Halo CME MailHalo CME Mail Date: Fri, 9 Jan 2004 16:08 From: Guillermo Stenborg Subject: Partial Halo CME on 2004/01/08, frontsided UCMEO 93001 40109 2015/ 40108 60506 80942 0151/ 150// 313// 31556 40108 60424 80636 16401 10537 1122/ 99999 PLAIN BT LASCO/EIT observed a faint 'partial' halo CME on 2004/01/08. The event was first discerned in C2 at 05:06 UT over the SE limb as a strong loop front with cavity and twisted trailing material brightest to S. By the time the event reaches the C3 fov the event appears as a diffuse transequatorial loop front brightest to S spanning ~135 deg from PA 15 - 150 at 07:42 UT (farthest point of leading edge at ~26 solar radii). The mean plane-of-sky speed for this event averaged 1556 km/s measured at PA ~114 based on C3 data with practically no acceleration. The CME was probably associated with an M1.3 X-ray flare from the NOAA AR 10537 located N01E64, which GOES records between 04:53 - 05:21 UT with peak emission at 05:07 UT. EIT/FeXII images show a brightening on AR 10537 starting at 04:24 UT. The quite sun region to the SW of the AR appears to dim over the course of the next hour, what could be associated to a modest EIT wave. No dimming is observed. This event has therefore been determined frontsided. Movies and images of this event will shortly be available at: ftp://ares.nrl.navy.mil/pub/lasco/halo/20040108 Best regards, Guillermo Stenborg ++ Dr. Guillermo A. Stenborg SOHO-LASCO Operations Scientist, CUA, MC 682.3, Bldg 26, Rm 001, F: +1-301-286-0264 NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, Greenbelt, MD 20771. P: +1-301-286-2941 e-mail: stenborg@kreutz.nascom.nasa.gov ++