Halo CME MailHalo CME Mail Date: Tue, 20 Jan 2004 15:27 From: Guillermo Stenborg Subject: 'Full' Halo CME on 2004/01/20, frontsided UCMEO 93001 40120 2030/ 40120 60006 80942 0001/ 360// 323// 30874 40120 61948 80136 30516 10540 1122/ 99999 PLAIN BT LASCO and EIT observed a 'full' halo CME on 2004/01/20. A bright loop front was first seen in C2 at 00:06 UT at the S Pole; by 00:54 UT (C2) this bright front developed in a 'full' halo CME, the loop spanning ~120 deg from PA 130 - 250, with faint extensions arounding the rest of the C2 occultor. The front first appeared in C3 images at 00:42 UT as a bright rim in the S and was a 'full' halo at 01:42 UT. The mean plane-of-sky speed measured at several PA on C3 data resulted as follows: 673 km/s at PA ~054 653 km/s at PA ~095 819 km/s at PA ~135 783 km/s at PA ~180 708 km/s at PA ~200 874 km/s at PA ~263 346 km/s at PA ~351 The measurement at PA ~180 showed the biggest acceleration. Though the measurement at PA ~263 exhibited the faintest LE, it is the one taken for the UCMEO code (the fastest one). The CME was likely associated with complex solar activity on the visible side of the solar disk. A C8.2 X-ray flare occurred on NOAA AR 10540 located S16W05, which GOES records between 19:54 and 20:08 UT with peak emission at 20:02 UT on 2004/01/19, well observed by EIT/Fe XII. At around 22:12 UT on the same day material seems to come out from above the AR, and post-event loops start to develop short after that, slightly W of the flare site (at 00:36 UT the developing of the post-event loops can be well seen in EIT Fe XII data). Couple of hours later, features to the N and NW appear to be perturbated by what it seems to be a passing wave. This event has therefore been determined frontsided. Images and movies will shortly be made available at ftp://ares.nrl.navy.mil/pub/lasco/halo/20040120 Best wishes, Guillermo Stenborg ++ Dr. Guillermo A. Stenborg SOHO-LASCO Operations Scientist, CUA, MC 682.3, Bldg 26, Rm 001, F: +1-301-286-0264 NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, Greenbelt, MD 20771. P: +1-301-286-2941 e-mail: stenborg@kreutz.nascom.nasa.gov ++