of /ichertok/Библиотека файлов статей/По годам публикации с 1995/2012

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[   ]Загайнова_инициация гало CMEs.doc2012-03-21 08:35 592K 
[   ]Лившиц_нетепл и газодинам процессы во вспышках.doc2012-03-12 07:19 130K 
[   ]Лившиц_нетепл и газодинам процессы во вспышках.ppt2012-03-07 15:24 869K 
[   ]Ackermann_Gamma Burst from M2 Flare.pdf2012-02-14 14:12 935K 
[   ]Alipour_small dimmings_automatic detection.pdf2012-02-14 14:38 927K 
[   ]Andriyas_Dst forecasting index for CIR events.pdf2012-03-06 08:16 1.2M 
[   ]Asai_Moreton-EIT waves_filament oscillations.pdf2012-02-14 14:53 1.6M 
[   ]Aschwanden_GLEs_flare acceleration.pdf2012-10-02 10:35 1.3M 
[   ]Aschwanden_GLEs_flare acceleration_3.pdf2012-01-01 13:19 673K 
[   ]Aschwanden_The Sun_textbook.doc2012-10-02 12:08 12M 
[   ]Aulanier_3D standard flare model_1 Shear transition.pdf2012-05-27 17:08 14M 
[   ]Baker_CME_Precursor_forecasting.pdf2012-03-22 21:47 1.3M 
[   ]Bein_CME acceleration_flares_filament eruptions.pdf2012-07-31 08:45 950K 
[   ]Bemporad_multiple CMEs at minimum.pdf2012-11-13 09:20 2.2M 
[   ]Berkebile-Stoiser_CME acceleration_flare X-bursts.pdf2012-06-17 17:33 797K 
[   ]Bosman_3D CME properties_STEREO.pdf2012-11-13 09:04 3.6M 
[   ]Broiles_CIRS_Formation-shape-evolution.pdf2012-03-14 09:04 1.8M 
[   ]Byrne_Thesis_CME morfology_kinematics .pdf2012-02-20 10:40 15M 
[   ]Byrne_automated CME detection-tracking-II.pdf2012-06-13 09:06 7.0M 
[   ]Cairns_Radio emissions from shocks_Review.pdf2012-04-24 08:56 6.4M 
[   ]Cargill_Fragmentation of Acceleration in Flares .pdf2012-11-16 10:36 3.1M 
[   ]Carley_CME_Mass, Energy, and Force Estimates.pdf2012-05-28 16:21 1.7M 
[   ]Carley_CME_energy_force_STEREO.pdf2012-04-29 11:41 3.2M 
[   ]Cerrato_largest Dst_solar-IP triggers.pdf2012-05-18 13:14 2.1M 
[   ]Chen_high-energy coronal sources.pdf2012-03-05 09:55 1.0M 
[   ]Cheng_DEM of CME structural components.pdf2012-11-26 09:53 2.6M 
[   ]Cheng_EUV Wave Separation from CME.pdf2012-07-10 10:18 2.0M 
[   ]Cliver_X-ray flares_SEPs.pdf2015-01-26 15:21 187K 
[   ]Dai_CW_Wave and Non-Wave Components.pdf2012-10-26 11:38 3.3M 
[   ]Demoulin_white-light and radio CME_15 Apr2001.pdf2012-03-13 11:35 2.8M 
[   ]Downs_CWave_thermodynamic MHD simulation.pdf2012-05-02 09:01 5.8M 
[   ]Dumbovic_Forbush decreases_ICMEs_CIRs.pdf2012-01-29 11:57 3.0M 
[   ]Emslie_energetics of 38 large eruptions .pdf2012-10-26 11:42 613K 
[   ]Eselevich_Solar wind laws.pdf2012-04-19 08:45 446K 
[   ]Feng_3D evolution of CME cloud.pdf2012-05-28 16:37 2.3M 
[   ]Feng_CME-streamer interaction_type II burst.pdf2012-06-17 18:03 3.1M 
[   ]Firoz_two GLEs timing_mechamizms.pdf2012-10-14 13:20 1.7M 
[   ]Gopal_CME Expansion and Radial Speed_15Feb2011 .pdf2012-05-07 11:11 387K 
