November 2004 1 - A faint full halo CME was observed in LASCO C3 images following an M1.1 proton event in region 10691 early in the day. ++15:47 UT: M5.0/SN flare, halo CME, 4line dimmings and CW; See Events! Element Abundances in Impulsive Solar Energetic-Particle Events Donald Reames 2023 File Solar Energetic Electron Events Associated with Hard X-Ray Flares Wen Wang1, Linghua Wang1, Sam Krucker2,3, Glenn M. Mason4, Yang Su5,6, and Radoslav Bucik7 2021 ApJ 913 89 The Radio Signature of Magnetic Reconnection for the M-Class Flare of 2004 November 1 Guangli Huang, Haisheng Ji, and Guiping Wu The Astrophysical Journal Letters, Vol. 672, No. 2: L131-L134. Simultaneous observations of second and sub-second time structures in H ? , radio and hard X-ray data due to the periodical particle acceleration and MHD waves in the November 1, 2004 flare Huang Guangli and Ji Haisheng Astrophysics and Space Science, Volume 312, Numbers 1-2, 127-138, 2007. ++3 - A halo CME was observed after an M1 event in region 10696 early in the day. While this CME was not aimed directly at Earth, a sideways glancing impact is possible late on November 5 or on November 6. A large, fast, full halo CME was observed after an M5 event in region 10696 during the afternoon. Again, this CME was not aimed directly at Earth. However, much more mass was observed over the west limbs compared to the event earlier in the day. ++03:05 UT: M1.6/1N flare, halo CME, 4line dimmings and CW; See Events! ÐÀÄÈÀËÜÍÛÅ ÐÀÑÏÐÅÄÅËÅÍÈß ÂÅËÈ×ÈÍÛ ÌÀÃÍÈÒÍÎÃÎ ÏÎËß Â ÑÎËÍÅ×ÍÎÉ ÊÎÐÎÍÅ, ÏÎËÓ×ÅÍÍÛÅ Ñ ÈÑÏÎËÜÇÎÂÀÍÈÅÌ ÑÂÅÄÅÍÈÉ Î ÁÛÑÒÐÛÕ ÃÀËÎ-ÊÂÌ ÔÀÉÍØÒÅÉÍ Â.Ã.1, ÅÃÎÐΠß.È. Òîì: 4 Íîìåð: 1 Ãîä: 2018 Ñòðàíèöû: 3-13 File (See The causes of quasi-homologous CMEs Lijuan Liu, Yuming Wang, Rui Liu, Zhenjun Zhou, M. Temmer, J. K. Thalmann, Jiajia Liu, Kai Liu, Chenglong Shen, Quanhao Zhang, A. M. Veronig 2017 Energetic Electron Propagation in the Decay Phase of Non-thermal Flare Emission Jing Huang1, Yihua Yan1, and Yuri T. Tsap 2014 ApJ 787 123 TRAPPED ENERGETIC ELECTRONS OF CORONAL LOOPS IN THE DECAY PHASE OF SOLAR FLARES Yuriy Tsap, Jing Huang, Yihua Yan ÈÊÈ, 2014, Ñåññèÿ: Ñîëíöå Propagation of Moreton Waves Y.Z. Zhang, R. Kitai, N. Narukage, T. Matsumoto, S. Ueno, K. Shibata and J.X. Wang E-print, April 2011, File, PASJ HARD–SOFT–HARD FLARE SPECTRA AND THEIR ENERGY DEPENDENCE IN SPECTRAL EVOLUTION OF A SOLAR HARD X-RAY FLARE Chengwen Shao1,2 and Guangli Huang Astrophysical Journal, 694:L162–L165, 2009 MICROWAVE AND HARD X-RAY SPECTRAL EVOLUTION IN TWO SOLAR FLARES Zongjun Ning The Astrophysical Journal, 659: L69–L72, 2007 2004 May 21 and November 3. Although the microwave and hard X-ray emission are produced by electrons at very different energies, a correlation between their spectral indices is found, indicating a common acceleration mechanism. Diagnosis of coronal magnetic field and nonthermal electrons from Nobeyama observations of a simple flare G.L. Huang Advances in Space Research , Volume 41, Issue 8, Pages 1191-1194 (2008) -------------------- !!Enhanced activity!! ++ 3-10 Nov - A series of powerful flares and CME accompanied with spectacular large-scale dimmings and CWs by severe geomagnetic storms and strong FD An AR inside a CH Influence of Magnetic Clouds on Variations of Cosmic Rays in November 2004 