December 2004 ++1 - A full halo CME was observed after an M1 event in region 10708 during the morning. The CME was best defined over the northeast limb, however, faint material movement was observed in all other directions in LASCO C3 images. Another and slower CME with a source well behind the northwest limb was observed at the same time. ++07:20 UT: M1.1 flare, halo CME, dimmings and CW,See Events!! type IV(IIIGG) at our spectrum The physics of solar spectral imaging observations in dm-cm wavelengths and the application on space weather Review Baolin Tan, Yihua Yan, Jing Huang, Yin Zhang, Chengming Tan, Xiaoshuai Zhu Advance in Space Research, 2023 On the influence of Langmuir wave spectra on the spectra of electromagnetic waves generated in solar plasma with double plasma frequency Igor V Kudryavtsev, T I Kaltman Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, Volume 503, Issue 4, June 2021, Pages 5740–5745 РАЗВИТИЕ ВСПЫШЕЧНЫХ ПРОЦЕССОВ И ОСОБЕННОСТИ ТОНКОЙ СТРУКТУРЫ СОЛНЕЧНОГО РАДИОИЗЛУЧЕНИЯ Чернов П., Фомичев В.В., Йан У., Тан Б., Тан Ч., Фу К. ГЕОМАГНЕТИЗМ И АЭРОНОМИЯ Том: 57 Номер: 6 Год: 2017 Страницы: 794-807 Development of Solar Flares and Features of the Fine Structure of Solar Radio Emission G.P. Chernov, V.V. Fomichev, Y. Yan, B. Tan, Ch. Tan, Q.Fu Geomagnetism and Aeronomy 2017 Radio observations of the fine structure inside a post-CME current sheet Guan-Nan Gao1,2,3, Min Wang1,3,4, Jun Lin1, Ning Wu5, Cheng-Ming Tan4, Berhard Kliem1,6 and Yang Su7 Research in Astronomy and Astrophysics, Volume 14, Number 7, 2014 Last news on zebra pattern Gennady Chernov Solar Phys. 2016 Review on Current Sheets in CME Development: Theories and Observations Jun Lin, Nicholas A. Murphy, Chengcai Shen, John C. Raymond, Katharine K. Reeves,Jiayong Zhong, Ning Wu, Yan Li Space Science Reviews Volume 194, Issue 1, pp 237-302 Nov 2015 File О пространственных наблюдениях радиоисточников тонкой структуры солнечных радиовсплесков Чернов Г.П., Фомичев В.В., Сыч Р.А., Yan Yihua, Fu Qijun, Жданов Д.А. ИКИ-2014, Сессия: Солнце ANALYSIS OF KINETIC PROCESS OF ENERGETIC ELECTRON DURING A FLARE ON 2004 DECEMBER 1 Jing Huang1,2 and Yihua Yan1 ApJ 705 1063-1072, 2009 EVIDENCE OF CHROMOSPHERIC EVAPORATION IN THE 2004 DECEMBER 1 SOLAR FLARE Zongjun Ning1, Wenda Cao2, Jing Huang3, Guangli Huang1, Yihua Yan3, and Hengqiang Feng4 Astrophysical Journal, 699:15–22, 2009 2- Automated Solar Feature Detection for Space Weather Applications A Review David Perez-Suarez, Paul A. Higgins, D. Shaun Bloomfield, R.T. James McAteer, Larisza D. Krista, Jason P. Byrne, Peter. T. Gallagher E-print, Oct 2011 Book chapter in -Applied Signal and Image Processing: Multidisciplinary Advancements- (ed. Rami Qahwaji, Roger Green and Evor L. Hines) pp. 207-225, 2011 ++3 - A full halo CME was observed in LASCO C3 images beginning at 00:42 UTC. This CME was fast and aimed squarely at Earth. ++00:36 UT: M1.1 flare, halo CME, CW, dimmings; See Events!! A Semi-empirical Approach to the Dynamic Coupling of CMEs and Solar Wind P. Romero-Corona1,2,3, J. J. Gonzalez-Aviles1,2,3, and P. Riley4 2022 ApJ 937 24 On the Emission Region of Type II Radio Bursts in Interplanetary Shock Fronts E. Aguilar-Rodriguez & P. Corona-Romero Solar Physics volume 295, Article number: 77 (2020) Origin of wide-band IP type II bursts S. Pohjolainen, H. Allawi, E. Valtonen E-print, Aug 2013; A&A Type II Solar Radio Bursts : 2. Detailed comparison of theory with observations Hillan, D. S.; Cairns, I. H.; Robinson, P. A. J. Geophys. Res., Vol. 117, 2012, File Factors Affecting The Intensity of Solar Energetic Particle Events Nat Gopalswamy in Proc. Tenth annual Astrophysics Conf., ed. J. Heerikhuisen, G. Li, and G. Zank, American Institute of Physics, in press, 2012, File. Three-dimensional reconstruction of coronal mass ejections using heliospheric imager data Timothy A. Howard Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics, Volume 73, Issue 10, 2011, Pages 1242-1253, File CME Interaction with Coronal Holes and their Interplanetary Consequences N. Gopalswamy1, P. Makela1,2, H. Xie1,2, S. Akiyama1,2, and S. Yashiro1,2 JGR, 2009; File; J. Geophys. Res., Vol. 114, No. A3, A00A22 ++8 - LDE C2.5, 19:59 UT, weak type II radio, large filament eruption spanning about 20 degrees longitude across the central meridian, full halo (asymmetrical) CME; interesting large dimming; See Events!! 15 - A full halo CME was observed in LASCO C3 images after 19h UTC on December 15. Its source was likely several days behind the northwest limb. 24 Dec 2004 05 UT Эрупция большого W волокна; CME. Наблюдения ССРТ. EIT нет наблюдений; КОРОНАС-Ф/СПИРИТ ??? Small electron acceleration episodes in the solar corona Tomin James, Prasad Subramanian, Eduard P Kontar MNRAS 2017 27-29 Coronal mass ejections and their sheath regions in interplanetary space Review Emilia Kilpua, Hannu E. J. Koskinen & Tuija I. Pulkkinen Living Reviews in Solar Physics December 2017, 14:5 File +29 - The CME associated with the M2.3 flare in region 10715 at 16 UT was well defined over the east limb, very faint extensions were observed around the remainder of the disk. See Events!! Multi-wavelength Study of Energetic Processes during Solar Flares occurrence Shirsh Lata Soni, Radhe Shyam Gupta, Adya Prasad Mishra Research in astronomy and Astrophysics 2020 Interacting CMEs and their associated flare and SEP activities A.Shanmugaraju, S.Prasanna Subramanian 2014 ++30 - A full halo CME was observed after the M2.2 at 10:40 UT event in region 10715 before noon. The CME was faint over the poles and the west limbs. See Events!! 10:40 UT: type II burst at our spectrum -- Another and faster CME was likely launched after the M4 event in region 10715 at 22:20 UT late in the day. See Events!! !!Moreton wave at H-alpha? Interacting CMEs and their associated flare and SEP activities A.Shanmugaraju, S.Prasanna Subramanian 2014 31 - Formation of Isolated Radio Type II Bursts at Low Frequencies Silja Pohjolainen, Nasrin Talebpour Sheshvan Solar Phys. 2021