[   ]Gopal_CME_shock_EUV_coronal MF_13June2010.pdf2012-08-31 11:01 1.2M 
[   ]Gopal_Factors affecting SEP intensity.pdf2012-02-24 15:53 851K 
[   ]Gopal_GLEs and assotiated eruptions.pdf2022-04-05 14:40 1.7M 
[   ]Gopal_Radio bursts_Space Weather.pps2012-11-08 10:26 4.5M 
[   ]Gopal_SEPs_other SW events_cycle24.pdf2012-10-02 11:21 131K 
[   ]Gopal_mag_field_2010-06-13.pdf2014-04-14 13:43 1.2M 
[   ]Gosain_two CWs_prominance oscillations_SDO-STEREO.pdf2012-12-14 11:00 2.7M 
[   ]Harrison_multiple CMEs_1Aug2010.pdf2012-04-18 14:52 7.5M 
[   ]Hillan_type II_Modeling_shock parameters.pdf2012-05-14 17:40 3.2M 
[   ]Hillan_type II_theory-observations comparison.pdf2012-04-24 10:56 7.3M 
[   ]Howard_SWind transients from Sun to 1 AU.pdf2012-07-14 17:50 1.8M 
[   ]Howard_heliospheric flux-rope evolution.pdf2012-02-14 15:38 1.9M 
[   ]Hurlburt_Heliophysics Event Knowledgebase.pdf2014-09-18 13:54 1.2M 
[   ]Inoue_3D sigmoid_NLFFF modeling.pdf2012-03-22 15:51 2.2M 
[   ]Iwai_New Metric Spectrum System.pdf2012-03-13 11:11 1.4M 
[   ]Iwai_Noise storm modulated by CME.pdf2012-01-07 10:41 2.7M 
[   ]Ji_Dst forecast models for intense GMSs.pdf2012-03-12 14:21 455K 
[   ]Kahler_CME deflection_SEP properties.pdf2012-07-14 17:54 957K 
[   ]Kahler_SEPs_Kiplinger effect_flare-CME acceler.pdf2012-02-20 09:47 1.0M 
[   ]Karpen_CMEs-Eruptive flares_onset-explosion.pdf2012-11-13 10:51 3.5M 
[   ]Kazachenko_Energy and Helicity in Major Flares.pdf2012-03-23 05:07 739K 
[   ]Kienreich_three CWs_Quadrature Observations and Reflections .pdf2012-08-31 10:35 912K 
[   ]Kilpua_ICMEs_ICME-like.pdf_2007-10_Tables.pdf2012-11-13 11:43 1.2M 
[   ]Kilpua_MCloud field polarity and geoeffectiveness.pdf2012-07-14 17:39 598K 
[   ]Kim_CME shocks_coronal magn field.pdf2012-02-14 16:09 703K 
[   ]Kleimann_Models of CMEs and ICMEs.pdf2012-11-13 10:25 1.6K 
[   ]Knipp_geostorms_consequences .pdf2012-01-23 16:30 194K 
[   ]Kong_broken type II_shock-streamer interaction.pdf2012-05-14 17:27 939K 
[   ]Kudela_Variability of LE CosRays near Earth.pdf2012-04-19 11:19 445K 
[   ]Kumar_CME-flare initiation_24Feb2011.pdf2012-02-14 16:29 2.6M 
[   ]Kumar_Multiwave eruption_CWave_Loop oscillation.pdf2012-11-08 10:23 2.6M 
[   ]Kumar_Solar wind origin_properties_impact.pdf2012-04-19 10:47 538K 
[   ]Landi_post-CME ejection plasma.pdf2012-05-28 16:42 1.9M 
[   ]Lee_SEPs_shock acceleration in heliosphere.pdf2012-11-16 10:42 3.6M 
[   ]Lemen_Atmospheric Imaging Assembly (AIA).pdf2012-01-14 15:01 1.6M 
[   ]Li_CWave_interaction_secondary CW.pdf2012-02-15 10:12 5.3M 
[   ]Li_Twin-CME Scenario for GLEs.pdf2012-02-17 20:24 1.7M 
[   ]Li_tornado_helicity in prominence-cavity.pdf2012-06-13 09:40 942K 
[   ]Liu_CWave_QPeriodic_FMode train.pdf2012-06-17 17:40 6.0M 
[   ]Liu_Comparison SDO-HMI and SOHO-MDI.pdf2012-03-23 10:34 3.8M 