Xiao Xia Yu • Hong Lu • Gui Ming Le • Feng Shi Solar Phys (2010) 263: 223–237, DOI 10.1007/s11207-010-9522-7; File November 2004 space weather events: Real time observations and forecasts L. Trichtchenko, A.N. Zhukov, R.A.M. Van der Linden, S. M. Stankov, N. Jakowski, I. Stanislawska, G. Juchnikowski, P. Wilkinson, G. Patterson, A. W. P. Thomson Space Weather 5, S06001 (2007). File 3-D reconstructions of the early-November 2004 CDAW geomagnetic storms: analysis of Ooty IPS speed and density data M. M. Bisi1, B. V. Jackson1, J. M. Clover1, P. K. Manoharan2, M. Tokumaru3, P. P. Hick1,4, and A. Buffington1 Ann. Geophys., 27, 4479-4489, 2009; File Is there more global solar activity on the Sun? J. X. Wang1, Y.Z. Zhang1, G.P. Zhou1, Y.Y. Wen1 and J. Jiang2 Solar and Stellar Variability: Impact on Earth and Planets, Proceedings IAU Symposium No. 264, 2009, p. 251-256, A.G. Kosovichev, A.H. Andrei & J.-P. Rozelot, eds. Y:\obridko\otchet09 Three-dimensional reconstructions of the early November 2004 Coordinated Data Analysis Workshop geomagnetic storms: Analyses of STELab IPS speed and SMEI density data, Bisi, M. M., Jackson, B. V., Hick, P. P., Buffington, A., Odstrcil, D., and Clover, J. M.: J. Geophys. Res., 113, A00A11, doi:10.1029/2008JA013222, 2008a. Solar Trans-equatorial Activity Jingxiu Wang · Yuzong Zhang · Guiping Zhou · Louise K. Harra · David R.Williams · Yunchun Jiang Solar Phys (2007) 244: 75–94 We have found that solar flares in NOAA active region (AR) 10696 were often associated with large-scale trans-equatorial activities. These trans-equatorial activities appeared to be very common and manifest themselves through i) the formation and eruption of trans-equatorial loops (TELs), ii) the formation and eruption of trans-equatorial filaments (TEFs), and iii) the trans-equatorial brightening (TEB) in the chromosphere. It is determined that the TEF was formed following episodic plasma ejecta from flares occurring in the AR. The TEF eruption was associated with a trans-equatorial flare. All flares in the AR that were accompanied by trans-equatorial activities were associated with halo coronal mass ejections (CMEs). It was noticed that one or several major flares in the AR were followed by an increase of brightness and nonpotentiality of a TEL. These coupled events had a lifetime of more than 12 hours. In addition their associated halo CMEs always had a positive acceleration, indicating prolonged magnetic reconnections in the outer corona at high altitudes. ÊÐÓÏÍÎÌÀÑØÒÀÁÍÀß ÀÊÒÈÂÍÎÑÒÜ Â ÑÎËÍÅ×ÍÛÕ ÌÎÙÍÛÕ ÝÐÓÏÒÈÂÍÛÕ ÑÎÁÛÒÈßÕ ÍÎßÁÐß 2004 ã. ÏÎ ÄÀÍÍÛÌ SOHO È. Ì. ×åðòîê ÀÑÒÐÎÍÎÌÈ×ÅÑÊÈÉÆÓÐÍÀË, 2006, òîì 83,¹1, ñ. 76–87 -------------------- ++4- Two full halo CMEs was observed during the day. The first one was after a long duration C6 event in region 10696 in the morning. This CME, is not overtaken by the larger CME observed later in the day, is likely to reach Earth either late on November 6 or early on November 7. The second CME was associated with a major long duration event in region 10696 late in the day. This was a fast, large, full halo CME ++09:05 UT: C6.3/SF flare, halo CME, 4line dimmings and CW; See Events! +Drufting CONT at our spectrum ++>21 UT: several flares (M2.5, M5.4), halo CME, 4line dimmings and CW; See Events! Forecasting