Halo CME MailHalo CME Mail Date: Fri, 7 Nov 2003 12:07 From: Gareth Lawrence Subject: Full Halo CME on 2003/11/06, backsided LASCO observed a full halo CME on 2003/11/06. A bright full halo CME was first visible in C2 images at 17:30 UT; a bright loop front was visible in in the S and E in C3 images at 17:42 UT and had developed to a full halo CME by 18:18 UT. EIT running difference images clearly show a major backsided eruption from 17:12 UT, with peak activity at 17:24 UT. This event has therefore been determined backsided. Note that the slight eastward asymmetry of this CME in the C3 images is consistent with the likely position of old AR 0484. Best wishes, Gareth Lawrence. +----------PLEASE NOTE NEW EMAIL ADDRESS-----------+ Gareth Lawrence, grl@grace.nascom.nasa.gov SOHO-LASCO Operations Scientist, CUA, MC 682.3, Bldg 26, Rm 001, F: +1-301-286-0264 NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, Greenbelt, MD 20771. P: +1-301-286-2941 ++