The current condition of space weather
Solar images
Magnetogram (HMI) and extreme ultraviolet solar images (94 Å,
193 Å,
304 Å).
Data from the SDO.
X-ray flares
The soft X-ray flux (Watts/m²):
0.5 Å – 5.0 Å (blue line) and
1 Å – 8 Å (red line). Data from the
Solar wind parameters
Magnitude Bt и Bz components, phase, temperature, density and velocity of the solar wind.
Data from the ACE.
Geomagnetic activity
Dst index of geomagnetic activity (nT). Data from the WDC (Kyoto).

Ap and Kp indexes of geomagnetic activity. Data from the NOAA/SWPC.