SYM?H Index: A Comparison Between Long Short?Term Memory and Convolutional Neural Networks F. Siciliano , G. Consolini , R. Tozzi , M. Gentili , F. Giannattasio, P. De Michelis Space Weather e2020SW002589 2020 Extreme Solar Eruptions and their Space Weather Consequences Review Nat Gopalswamy 2017, be published by Elsevier as a chapter in the book, "Extreme Events in the Geospace: Origins, Predictability and Consequences", Ed. Natalia Buzulukova File Solar Energetic Particles and Associated EIT Disturbances in Solar Cycle 23 R. Miteva, K.-L. Klein, I. Kienreich, M. Temmer, A. Veronig, O. E. Malandraki E-print, Feb 2014, File; Solar Phys. Hard X-ray Footpoint Asymmetry Ya-Hui YANG RHESSI Science Nugget, No. 212, Nov 2013 ASYMMETRY OF HARD X-RAY EMISSIONS AT CONJUGATE FOOTPOINTS IN SOLAR FLARES Ya-Hui Yang1, C. Z. Cheng2,3, Sam Krucker4,5, Min-Shiu Hsieh6, and Nai-Hwa Chen 2012 ApJ 756 42 Instrumental oscillations in RHESSI count rates during solar flares A. R. Inglis1,5, I. V. Zimovets2, B. R. Dennis1, E. P. Kontar3, V. M. Nakariakov4,6, A. B. Struminsky2 and A. K. Tolbert A&A 530, A47 (2011) Investigation of the Neupert Effect in the Various Intervals of Solar Flares Zongjun Ning •Wenda Cao Solar Phys (2010) 264: 329–344; File 5-8 Nov Structure and Evolution of Magnetic Fields Associated with Solar Eruptions (Invited Review) Haimin Wang, Chang Liu Research in Astronomy and Astrophysics, 2015 File ++6 - A fast and large CME aimed almost directly at Earth was observed early in the day following a sequence of M class events in region 10696, the largest was an M9 event just after midnight. ++00:34 UT: M9.3/2N flare, large halo CME, large 4-line dimmings, CW, large-area dimming (absorption) at 304 A; See Events!! Estimation of Reconnection Flux using Post-eruption Arcades and Its Relevance to 1-au Magnetic Clouds N. Gopalswamy, S. Yashiro, S. Akiyama, H. Xie Solar Phys. 2017 File Interacting CMEs and their associated flare and SEP activities A.Shanmugaraju, S.Prasanna Subramanian 2014 Hard X-ray Footpoint Asymmetry Ya-Hui YANG RHESSI Science Nugget, No. 212, Nov 2013 ARE DECAYING MAGNETIC FIELDS ABOVE ACTIVE REGIONS RELATED TO CORONAL MASS EJECTION ONSET? J. Suzuki1, B. T. Welsch2, and Y. Li 2012 ApJ 758 22 ASYMMETRY OF HARD X-RAY EMISSIONS AT CONJUGATE FOOTPOINTS IN SOLAR FLARES Ya-Hui Yang1, C. Z. Cheng2,3, Sam Krucker4,5, Min-Shiu Hsieh6, and Nai-Hwa Chen 2012 ApJ 756 42 Instrumental oscillations in RHESSI count rates during solar flares A. R. Inglis1,5, I. V. Zimovets2, B. R. Dennis1, E. P. Kontar3, V. M. Nakariakov4,6, A. B. Struminsky2 and A. K. Tolbert A&A 530, A47 (2011) 3-D reconstructions of the early-November 2004 CDAW geomagnetic storms: analysis of Ooty IPS speed and density data M. M. Bisi1, B. V. Jackson1, J. M. Clover1, P. K. Manoharan2, M. Tokumaru3, P. P. Hick1,4, and A. Buffington1 Ann. Geophys., 27, 4479-4489, 2009; File Studying geoeffective interplanetary coronal mass ejections between the Sun and Earth: Space weather implications of Solar Mass Ejection Imager observations Webb, D. F.; Howard, T. A.; Fry, C. D.; Kuchar, T. A.; Mizuno, D. R.; Johnston, J. C.; Jackson, B. V. Space Weather, Vol. 7, No. 5, S05002, 2009, File; Three-dimensional reconstructions of the early November 2004 Coordinated Data Analysis Workshop geomagnetic