[   ]Liu_Contracting and Erupting Components of Sigmoid.pdf2012-09-17 11:07 8.7M 
[   ]Liu_soft X-rays_IP shock_arrival times.pdf2012-04-30 17:35 198K 
[   ]Lowder_CHs_Automated detection.pdf2014-03-18 08:47 14M 
[   ]Lugaz_Deflection of two interacting CMEs.pdf2012-10-26 11:57 3.8M 
[   ]Magdalenic_flare type II without CME.pdf2012-02-15 10:29 2.0M 
[   ]Martin_Eruptive events_Chiral Systems.pdf2012-12-22 18:28 10M 
[   ]Marubashi_MCloud geometry_20Nov2003.pdf2012-03-21 08:05 1.0M 
[   ]Masson_GLEs_guiding IP magnetic structures.pdf2012-02-07 18:41 3.4M 
[   ]Masson_SEP escape_source reconnection .pdf2012-02-07 14:37 1.8M 
[   ]McCracken_high-energy impulsive GLEs.pdf2022-06-11 15:17 385K 
[   ]Mewaldt_Cosmic Rays in Heliosphere_Review.pdf2012-10-03 12:32 2.1M 
[   ]Mewaldt_GLEs-23rd_spectra_other properties.pdf2012-07-02 09:33 2.2M 
[   ]Mierla_CMEs prodicung major geostorms.pdf2012-05-30 12:06 239K 
[   ]Mohamed_CHs_CME deflection.pdf2012-01-18 12:07 2.1M 
[   ]Moraal_GLEs_cycle 23_time structure.pdf2012-02-24 20:45 1.0M 
[   ]Morgan__automated CME detection-tracking-I.pdf2012-06-13 09:34 19M 
[   ]Mueller_Solar Orbiter_Extensive Review.pdf2012-07-22 09:25 7.0M 
[   ]Netzel_Faild filam eruptions_EUV-X signatures.pdf2012-11-29 12:13 2.8M 
[   ]Nitta_ARs associated with GLEs.pdf2012-06-01 10:46 2.3M 
[   ]Obridko_CMEs_Effective Solar Multipole Index.pdf2012-11-14 16:41 970K 
[   ]Oh_SEP forecasting from South Pole NM data.pdf2012-06-04 12:27 507K 
[   ]Oh_Simultaneous FD_Earthward CME.pdf2012-07-21 17:01 827K 
[   ]Oliveros_CME-CME interaction_IP type II burst.pdf2012-03-11 09:44 1.8M 
[   ]Olmedo_CWave_CH secondary-reflection-transmission.pdf2012-08-25 12:27 5.3M 
[   ]Oreshina_AR magn_field_model_18Nov2003.pdf2012-02-09 09:01 280K 
[   ]Oreshina_AR magn topology_18Nov2003.pdf2012-02-09 09:01 427K 
[   ]Panesar_solar tornado triggered by flares.pdf2012-12-07 12:00 1.3M 
[   ]Papailiou_Forbush precursors.pdf2012-02-17 20:24 2.0M 
[   ]Park_CME parameters_two helicity evolutions.pdf2012-04-18 15:21 641K 
[   ]Patsourakos_CWave_Nature and Genesis_Review.pdf2012-11-13 09:12 5.1M 
[   ]Pesnell_Solar Dynamics Observatory (SDO).pdf2012-01-14 14:56 937K 
[   ]Pevtsov_CMEs from filament channnels.pdf2012-02-15 11:36 1.9M 
[   ]Podladchikova_NEMO_CWave detection.pdf2012-03-25 08:36 1.0M 
[   ]Poomvises_CME-driven shock_heliospheric MField.pdf2012-10-14 13:30 1.4M 
[   ]Rahman_CMEs-ICMEs with and without type II bursts.pdf2013-09-02 21:37 590K 
[   ]Ramesh_CMEs_location of type II bursts.pdf2012-06-13 09:28 828K 
[   ]Raymond_acceleration in large flares_observations.pdf2012-11-16 10:18 1.8M 
[   ]Rotter_CHs_Solar Wind Parameters.pdf2012-11-16 09:53 1.1M 
[   ]Rouillard_CME expansion_CWave_SEP onset.pdf2012-05-28 16:27 4.5M 
[   ]Saint-Hilaire_Allen Telescope Array_Multi-frequency.pdf2012-03-22 22:26 686K 
