July 2005 Noise storm of 1-2 July 2005 Very Large Array, SOHO, and RHESSI Observations of Magnetic Interactions and Particle Propagation across Large-Scale Coronal Loops Robert F. Willson · Tyler D. Groff Solar Phys (2008) 250: 89–105 http://www.springerlink.com/content/n376024232363501/fulltext.pdf 5-14 July - Enhanced activity from AR 786 ESA Space Weather Week 2, November 2005 Unusually extreme cosmic ray events in July 2005 A. Papaioannou1, M. Gerontidou1, G. Mariatos1, H. Mavromichalaki1, C. Plainaki1,E. Eroshenko2 , A. Belov2, V. Yanke2 http://esa-spaceweather.net/spweather/workshops/eswwII/proc/Session1/SESWW-Papaioannou-Poster-pdf.pdf ++5 July - A faint, possibly full halo, CME was observed beginning at 16:18 UTC in LASCO C3 images when material was first observed over the southeast limb. ++ 15UT: large SE eruption, 4-line dimmings; See events! A Statistical Study on Property of Spatial Magnetic Field for Solar Active Region Liu Suo Ap&ss 2014 http://arxiv.org/pdf/1405.2149v1.pdf ++7 July - A filament eruption which started at approximately 11h UTC just south of region 10786 was the likely source of a full halo CME observed in LASCO C3 images beginning at 14:42 UTC. Another full halo CME was observed in LASCO C3 images beginning at 18:18 UTC. Its source was likely the M4.9 flare in region 10786. The CME was not very impressive. ++ 11 and 16 UT: Two large eruptions with a 5-hour intervals, dimmings; See Events!! + Intense noise storm at our spectrum! Interacting CMEs and their associated flare and SEP activities A.Shanmugaraju, S.Prasanna Subramanian 2014 http://arxiv.org/pdf/1405.6316v1.pdf 8 July: The C1 long duration event in region 10786 during the afternoon was apparently associated with (at least) a very faint partial halo CME. This CME was observed in LASCO C3 images during the evening and early on July 9. 16-19 UT: Not too large N/center eruption; See Event! ++9 July: +10 UT: NW eruption, dimmings See Event!! ++12:30 UT: south dark feature at 304 A and propagating feature at 195 A; The M2 event in region 10786 produced a full halo CME. This CME was first observed in LASCO C3 images at 23:18 UTC. ++20-23 UT: Global N eruption: first, NE-limb filament and then large eruption at whole N half of the disk; See Event!!! На одних и тех же кадрах LASCO медленный СМЕ от эруптивного волокна и гораздо более быстрый СМЕ от центральной вспышки. На EIT - соответствующие димминги; 4-line dimmings Coronal Sources and In Situ Properties of the Solar Winds Sampled by ACE During 1999–2008 Hui Fu, Bo Li, Xing Li, Zhenghua Huang, Chaozhou Mou, Fangran Jiao, Lidong Xia Solar Phys. 2015 http://arxiv.org/pdf/1505.00407v1.pdf RELAXATION OF MAGNETIC FIELD RELATIVE TO PLASMA DENSITY REVEALED FROM MICROWAVE ZEBRA PATTERNS ASSOCIATED WITH SOLAR FLARES Sijie Yu, Yihua Yan, and Baolin Tan 2012 ApJ 761 136 9-12 Jul Thermosphere modeling capabilities assessment: geomagnetic storms Sean Bruinsma1*, Claude Boniface1, Eric K. Sutton2 and Mariangel Fedrizzi3 J. Space Weather Space Clim. 2021, 11, 12 https://www.swsc-journal.org/articles/swsc/pdf/2021/01/swsc200061.pdf +10 July - Several on-disk and W near-limb eruptions FD~3%, Dst=-73 nT + 11 July - A number of W near-limb eruptions Magnetoacoustic Wave Trains in the 