August 2003 ************************************************ !!! EIT and LASCO images at movies appear to be rotated incorrectly untill 3 August!!! ************************************************ +1- large CH, interesting chains 08 UT: noticeable E-half eruption; Clear 4-line dimming wits partly brigtening at 284; See Events ++12 UT: huge over-SW-limb eruption at 195 A; See Events it is a circular filament inside a large CH that was visible on the disk several days ago!! 2- large CH, interesting chains, 23:40 UT: M1.3 flare, large halo CME +3- large CH, interesting chains; Illustration!! >00 UT: large halo CME 09 and 19 UT: central eruptions Solar Type IV bursts at frequencies 10-30 MHz V.N. Melnik, H. O. Rucker, A. A. Konovalenko, V.V. Dorovskyy, E.P. Abranin, A.I. Brazhenko, B.Thide, A. A. Stanislavskyy 2018 +4- large CH, interesting chains; Illustration!! +5- large CH, interesting chains; Illustration!! Several eruptions; +significant central/NW filament eruption, spectacular at e4!!! See Events Modeling of H? Eruptive Events Observed at the Solar Limb P. Kotrc, M. Barta, P. Schwartz, Y. A. Kupryakov, L. K. Kashapova, M. Karlicky Solar Physics, June 2013, Volume 284, Issue 2, pp 447-466 Rapid rotation of a sunspot associated with flares: X. L. Yan and Z. Q. Qu A&A 468 (2007) 1083-1088 (Section 'The Sun') Active region NOAA 10424 observed on August 5, 2003 is studied in detail by using TRACE, SOHO/MDI, BBSO H monograph, and GOES data. It is shown that there is a close relationship between the sunspot rotation and the emerging kinked magnetic -loops, where the flares occur. +6- large CH, interesting chains; Illustration!! +07:25 UT: noticiable SW eruption and dimming along a circular chain; See Event +7- CH, interesting chains >20 UT: S eruption; See Event +8- CH, interesting chains 11 UT: S eruption; See Event +9- CH, interesting chains +07:20 UT: SW/central eruption; See Events 10 - CH, interesting chains >10 UT: SW eruption +11 - CH, interesting chains +12:20 UT: noticeable E eruption; See Events 12 - CH +13 - CH and a chain inside 14 - CH, interesting chains 20 UT: rather faint halo CME (probably backside) Estimation of Reconnection Flux using Post-eruption Arcades and Its Relevance to 1-au Magnetic Clouds N. Gopalswamy, S. Yashiro, S. Akiyama, H. Xie Solar Phys. 2017 File Kinematic Properties of Slow ICMEs and an Interpretation of a Modified Drag Equation for Fast and Moderate ICMEs T. Iju, M. Tokumaru, K. Fujiki Solar Physics, June 2014, Volume 289, Issue 6, pp 2157-2175 14-18 The Frequency-Domain Characterization of Cosmic Ray Intensity Variations Before Forbush Decreases Associated with Geomagnetic Storms Qian Ye, Cong Wang,Fei He,Bingsen Xue,Xiaoxin Zhang Space Weather e2021SW002863 2022 +15 - CH, interesting chains +03 UT: central eruption and dimming; See Events +20:30 UT: transequatorial propagating dimming; See Events Strongest coronal magnetic fields in solar cycles 23-24: probing, statistics, and implications V. V. Fedenev, S. A. Anfinogentov, G. D. Fleishman ApJ 2023 16 - CH, interesting chains 11:30 UT: NW eruption The dynamics of eruptive prominences Review Nat Gopalswamy Solar Prominences, edited by J.-C. Vial & O. Engvold, Springer, in press (2014), Chapter 15, File 16-18 Aug Modeling Differential Faraday Rotation in the Solar Corona Jason E. Kooi & Molly E. Kaplan Solar Physics volume 295, Article number: 114 (2020) +17 - CH, interesting chains + >19 UT: slow SE halo CME probably from slow activity inside a CH; See Events +18 - CH, interesting chains +09 UT: SW eruption and dimming; See Events Geomagnetic storm Dst=-168 nT ++19 - CH, interesting chains ++ 08 and 10 UT: two eruptions, M1 flares and two type II burst at our spectrum; clear dimming propagating along a chain; See Events!!! The dynamics of eruptive prominences Review Nat Gopalswamy Solar Prominences, edited by J.-C. Vial & O. Engvold, Springer, in press (2014), Chapter 15, File Absorption in Burst Emission A.A. Konovalenko · A.A. Stanislavsky · E.P. Abranin · V.V. Dorovsky · V.N. Mel’nik · M.L. Kaiser · A. Lecacheux · H.O. Rucker Solar Phys (2007) 245: 345–354 Here we report a radio burst in absorption at 9 – 30 MHz observed with the UTR-2 telescope. This event occurred on 19 August 2003 about 11:16 – 11:26 UT, against solar type IV/II emission background. It is the first event where absorption was observed below 30 MHz. 21 - CH, interesting chains 15 UT: W-limb eruption HARD X-RAY OBSERVATIONS OF A JET AND ACCELERATED ELECTRONS IN THE CORONA Lindsay Glesener1, Sam Krucker2, and R. P. Lin 2012 ApJ 754 9 +22 - CH, interesting chains along CH boundaries + >03 UT: central eruption; clear dimmings of chains along CH boindaries; See Events 23 - CH, interesting chains 24 - CH, interesting chains ++25 - CH, interesting chains!! ++03 UT: spectacular E/SE eruption, filament, clear 4-line channeled dimmings along CH boundaries; SSRT event; Halo CME; See Event!!! >09 UT: large S CME, sorse ?, see Events Partially-erupting prominences: a comparison between observations and model-predicted observables D. Tripathi1, S. E. Gibson2, J. Qiu3, L. Fletcher4, R.Liu5, H. Gilbert5, H. E. Mason1 E-print, Feb 2009, File; A&A Asymmetric Eruptive Filaments Rui Liu, David Alexander, and Holly R. Gilbert E-print, Oct 2008, File; ApJ 26 - CH, interesting chains!! ++27 - CH, interesting chains!! ++>15 UT: spectacular global eruption with 4-line channeled dimmings along CH boundaries; See Event!!! ++28 - CH, interesting circular chain!! ILLUSTRATION! ++29 - CH, interesting circular chain!! ILLUSTRATION! ++20 UT: spectacular SW filament eruption near a CH; 4-line dimmings, brightenings and ribbons; See Events +30 - CH, interesting circular chain!! ILLUSTRATION! +04 UT: noticiable eruption near an eruption center of the 29d event (continuation); See Events; see the 31d event! ++31 - CH, interesting circular chain!! ILLUSTRATION! ++05:30 UT: specctacular W/SW eruption with channeled 4-line dimmings; similar to the 30d event; See Events; see the 29d and 30d events! The chromosphere above sunspots at millimeter wavelengths M. Loukitcheva1,2, S. K. Solanki1,3 and S. M. White4 A&A 561, A133 (2014)