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Current condition
Information poster
Information summary
Danger warnings (alerts)
Forecasting Ap and F10.7
Forecasting ionosphere
Energetic particles now
Coronal hole images
Solar activity now
Aurora forecasts


List of the main links

Frequently used links

●   IZMIRAN cosmic ray station
●   Center of geomagnetic activity IZMIRAN
●   NOAA/SWPC website and Solar Events and Active Regions and Geomagnetic Reports
●   iSWA: integrated Space Weather Analysis System and ENLIL heliosphere model with solar wind prediction
●   Kislovodsk Mountain Astronomical Station of the Pulkovo observatory, Russia
●   The solar flux density at 10.7cm and 27.8 cm wavelengths, "Orbita", Kazakhstan
●   Solar Terrestrial Activity Report from Norway
●   SolarHam by Amateur Radio Station VE3EN
●   Solar Images and SolarMonitor at SDAC
●   Current Solar Data (NOAA)
●   Useful information on the sun and space weather (Chertok I.M.)

Collection of space weather information

●   Display #1: Model of solar activity and NMDB mirrors (db04 & db10)
●   Display #2: The different numerical data
●   Display #3: GOES X-ray flux and ACE solar wind parameters
●   Display #4: ACE solar wind parameters and nowcast of Ap and Dst indexes
●   Display #5: GOES proton flux and ACE energetic particles
●   Display #6: Dst index, cosmic ray variations (Moscow), GOES, ELECTRO, Relativistic electron forecast model
●   Display #7: X-ray, solar wind, F10.7, sunspot number, Kp and Dst indexes
●   Display #8: SDO solar images
●   Display #9: Ionosphere model (Moscow)

Forecasting the space weather

●   Australia: Australia's official weather forecasts
●   Belgium: Solar Influences Data Center (SIDS)
●   Bulgaria: Space Research and Technology Institute BAS
●   China: National Satellite Meteorological Center (NSMC)
●   China: Space Environment Prediction Center (SEPC)
●   Greece: Athens Space Weather Forecasting Center
●   Japan: NICT Space Weather Information Center
●   Kazakhstan: Instutute of Ionosphere
●   Russia: Space Weather Prediction Center of IZMIRAN
●   Russia: Space plasma physics department of Space Research Institute
●   Russia: SINP MSU Space Weather Analysis Center
●   Russia: Laboratory of X-ray astronomy of the Sun, LPI RAS
●   Russia: Institute of applied geophysics of academician E.K.Fedorov
●   UK: British Geological Survey
●   USA: Space Weather Prediction Center (NOAA, SWPC)

Data from the spacecrafts

●   SDO: Solar Dynamics Observatory
●   ACE: Real-time Solar Wind and Browse Plots
●   GOES: Real-time Proton Flux and Electron Flux
●   SOHO: Real-time Solar Wind and Latest Images and LASCO
●   PROBA2: Latest Movies
●   STEREO: Latest Images
●   Yohkoh: Archive Data
●   TRACE: Archive Data
●   Hinode Archive Data

Web & Ftp data services

●   GEOMAGNET – Geomagnetic Calculator
●   Kp and Ap indices of Global Geomagnetic Activity and mirror
●   NSSDC: OMNIWeb and CohoWeb and CDAWeb and SPyCat
●   NOAA: Geomagnetic Data and Solar Data and SPIDR
●   GOES Archive Particle Data (1998 - now)
●   GOES Archive Xray Data (2002 - now)
●   ACE Archive Data (2001 - now)
●   Last Dst Variations (Kyoto)

Data from ground-based instruments

●   Real-time magnetograms: IZMIRAN and Kiruna and Norwegian stations and Sodankylä and other and other
●   Wilcox Solar Observatory - Solar Magnetic Field
●   Nobeyama Radioheliograph Latest Image

Institutes and other research organizations

●   Lund Space Weather Center and Last 24 ionograms from Kiruna and Uppsala
●   Space Weather: A Research Perspective (Tutorial and Resources)
●   Real-time Science Data Access Page (Montana State University)
●   Space Weather Resources from Rice University (Houston)
●   University of Michigan Windows to the Universe
●   Institute for Astronomy (Hawaii)

Other projects

●   Uncommon Knowledge About Astronauts


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