11 July 2005 Radio Event with Fiber Bursts H. Meszarosova, M. Karlicky and J. Rybak Solar Physics, Volume 273, Number 2, 393-402, 2011 “Drifting tadpoles” in wavelet spectra of decimetric radio emission of fiber bursts Meszarosova, H., Karlicky, M., Rybak, J., Jiricka, K. E-print, Aug 2009, A&A ++12 July - The M1 long duration event in region 10786 during the afternoon was associated with a faint full halo CME. While parts of this CME were visible over the northwest limb at 17:42 UTC, it wasn't until 3 hours later that this developed into a full halo CME when much fainter extensions became visible over the east limb in LASCO C3 images. See Events!! A number of W near-limb eruptions Another FD, Dst=-62 nT Variations of Flaring Kernel Sizes in Various Parts of the H? Line Profile K. Radziszewski, P. Rudawy Solar Physics, June 2013, Volume 284, Issue 2, pp 397-404, X-ray and H-alpha Flare Impulses, K. Radziszewski and P. Rudawy RHESSI Science Nugget, No. 163, 2011 ++13 July - A large, wide and fast full halo CME was observed during the afternoon and early evening in LASCO C3 images after the M5 long duration event in region 10786. Two eruptions at 12 and 14 UT; See Events! ++Pulsations(?) at our noise storm spectrum! !!! Хороший медленно дрейфующий континуум (см. также 14 июля) Multi-wavelength Fibril Dynamics and Oscillations Above Sunspot - I. Morphological Signature Emanuel Sungging Mumpuni, Dhani Herdiwijaya, Mitra Djamal, Thomas Djamaluddin A&A 2015 http://arxiv.org/pdf/1504.03533v1.pdf Interacting CMEs and their associated flare and SEP activities A.Shanmugaraju, S.Prasanna Subramanian 2014 http://arxiv.org/pdf/1405.6316v1.pdf Energy Release During Slow Long-Duration Flares Observed by RHESSI U. B?ak-St?e?slicka • T. Mrozek • S. Koloma? nski Solar Phys (2011) 271:75–89 Krucker Hard X-ray emission from the solar corona S. Krucker · M. Battaglia · P. J. Cargill · L. Fletcher · H. S. Hudson · A. L. MacKinnon · S. Masuda · L. Sui · M. Tomczak · A. L. Veronig · L. Vlahos · S. M. White Astron Astrophys Rev (2008) 16:155–208, File Fig. 11 The unusual cosmic ray variations in July 2005 resulted from western and behind the limb solar activity A. Papaioannou, A. Belovb, H. Mavromichalakia, E. Eroshenkob, and V. Olenevab Advances in Space Research Volume 43, Issue 4, 16 February 2009, Pages 582-588, File Space storm measurements of the July 2005 solar extreme events from the low corona to the Earth C. Caroubalosa, P. Preka-Papademab, , , H. Mavromichalakic, X. Moussasb, , , A. Papaioannouc, E. Mitsakoub and A. Hillaris Advances in Space Research,Volume 43, Issue 4, 16 February 2009, Pages 600-604 The Athens Neutron Monitor Data Processing (ANMODAP) Center recorded an unusual Forbush decrease with a sharp enhancement of cosmic ray intensity right after the main phase of the Forbush decrease on 16 July 2005, followed by a second decrease within less than 12 h. This exceptional event is neither a ground level enhancement nor a geomagnetic effect in cosmic rays. It rather appears as the effect of a special structure of interplanetary disturbances originating from a group of coronal mass ejections (CMEs) in the 13–14 July 2005 period. The initiation of the CMEs was accompanied by type IV radio bursts and