[   ]Schmidt-Cairns_Type II_analitical formalism.pdf2012-04-24 10:55 1.7M 
[   ]Schmidt_type II_2 Application of formalism.pdf2014-03-03 08:54 1.1M 
[   ]Schmieder_mechanisms of eruptions and CMEs.pdf2012-05-02 09:51 1.4M 
[   ]Selwa_dome EIT wave from rotating AR.pdf2012-02-27 14:53 806K 
[   ]Shea_GLEs_ Space Weather_23 Cycle.pdf2012-09-24 09:37 1.4M 
[   ]Shen_CWave_evidences for wave nature.pdf2012-07-09 10:42 2.8M 
[   ]Shen_CWave from chromosphere to corona .pdf2012-06-13 09:44 2.7M 
[   ]Shen_DH type II_Shoch-Streamer Interaction.pdf2012-11-08 09:35 2.7M 
[   ]Shen_ICME propagation and interaction.pdf2012-11-06 10:50 4.4M 
[   ]Shen_Partial and Full Filament Eruptions.pdf2012-05-08 10:14 3.9M 
[   ]Sterling_twisting start of filament eruption cascade.pdf2012-12-03 09:34 3.6M 
[   ]Su_two-stage eruptive event.pdf2012-02-15 12:35 2.7M 
[   ]Sun_ Non-radial Eruption in a Quadrupolar Configuration.pdf2012-09-17 11:25 2.5M 
[   ]Suzuki_decaying MF above ARs related to CME onset .pdf2012-09-22 12:42 1.0M 
[   ]Temmer_CME-CME interaction_kinematics.pdf2012-03-29 08:45 3.3M 
[   ]Temmer_off-disk CWave_driver system_17Jan2010.pdf2012-10-04 11:01 1.3M 
[   ]Tian_dimmings_jets_spectroscopic observations.pdf2012-03-19 10:32 7.7M 
[   ]Titov_sympathetic eruptions_MTopology .pdf2012-10-26 12:22 5.4M 
[   ]Vemareddy_filament eruption_flare_CME_7Aug2010 .pdf2012-03-13 14:39 1.5M 
[   ]Vourlidas_CME birth from two viewpoints.pdf2012-05-04 09:35 1.0M 
[   ]Vourlidas_how many CMEs have Flux Ropes.pdf2012-07-09 10:57 1.3M 
[   ]Vršnak_ICME propagation_Drag-Based Model.pdf2013-05-08 09:15 1.4M 
[TXT]Wang_What is a Solar electromagnetic storm.html2012-09-16 13:14 18K 
[   ]Watanabe_Hinode Flare Catalogue.pdf2012-06-12 18:13 412K 
[   ]Webb_CMEs_observations_Review.pdf2012-07-02 15:35 6.4M 
[   ]Wood_CH effects on CME shock morphology.pdf2012-07-31 08:42 1.8M 
[   ]Xie_IP shock_type II_Modeling_3Apr2010.pdf2012-03-12 10:12 826K 
[   ]Yang_Asymmetrical filament eruption_halo CME.pdf2012-06-12 15:06 818K 
[   ]Yang_full filament eruption_halo CME.pdf2012-03-29 08:55 1.5M 
[   ]Zhang_flux rope and solar eruption.pdf2013-02-27 12:47 780K 
[   ]Zheng_CWave associated with failed eruption.pdf2012-05-02 10:27 2.1M 
[   ]Zheng_CWave from micro-sigmoid eruption.pdf2012-06-24 17:04 2.1M 
[   ]Zheng_CWave from mini-filament eruption.pdf2012-06-24 17:02 5.5M 
[   ]Zheng_homologous EUV waves_11Nov2010.pdf2012-02-20 10:15 5.0M 
[   ]Zhou_ICME_3-D spherical plasmoid.pdf2012-01-19 10:07 3.7M 
[   ]Zuccarello_CME deflection_streamers.pdf2011-12-16 12:52 2.3M 
[   ]da Costa_role of filament activation in a solar eruption.pdf2012-03-12 15:15 2.5M 
[   ]van Driel_AR-CH topology_coronal outflow-SW.pdf2012-11-13 09:29 3.9M 

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