storms: Analyses of STELab IPS speed and SMEI density data, Bisi, M. M., Jackson, B. V., Hick, P. P., Buffington, A., Odstrcil, D., and Clover, J. M.: J. Geophys. Res., 113, A00A11, doi:10.1029/2008JA013222, 2008a. ÊÐÓÏÍÎÌÀÑØÒÀÁÍÀß ÀÊÒÈÂÍÎÑÒÜ Â ÑÎËÍÅ×ÍÛÕ ÌÎÙÍÛÕ ÝÐÓÏÒÈÂÍÛÕ ÑÎÁÛÒÈßÕ ÍÎßÁÐß 2004 ã. ÏÎ ÄÀÍÍÛÌ SOHO È. Ì. ×åðòîê ÀÑÒÐÎÍÎÌÈ×ÅÑÊÈÉÆÓÐÍÀË, 2006, òîì 83,¹1, ñ. 76–87 ++7 - A large and fast full halo CME was observed after the X2 flare in region 10696 during the afternoon. ++16:06 UT: X2 LDE flare; large 4-line dimmings, CW; See Events!! A Comparison of Solar X-Ray Flare Timescales and Peak Temperatures with Associated Coronal Mass Ejections S. W. Kahler1 and A. G. Ling2 2022 ApJ 934 175 Proton Penetration Efficiency over a High Altitude Observatory in Mexico S. Miyake, T. Koi, Y. Muraki, Y. Matsubara, S. Masuda, P. Miranda, T. Naito, E. Ortiz, A. Oshima, T. Sakai, T. Sako, S. Shibata, H. Takamaru, M. Tokumaru, J. F. Valdes-Galicia In the 21st International Symposium on Very High Energy Cosmic Ray Intercations (ISVHE-CRI 2022) In association with a large solar flare on November 7, 2004, the solar neutron detectors located at Mt. Chacaltaya (5,250m) in Bolivia and Mt. Sierra Negra (4,600m) in Mexico recorded very interesting events. In order to explain these events, we have performed a calculation solving the equation of motion of anti-protons inside the magnetosphere. Based on these results, the Mt. Chacaltaya event may be explained by the detection of solar neutrons, while the Mt. Sierra Negra event may be explained by the first detection of very high energy solar neutron decay protons (SNDPs) around 6 GeV. Detection of Energy Cutoffs in Flare-accelerated Electrons Fanxiaoyu Xia1,2, Yang Su1,2, Wen Wang3, Linghua Wang3, Alexander Warmuth4, Weiqun Gan1,2, and Youping Li1,2 2021 ApJ 908 111 Solar Neutron Decay Protons observed in November 7, 2004 Yasushi Muraki, Jose F. Valde-Galicia, Ernesto Ortiz, Yutaka Matsubara, Shoichi Shibata, Takashi Sako, Satoshi Masuda, Munetoshi Tokumaru, Tatsumi Koi, Akitoshi Ooshima, Takasuke Sakai, Tsuguya Naito, Pedro Miranda Earth, Planet and Space 2021 Evolution of Coronal and Interplanetary Shock Waves Inferred from a Radio Burst Khaled Alielden Solar Physics October 2019, 294:159 ÐÀÄÈÀËÜÍÛÅ ÐÀÑÏÐÅÄÅËÅÍÈß ÂÅËÈ×ÈÍÛ ÌÀÃÍÈÒÍÎÃÎ ÏÎËß Â ÑÎËÍÅ×ÍÎÉ ÊÎÐÎÍÅ, ÏÎËÓ×ÅÍÍÛÅ Ñ ÈÑÏÎËÜÇÎÂÀÍÈÅÌ ÑÂÅÄÅÍÈÉ Î ÁÛÑÒÐÛÕ ÃÀËÎ-ÊÂÌ ÔÀÉÍØÒÅÉÍ Â.Ã.1, ÅÃÎÐΠß.È. Òîì: 4 Íîìåð: 1 Ãîä: 2018 Ñòðàíèöû: 3-13 File (See Elongation of Flare Ribbons Jiong Qiu1, Dana W. Longcope1, Paul A. Cassak2, and Eric R. Priest 2017 ApJ 838 17 DOI 10.3847/1538-4357/aa6341 Solar Energetic Particle Events with Protons Above 500 MeV Between 1995 and 2015 Measured with SOHO/EPHIN P. Kuhl, N. Dresing, B. Heber, A. Klassen Solar Physics January 2017, 292:10 The Roles of Reconnected Flux and Overlying Fields in CME Speeds Minda Deng, Brian T. Welsch 2015 Interacting CMEs and their associated flare and SEP activities A.Shanmugaraju, S.Prasanna Subramanian 2014 DEFLECTIONS OF FAST CORONAL MASS EJECTIONS AND THE PROPERTIES OF ASSOCIATED SOLAR ENERGETIC PARTICLE EVENTS S. W. Kahler1, S. Akiyama2, and N. Gopalswamy 2012 ApJ 754 100, File Predictions of Energy and Helicity in Four Major Eruptive Solar Flares Maria D. Kazachenko, Richard C. Canfield, Dana W. Longcope