intense solar flares (SFs) on the west solar limb (AR 786); this group of energetic phenomena appears under the label of Solar Extreme Events of July 2005. We study the characteristics of these events using combined data from Earth (the ARTEMIS IV radioheliograph, the Athens Neutron Monitor (ANMODAP)), space (WIND/WAVES) and data archives. We propose an interpretation of the unusual Forbush profile in terms of a magnetic structure and a succession of interplanetary shocks interacting with the magnetosphere. 13-14 July Coronal Mass Ejections in July 2005 and an Unusual Heliospheric Event M. A. Livshitsa, A. V. Belova, A. I. Shakhovskayab, E. A. Eroshenkoa, A. R. Osokinc, and L. K. Kashapovad Cosmic Research, 2013, Vol. 51, No. 5, pp. 326–334. Kosmicheskie Issledovaniya, 2013, Vol. 51,No. 5, pp. 363–371. Space storm measurements of the July 2005 solar extreme events from the low corona to the Earth Caroubalos, C.; Preka-Papadema, P.; Mavromichalaki, H.; Moussas, X.; Papaioannou, A.; Mitsakou, E.; Hillaris, A. Advances in Space Research, Volume 43 , Issue 4, p. 600-604, 2009. http://arxiv.org/pdf/1009.3579v1.pdf ++14 July - A number of W-limb eruptions Two our intense W-limb eruptions with large CMEs and interesting radio!! ++06-07 UT: M9.1 flare, structured continuum; See Events!! ++10:20 UT: X1.2 flare, fragmented type III and perhaps type III bursts; ++ A burst with intermediate drift between type II and III bursts See Events!! RHESSI observations: http://sprg.ssl.berkeley.edu/~tohban/nuggets/?page=article&article_id=5 Kash_RHESSI_SpRI.ppt (see Chains) Livshits-IsraSW-2013.pdf File High resolution observations with Artemis--JLS, (II) Type IV associated intermediate drift bursts C. Bouratzis, A. Hillaris, C.E. Alissandrakis, P. Preka-Papadema, X. Moussas, C. Caroubalos, P. Tsitsipis, A. Kontogeorgos A&A 2019 https://arxiv.org/pdf/1904.02262.pdf Catalog of Hard X-ray Solar Flares Detected with Mars Odyssey/HEND from the Mars Orbit in 2001-2016 M.A. Livshits, I.V. Zimovets, D.V. Golovin, B.A. Nizamov, V.I. Vybornov, I.G. Mitrofanov, A.S. Kozyrev, M.L. Litvak, A.B. Sanin, V.I. Tretyakov Astronomy Reports 2017 https://arxiv.org/pdf/1706.01116.pdf Particle Acceleration in Plasmoid Ejections Derived from Radio Drifting Pulsating Structures N. Nishizuka1, M. Karlicky2, M. Janvier3, and M. Barta 2015 ApJ 799 126 http://arxiv.org/pdf/1412.7904v1.pdf Fine Structure of Metric Type-IV Radio Bursts Observed with the ARTEMIS-IV Radio Spectrograph: Association with Flares and Coronal Mass Ejections C. Bouratzis, A. Hillaris, C. E. Alissandrakis, P. Preka-Papadema, X. Moussas, C. Caroubalos, P. Tsitsipis, A. Kontogeorgos Solar Phys., 2014 http://arxiv.org/pdf/1406.1202v1.pdf Interacting CMEs and their associated flare and SEP activities A.Shanmugaraju, S.Prasanna Subramanian 2014 http://arxiv.org/pdf/1405.6316v1.pdf Coronal Mass Ejections Associated with Slow Long Duration Flares U. Bak-Steslicka, S. Kolomanski, T. Mrozek E-print, Feb 2013, File; Solar Phys. Properties of Ground level enhancement events and the associated solar eruptions during solar cycle 23. N. Gopalswamy, H. Xie, S. Yashiro, S. Akiyama, P. Makela, I.G. Usoskin, E-print, May 2012, File; Space Sci. Rev., 2012 Связь нетепловых и газодинамических процессов в мощных солнечных вспышках Лившиц М.