Список последних основных докладов на научных конференциях
Гайдаш С.П., Белов А.В., Абунина М.А., Абунин
А.А., Прямушкина И.И. Прогнозирование основных
параметров космической погоды в ИЗМИРАН // XX
Всероссийская ежегодная конференция «Солнечная и
солнечно-земная физика-2016», ГАО РАН, г.
Санкт-Петербург, Россия, 10–14 октября 2016 г.
Гайдаш С.П., Белов А.В., Абунин А.А., Абунина
М.А. Центр прогнозов космической погоды (ИЗМИРАН)
// 11-я ежегодная конференция "Физика плазмы в
солнечной системе", ИКИ РАН, Москва, Россия,
15–19 февраля 2016 г. |
Gaidash S.P., Belov A.V., Abunina M.A., Abunin
A.A. Forecasting of Space Weather in IZMIRAN //
13th European space weather week (ESWW),
Oostende, Belgium, November 14-18, 2016. |
Belov A., Abunin A., Abunina M., Eroshenko E.,
Oleneva V., Yanke V. Renewal of the computations
of GCR spectrum near Earth based on NM data by
IZMIRAN group → Computation of the radiation
dose rates at a typical flight altitude // 13th
European space weather week (ESWW), Oostende,
Belgium, November 14-18, 2016. |
Белов А.В., Крякунова О.Н., Абунин А.А., Абунина
М.А., Гайдаш С.П., Николаевский Н.Ф., Салихов
Н.М., Цепакина И.Л. Особенности поведения
высокоэнергичных магнитосферных электронов в
1987-2007 гг. // 34-я Всероссийская конференция
по космическим лучам (ВККЛ), г. Дубна, Россия,
15-19 августа 2016 г. |
Abunina M., Belov A., Abunin A., Eroshenko E.,
Oleneva V., Yanke V. Vector anisotropy of the
cosmic rays in the beginning of the Forbush
decreases for space weather forecasting // 13th
European space weather week (ESWW), Oostende,
Belgium, November 14-18, 2016. |
Balabin Yu.V., Belov A.V., Gushchina R.T. The
annual cosmic rays variation in the 24th solar
cycle // 13th Russian-Chinese Conference on
Space Weather, Yakutsk, Russia, August 15-19,
2016. |
Abunina M., Abunin A.,Belov A., Eroshenko E.,
Oleneva V., Yanke V. Cosmic ray anisotropy in
the different situations of the solar wind //
25th European Cosmic Rays Symposium (ECRS),
Torino, Italy, September, 5-9, 2016. |
Abunina M., Belov A., Abunin A., Eroshenko E.,
Oleneva V., Yanke V. Vector anisotropy of the
cosmic rays in the beginning of the Forbush
decreases // 25th European Cosmic Rays Symposium
(ECRS), Torino, Italy, September, 5-9, 2016. |
Kartyshov V., Abunin A., Klepach E.,
Preobrazhensky M., Karimov S., Purshev S., Yanke
V Muon telescope at large scintillation
detectors with fiber optic readout // 25th
European Cosmic Rays Symposium (ECRS), Torino,
Italy, September, 5-9, 2016. |
Abunina M., A. Abunin, A. Belov, E. Eroshenko,
V. Oleneva, V. Yanke, O. Kryakunova. Relation of
the vector cosmic ray anisotropy to the
parameters of solar wind // 12th European Space
Weather Week (ESWW), Ostend, Belgium, November
23-27, 2015. |
Mavromichalaki H., Gerontidou M., Paouris E.,
Belov A., Eroshenko E., Yanke V., Lingri D.,
Laoutaris A., Kanellakopoulos A., Abunin A.,
Abunina M. A study of the polar and middle
latitude neutron monitors during the extended
geomagnetic storm of March 17, 2015 // 12th
European Space Weather Week (ESWW), Ostend,
Belgium, November 23-27, 2015. |
Eroshenko E., Abunin A., Abunina M., Belov A.,
Oleneva V., Yanke V. Method of global survey (GSM)
and corresponding tools for data preparation //
12th European Space Weather Week (ESWW), Ostend,
Belgium, November 23-27, 2015. |
Abunina M., Abunin A., Belov A., Eroshenko E.,
Gaidash S., Oleneva V., Yanke V., Kryakunova O.
About influence of the coronal holes lon the
geomagnetic activity and cosmic ray variations
// 12th European Space Weather Week (ESWW),
Ostend, Belgium, November 23-27, 2015. |
Eroshenko E., Belov A., Papaioannou A., Abunin
A., Abunina M., Oleneva V., Mavromichalaki H.,
Yanke V. Modeling behavior of the cosmic ray
density in the magnetic clouds // 24th European
Cosmic Ray Symposium (ECRS), Kiel, Germany,
September 1-5, 2014. |