and Jiong Qiu E-print, July 2011, Solar Physics, Volume 277, Number 1, 165-183, 2012, File Coronal and Interplanetary Magnetic Fields in October-November 2003 and November 7 2004 CMEs Vasyl Yurchyshyn Presentation at the RST Workshop in Sonoma, CA, Dec 8-11, 2004, File Comment on the Paper “CAWSES November 7–8, 2004, Superstorm: Complex Solar and Interplanetary Features in the Post_Solar Maximum Phase,” B. T. Tsurutani, E. Echer, F. L. Guarnieri, and J. U. Kozyra, Geophys. Res. Lett. 35 (2008) V. G. Eselevich, V. M. Bogodb, I. V. Chasheyc, M. V. Eselevicha, and Yu. I. Yermolaevd Geomagnetism and Aeronomy, 2009, Vol. 49, No. 1, pp. 133–135, File. The solar and interplanetary sources of the geomagnetic storms of November 7–10, 2004, were previously discussed in detail in many papers (see, e.g. [Ishkov, 2005; Yermo laev et al., 2005; Wintoft et al., 2005; Gopalswamy et al., 2006; Chertok, 2006; Arkhangelskaya et al., 2006; Trichtchenko et al., 2007; Culhane et al., 2007; Harra et al., 2007]). RECONNECTION IN THREE DIMENSIONS: THE ROLE OF SPINES IN THREE ERUPTIVE FLARES Angela Des Jardins1, Richard Canfield1, Dana Longcope1, Crystal Fordyce2, and Scott Waitukaitis3 Astrophysical Journal, 693:1628–1636, 2009 March In order to better understand magnetic reconnection and particle acceleration in solar flares, we compare the RHESSI hard X-ray (HXR) footpoint motions of three flares with a detailed study of the corresponding topology Observational Analysis of Magnetic Reconnection Sequence Jiong Qiu E-print, Oct 2008; Astrophysical Journal, 692:1110–1124, 2009 February ON THE MAGNETIC FLUX BUDGET IN LOW-CORONA MAGNETIC RECONNECTION AND INTERPLANETARY CORONAL MASS EJECTIONS Jiong Qiu,1 Qiang Hu,2 Timothy A. Howard,1 and Vasyl B. Yurchyshyn3 The Astrophysical Journal, 659:758-772, 2007, File Coronal Magnetic Topology and EUV Dimmings Y. Zhang et al. Solar Phys., 2006, file Modeling and measuring the flux reconnected and ejected by the two-ribbon flare on 2004-11-07 -- D. Longcope, C. Beveridge, J. Qiu, B. Ravindra, G. Barnes and S. Dasso, E-print, Nov 2006 Sol. Phys., 244, 45–73,2007. CME Propagation Characteristics from Radio Observations S. Pohjolainen, L. van Driel-Gesztelyi, J.L. Culhane, P.K. Manoharan, H.A. Elliott E-print, July 2007, file Solar Physics Topical Issue (Sun-Earth Connection), accepted July 2007 Study of CME transit speeds for the event of 07-NOV-2004 J.L. Culhane, S. Pohjolainen, L. van Driel-Gesztelyi, P.K. Manoharan and H.A. Elliott Advances in Space Research Volume 40, Issue 12, 2007, Pages 1807-1814 Several methods for CME speed estimation are discussed. How Does Large Flaring Activity from the Same Active Region Produce Oppositely Directed Magnetic Clouds? Louise K. Harra · Nancy U. Crooker · Cristina H. Mandrini · Lidia van Driel-Gesztelyi · Sergio Dasso · Jingxiu Wang · Heather Elliott · Gemma Attrill · Bernard V. Jackson · Mario M. Bisi Solar Phys, DOI 10.1007/s11207-007-9002-x, 2007 We describe the interplanetary coronal mass ejections (ICMEs) that occurred as a result of a series of solar flares and eruptions from 4 to 8 November 2004. Two ICMEs/magnetic clouds occurring from these events had opposite magnetic orientations. This was despite the fact that the major flares related to these events occurred within the same