А.1, Кашапова Л.К. 2012 Culmination of the flare activity of Group 10786 in July 2005: X-Ray observations from near-mars and near-earth orbits M. A. Livshits, D. V. Golovin, L. K. Kashapova, I. G. Mitrofanov, A. S. Kozyrev, M. L. Litvak, A. B. Sanin, V. I. Tret’yakov, W. Boynton and K. Shinohara, et al. Astronomy Reports, Volume 55, Number 6, 551-560, 2011 НАБЛЮДЕНИЯ РЕНТГЕНОВСКИХ ВСПЫШЕК 14 ИЮЛЯ 2005 ГОДА С МАРСИАНСКОЙ И ОКОЛОЗЕМНОЙ ОРБИТ Чернетский В.А.1, Лившиц М.А. 1, Кашапова Л.К. 2, Митрофанов И.Г. 3, Головин Д. 3, Козырев А.С. 3, Литвак М.Л. 3, Санин А.Б. 3, Третьяков В.И. 3, Бойнтон B. 4, Шинохара К. 4, Хамара Д. 4 Пулково, 2009, File Space storm measurements of the July 2005 solar extreme events from the low corona to the Earth C. Caroubalosa, P. Preka-Papademab, , , H. Mavromichalakic, X. Moussasb, , , A. Papaioannouc, E. Mitsakoub and A. Hillaris Advances in Space Research,Volume 43, Issue 4, 16 February 2009, Pages 600-604 The Athens Neutron Monitor Data Processing (ANMODAP) Center recorded an unusual Forbush decrease with a sharp enhancement of cosmic ray intensity right after the main phase of the Forbush decrease on 16 July 2005, followed by a second decrease within less than 12 h. This exceptional event is neither a ground level enhancement nor a geomagnetic effect in cosmic rays. It rather appears as the effect of a special structure of interplanetary disturbances originating from a group of coronal mass ejections (CMEs) in the 13–14 July 2005 period. The initiation of the CMEs was accompanied by type IV radio bursts and intense solar flares (SFs) on the west solar limb (AR 786); this group of energetic phenomena appears under the label of Solar Extreme Events of July 2005. We study the characteristics of these events using combined data from Earth (the ARTEMIS IV radioheliograph, the Athens Neutron Monitor (ANMODAP)), space (WIND/WAVES) and data archives. We propose an interpretation of the unusual Forbush profile in terms of a magnetic structure and a succession of interplanetary shocks interacting with the magnetosphere. Flux-rms relation in solar radio bursts Lin Wang, Cheng Fang and Yu Ying Liu Astrophysics and Space Science, Volume 318 Number 1-2, 79 – 86, 2008, File 15 July - A number of W-limb eruptions + 15-16 - A huge perominence eruption over NE limb at 304 and 195 A ++16 July - A number of W-limb eruptions ++07:15 UT: Clear type II burst at our spectrum !!FD~7% 17 July - An impressive full halo CME was observed in LASCO C3 images starting at 12:18 UTC. Its source was in region 10786 well behind the northwest limb. A minor increase in proton levels was observed as well after this event. 12 UT: halo CME, backside? !!FD~7% Livshits-IsraSW-2013.pdf File Which Bow Shock Theory, Gasdynamic or Magnetohydrodynamic, Better Explains CME Stand-off Distance Ratios from LASCO-C2 Observations ? Jae-Ok Lee1,2, Y.-J. Moon1, Jin-Yi Lee3, R.-S. Kim2, and K.-S. Cho2 2017 ApJ 838 70 http://sci-hub.cc/10.3847/1538-4357/aa656f ----------------------------------- Very high CME backside and E-limb activity 21 July - No fewer than eight coronal mass ejections (CMEs) have exploded away from the sun since July 22nd ----------------------------------- 21 July- 03 UT: large NE halo backside CME 22 July- 23 UT: large S halo backside CME 23 July Solar Type IV bursts at frequencies 10-30 MHz V.N. Melnik, H. O. Rucker, A. A. Konovalenko, V.V. Dorovskyy, E.P. Abranin, A.I. Brazhenko, B.Thide, A. A. Stanislavskyy 2018 https://arxiv.org/ftp/arxiv/papers/1802/1802.06249.pdf ++24 July - 11 UT: Large backside (SE-limb) CME Visible at 195 A. 14 UT: Large backside (E-limb) CME Visible at 195 A. 22 UT: Large backside (SE-limb) CME Searching for neutrinos from solar flares across solar cycles 23 and 24 with the Super-Kamiokande detector as a Review K. Okamoto, K. Abe, Y. Hayato, K. Hiraide, K. Hosokawa, K. Ieki, M. Ikeda, J. Kameda,++++++ ApJ 2022 https://arxiv.org/pdf/2210.12948.pdf +25 July - 11 UT: Large backside (E-limb) CME Visible at 195 A. The Low-High-Low Trend of Type III Radio Burst Starting Frequencies and Solar Flare Hard X-rays Hamish A. S. Reid, Nicole Vilmer, Eduard P. Kontar A&A, 2014 http://arxiv.org/pdf/1403.1839v1.pdf +26 July - 09 UT: Large backside E-limb CME Visible at 195 A. ++27 July - 04:50 UT: M3.7 flare,impressive E-limb eruption; See Events!! Properties of DH Type II Radio Bursts and Their Space Weather Implications N. Gopalswamy, P. Makela submitted to the URSI AP-RASC 2019 2018 https://arxiv.org/ftp/arxiv/papers/1810/1810.11173.pdf Solar Type IV bursts at frequencies 10-30 MHz V.N. Melnik, H. O. Rucker, A. A. Konovalenko, V.V. Dorovskyy, E.P. Abranin, A.I. Brazhenko, B.Thide, A. A. Stanislavskyy 2018 https://arxiv.org/ftp/arxiv/papers/1802/1802.06249.pdf Which Bow Shock Theory, Gasdynamic or Magnetohydrodynamic, Better Explains CME Stand-off Distance Ratios from LASCO-C2 Observations ? Jae-Ok Lee1,2, Y.-J. Moon1, Jin-Yi Lee3, R.-S. Kim2, and K.-S. Cho2 2017 ApJ 838 70 http://sci-hub.cc/10.3847/1538-4357/aa656f КИНЕМАТИКА КВМ И СВЯЗАННЫХ УДАРНЫХ ВОЛН ПО ДАННЫМ LASCO: СРАВНИТЕЛЬНЫЙ АНАЛИЗ Файнштейн В.Г.1, Пичуев В.А.1, Егоров Я.И.1, Загайнова Ю.С. Пулково «Солнечная и солнечно-земная физика – 2015», с.359 Coronal Mass Ejections Associated with Slow Long Duration Flares U. Bak-Steslicka, S. Kolomanski, T. Mrozek E-print, Feb 2013, File; Solar Phys. Asymmetric Eruptive Filaments Rui Liu, David Alexander, and Holly R. Gilbert E-print, Oct 2008, File; ApJ The early phases of a solar prominence eruption and associated flare: a multi-wavelength analysis -- C. Chifor, H. E. Mason, D. Tripathi, H. Isobe, & A. Asai, E-print file, Aug 2006. A&A 458, 965-973 (2006) Loop top nonthermal emission sources associated with an over-the-limb flare observed with NoRH and RHESSI Adv. Space Res. 39(9),Pages 1398-1401, 2007 Ayumi Asai, Hiroshi Nakajima, Mitsuo Oka, Keisuke Nishida and Yasuyuki T. Tanaka Observations and modeling of the early acceleration phase of erupting filaments involved in coronal mass ejections Carolus J. Schrijver, Christopher Elmore, Bernhard Kliem, Tibor T?or?ok, and Alan M. Title E-print, Oct 2007, Ap. J.; File We examine the early phases of two near-limb filament destabilizations involved in coronal mass ejections on 16 June and 27 July 2005, using high-resolution, high-cadence observations made with the Transition Region and Coronal Explorer (TRACE), complemented by coronagraphic observations by Mauna Loa and the SOlar and