active region that maintained the same magnetic configuration. Modeling and Measuring the Flux Reconnected and Ejected by the Two-Ribbon Flare/CME Event on 7 November 2004 Dana Longcope · Colin Beveridge · Jiong Qiu · B. Ravindra · Graham Barnes · Sergio Dasso Solar Phys, (2007) 244: 45–73, DOI 10.1007/s11207-007-0330-7, 2007 Spectral Hardening in Large Solar Flares P. C. Grigis and A. O. Benz A&A, 2007, File ÊÐÓÏÍÎÌÀÑØÒÀÁÍÀß ÀÊÒÈÂÍÎÑÒÜ Â ÑÎËÍÅ×ÍÛÕ ÌÎÙÍÛÕ ÝÐÓÏÒÈÂÍÛÕ ÑÎÁÛÒÈßÕ ÍÎßÁÐß 2004 ã. ÏÎ ÄÀÍÍÛÌ SOHO È. Ì. ×åðòîê ÀÑÒÐÎÍÎÌÈ×ÅÑÊÈÉÆÓÐÍÀË, 2006, òîì 83,¹1, ñ. 76–87 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- !8 - Very large geomagnetic storm and FD from CME of 6d: Dst~-400 nT New Findings from Explainable SYM-H Forecasting using Gradient Boosting Machines Daniel Iong,Yang Chen,Gabor Toth,Shasha Zou,Tuija Pulkkinen,Jiaen Ren,Enrico Camporeale,Tamas Gombosi Space Weather e2021SW002928 2022 Intense Geomagnetically Induced Currents (GICs): Association with Solar and Geomagnetic Activities Rajkumar Hajra Solar Physics volume 297, Article number: 14 (2022) Exploring three recurrent neural network architectures for geomagnetic predictions Peter Wintoft, and Magnus Wik Front. Astron. Space Sci., 12 May 2021 | CME front and severe space weather N. Balan1,2,6,*, R. Skoug3, S. Tulasi Ram4, P. K. Rajesh2, K. Shiokawa1, Y. Otsuka1, I. S. Batista5, Y. Ebihara6 andT. Nakamura7 JGR, 2014 Solar and interplanetary origins of the November 2004 superstorms Ezequiel Echer, Bruce T. Tsurutanib and Fernando L. Guarnieric Advances in Space Research, Volume 44, Issue 5, 1 September 2009, Pages 615-620, 2009 November 2004 space weather events: Real-time observations and forecasts Scientists describe the solar-magnetosphere-ionosphere conditions during 6-10 November 2004, a period of heightened solar activity, and show how ground infrastructures were affected by the adverse space weather. Trichtchenko, L.; Zhukov, A.; van der Linden, R.; Stankov, S. M.; Jakowski, N.; Stanisl/awska, I.; Juchnikowski, G.; Wilkinson, P.; Patterson, G.; Thomson, A. W. P. Space Weather, Vol. 5, No. 6, S06001 Progressive Transformation of a Flux Rope to an ICME Comparative Analysis Using the Direct and Fitted Expansion Methods S. Dasso · M.S. Nakwacki · P. Demoulin · C.H. Mandrini Solar Phys (2007) 244: 115–137 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ++8 - A full halo CME was observed early in the day after a long duration event in the eastern part of region 10696. ++03:29 UT: C7.9 LDE, halo CME, 4line dimmings and CW; See Events! 14:35 and 15:49 UT: C7.7/1N M2.3/1N impulsive flares; dimmings; See Events! ++9 - A very fast full halo CME was observed after the M8 major flare in region 10696 during the afternoon. ++17:19 UT: M8.9/2N flare, halo CME, 4line dimmings and CW; See Events! Forbush Decrease: A New Perspective with Classification Anil Raghav,Zubair Shaikh,Ankush Bhaskar,Gauri Datar, Geeta Vichare Solar Physics August 2017, 292:99 PROPERTIES OF SEQUENTIAL CHROMOSPHERIC BRIGHTENINGS AND ASSOCIATED FLARE RIBBONS Michael S. Kirk1,2,3, K. S. Balasubramaniam1,2,3, Jason Jackiewicz1, R. T. James McAteer1, and Ryan O. Milligan 2012 ApJ 750 145 ICME Grad-Shafranov reconstruction of magnetic clouds: overview and improvements Alexey Isavnin, Emilia K.J. Kilpua, Hannu E.J. Koskinen E-print, 9 Aug 2011, File, Solar Physics, Volume 273, Number 1, 205-219, 2011, 9-10 The effect of magnetic field line topology on ICME-related GCR modulation Emma E. Davies (1 and 2), Camilla Scolini (1), Reka M. Winslow (1), Andrew P. Jordan (1), Christian Mostl (2) ApJ 2023 Measurements and Simulations of the Geomagnetically Induced Currents in Low?latitude Power Networks During Geomagnetic Storms J. J. Zhang , Y. Q. Yu , C. Wang, D. Du , D. Wei , L. G. Liu Space Weather Volume18, Issue8 e2020SW002549 2020 Cold prominence materials detected within magnetic clouds during 1998–2007 Jiemin Wang (???), Hengqiang Feng (???) and Guoqing Zhao (???) A&A 616, A41 (2018) ++10 -A very fast CME was likely associated with the major X2.8 flare in region 10696 early in the day ++02:13 UT: X2.5/3B flare, halo CME, 4line dimmings and CW; See Events! Characterizing extreme geomagnetic storms using Extreme Value Analysis: a discussion on the representativeness of short datasets G. Bernoux, V. Maget Space Weather Volume 18, Issue 6 e2020SW002450 2020 Statistical properties of radio flux densities of solar flares Wang Lu, Liu Si-ming, Ning Zong-jun Research in Astronomy and Astrophysics 2020 Solar Energetic Particle Events with Protons Above 500 MeV Between 1995 and 2015 Measured with SOHO/EPHIN P. Kuhl, N. Dresing, B. Heber, A. Klassen Solar Physics January 2017, 292:10 The spatial, spectral and polarization properties of solar flare X-ray sources Natasha L. S. Jeffrey Ph.D. Thesis, 2014 Measurements of Electron Anisotropy in Solar Flares Using Albedo with RHESSI X-Ray Data E. C. M. Dickson, E. P. Kontar Solar Physics, June 2013, Volume 284, Issue 2, pp 405-425 SOLAR ENERGETIC PARTICLE EVENTS AND THE KIPLINGER EFFECT S. W. Kahler 2012 ApJ 747 66, File RHESSI Scince Nuggets, No. 162, Slowly but surely towards the huge amount of energy I, by Urszula Bak-Steslicka, Tomasz Mrozek, and Sylwester Kolomanski: The energetics of "slow LDEs". Analysis of the event of 2004 November 10 Yuan Ma and LiYing Zhu Solar and Stellar Variability: Impact on Earth and Planets, Proceedings IAU Symposium No. 264, 2009, A.G. Kosovichev, A.H. Andrei & J.-P. Rozelot, eds., p. 273-275. Y:\obridko\otchet09 Hard X-ray Emission In Kinking Filaments Rui Liu & David Alexander Astrophysical Journal, 697:999–1009, 2009, File THE POWER-LAW DISTRIBUTION OF FLARE KERNELS AND FRACTAL CURRENT SHEETS IN A SOLAR FLARE N. Nishizuka, A. Asai, H. Takasaki, H. Kurokawa, and K. Shibata ApJL 694 L74-L78, 2009 WILLIAMS D.R., TIBOR T ?OR ?OK1, PASCAL D?E MOULIN2, LIDIA VAN DRIEL-GESZTELYI1,2,3 AND BERNHARD KLIEM4ERUPTION OF A KINK-UNSTABLE FILAMENT IN ACTIVE REGION NOAA 10696 DAVID R. E-print, June 2005 Spectral Hardening in Large Solar Flares P. C. Grigis and A. O. Benz A&A, 2007, File ----------------------------------------------------------------------- !10 - One more very large geomagnetic storm and FD from CME of 8d: Dst~-290 nT ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 24 Nov On the Statistical Relationship between CME Speed and Soft X-ray Flux and Fluence of the Associated Flare C. Salas-Matamoros, K.-L. Klein Solar Phys. 2015 30 - Flux-rms relation in solar radio bursts Lin Wang, Cheng Fang and Yu Ying Liu Astrophysics and Space Science, Volume 318 Number 1-2, 79 – 86, 2008