Heliospheric Observatory (SOHO). +28 July - 00:30 UT: M1 flare +06:30 UT: Clear type II burst at our spectrum 22 UT: SF/M4.8 flare Solar Type IV bursts at frequencies 10-30 MHz V.N. Melnik, H. O. Rucker, A. A. Konovalenko, V.V. Dorovskyy, E.P. Abranin, A.I. Brazhenko, B.Thide, A. A. Stanislavskyy 2018 https://arxiv.org/ftp/arxiv/papers/1802/1802.06249.pdf 29 July, 18:00 Asymmetric Eruptive Filaments Rui Liu, David Alexander, and Holly R. Gilbert E-print, Oct 2008, File; ApJ ++30 July - 05:19 UT 1N/C9.4 flare and large CME followed by 06:30 UT: 2B/X1.3 flare and large and wide full halo CME; 4-line dimmings; See Events!! ++Type II burst at our spectrum; See Events!! РАДИАЛЬНЫЕ РАСПРЕДЕЛЕНИЯ ВЕЛИЧИНЫ МАГНИТНОГО ПОЛЯ В СОЛНЕЧНОЙ КОРОНЕ, ПОЛУЧЕННЫЕ С ИСПОЛЬЗОВАНИЕМ СВЕДЕНИЙ О БЫСТРЫХ ГАЛО-КВМ ФАЙНШТЕЙН В.Г.1, ЕГОРОВ Я.И. Том: 4 Номер: 1 Год: 2018 Страницы: 3-13 File (See https://arxiv.org/pdf/1712.09046.pdf) Which Bow Shock Theory, Gasdynamic or Magnetohydrodynamic, Better Explains CME Stand-off Distance Ratios from LASCO-C2 Observations ? Jae-Ok Lee1,2, Y.-J. Moon1, Jin-Yi Lee3, R.-S. Kim2, and K.-S. Cho2 2017 ApJ 838 70 http://sci-hub.cc/10.3847/1538-4357/aa656f НАЧАЛЬНЫЕ СКОРОСТИ КОРОНАЛЬНЫХ ВЫБРОСОВ МАСС И ОСОБЕННОСТИ СОПРОВОЖДАЕМЫХ ВСПЫШЕК Дивлекеев М.И. Пулково «Солнечная и солнечно-земная физика – 2015» с.115 High resolution observations with Artemis-IV and the NRH. I. Type IV associated narrow-band bursts C. Bouratzis, A. Hillaris, C.E. Alissandrakis, P. Preka-Papadema, X. Moussas, C. Caroubalos, P. Tsitsipis, A. Kontogeorgos A&A 2015 http://arxiv.org/pdf/1512.02481v1.pdf Interacting CMEs and their associated flare and SEP activities A.Shanmugaraju, S.Prasanna Subramanian 2014 http://arxiv.org/pdf/1405.6316v1.pdf Reversed Drifting Quasi-periodic Pulsating Structure in the X1.3 Solar Flare on 30 July 2005 Rui Wang, Baolin Tan, Chengming Tan and Yihua Yan Solar Physics , Volume 278, Number 2 (2012), 411-419 RHESSI observations of long-duration flares with long-lasting X-ray loop-top sources S. Kolomanski, T. Mrozek and U. Bak-St?slicka A&A 531, A57 (2011), File Damped large amplitude transverse oscillations in an EUV solar prominence, triggered by large-scale transient coronal waves J. Hershaw1, C. Foullon1, V. M. Nakariakov1,2 and E. Verwichte A&A 531, A53 (2011), File Magnetic energy release: flares and coronal mass ejections Cristina H. Mandrini Solar and Stellar Variability: Impact on Earth and Planets, Proceedings IAU Symposium No. 264, 2009, p. 257-266, A.G. Kosovichev, A.H. Andrei & J.-P. Rozelot, eds. Y:\obridko\otchet09 Implosion in a Coronal Eruption Rui Liu, Haimin Wang, David Alexander E-print, Feb 2009; ApJ between 16:00 and 17:00 UT Flux-rms relation in solar radio bursts Lin Wang, Cheng Fang and Yu Ying Liu Astrophysics and Space Science, Volume 318 Number 1-2, 79 – 86, 2008 Asymmetric Eruptive Filaments Rui Liu, David Alexander, and Holly R. Gilbert E-print, Oct 2008, File; ApJ 31 July - 05-06 UT: impressive SE-limb eruption; See Events!! 12:24 UT: M1.1 flare Solar Type IV bursts at frequencies 10-30 MHz V.N. Melnik, H. O. Rucker, A. A. Konovalenko, V.V. Dorovskyy, E.P. Abranin, A.I. Brazhenko, B.Thide, A. A. Stanislavskyy 2018 https://arxiv.org/ftp/arxiv/papers/1802/1802.06249.pdf