June 2003 ------------------------- 12 May - 23 June A Multi-wavelength Analysis of Active Regions and Sunspots by Comparison of Automatic Detection Algorithms C. Verbeeck, P. A. Higgins, T. Colak, F. T. Watson, V. Delouille, B. Mampaey, R. Qahwaji Solar Physics, March 2013, Volume 283, Issue 1, pp 67-95 ------------------------- ------------------------------------------ May-June 2003 Time Evolution of Force-Free Parameter and Free Magnetic Energy in Active Region NOAA 10365 G. Valori, P. Romano, A. Malanushenko, I. Ermolli, F. Giorgi, K. Steed, L. van Driel-Gesztelyi, F. Zuccarello, J.-M. Malherbe Solar Phys., 2014 -------------------------------------------- +1 - CH; interesting chains; several limb eruptions; 12-min cadence at 304 A +00, 02:30, 08:30 ... UT: large E-limb eruptions and jets +10:30 UT: large W-limb eruptions +2 - CH; interesting chains; several limb eruptions; 12-min cadence at 195 A +00 UT: M6.5 flare; large W-limb eruption; dimmings similar to 31 May; See Events +08:30 UT: M3.9 flare; large W-limb eruption Spatial Offsets in Flare-CME Current Sheets John C. Raymond, Silvio Giordano, Angela Ciaravella 2017 https://arxiv.org/pdf/1706.03090.pdf Particle Acceleration in Plasmoid Ejections Derived from Radio Drifting Pulsating Structures N. Nishizuka1, M. Karlicky2, M. Janvier3, and M. Barta 2015 ApJ 799 126 http://arxiv.org/pdf/1412.7904v1.pdf UV TRANSIENT BRIGHTENINGS ASSOCIATED WITH A CORONAL MASS EJECTION G. Schettino1, G. Poletto2 and M. Romoli1 2009 ApJ 697 L72-L76 Shock-related radio emission during coronal mass ejection lift-off? (Research Note) S. Pohjolainen E-print, March 2008, File; A&A +17:30 UT: large E-limb eruption 3 - CH; interesting chains; several eruptions; 4 - CH; interesting chains; several eruptions; ++5 - CH; interesting chains; several eruptions; ++Clear chain inside a CH !!! Illustration +17 UT: N/central (filament) eruption +20 UT: large SW-limb eruption Streamer Wave Events Observed in Solar Cycle 23 S. W. Feng, Y. Chen, B. Li, H. Q. Song, X. L. Kong, L. D. Xia and X. S. Feng Solar Phys (2011) 272:119–136, File +6 - CH; interesting chains; several jets and eruptions; +13:30, 23:30 UT: large central jets +7 - CH; interesting chains; several jets and eruptions; 8 - CH; interesting chains; several jets and eruptions; 16:11 UT: impulsive M4 flare 17:30 UT: large central jet ***************** 9-.. - High W flare activity without protons ***************** ++9 - CH; interesting chains; several jets and eruptions; ++11:25 UT: impulsive M4.7 flare, our type II burst (diffuse); see Events ++21:25 UT: impulsive X1.7 flare, but large CME and dimming after 22:36 UT (another nonimpulsive M1.4 flare) ; See Events The Low-High-Low Trend of Type III Radio Burst Starting Frequencies and Solar Flare Hard X-rays Hamish A. S. Reid, Nicole Vilmer, Eduard P. Kontar A&A, 2014 http://arxiv.org/pdf/1403.1839v1.pdf Particle Acceleration and Propagation in Strong Flares without Major Solar Energetic Particle Events K.-L. Klein • G. Trottet • S. Samwel • O. Malandraki Solar Phys (2011) 269: 309–333; File Energetic Particle Acceleration and Propagation in Strong CME-Less Flares K.-L. Klein • G. Trottet • A. Klassen Solar Phys (2010) 263: 185–208, DOI 10.1007/s11207-010-9540-5; File A COMPARATIVE STUDY BETWEEN ERUPTIVE X-CLASS FLARES ASSOCIATED WITH CORONAL MASS EJECTIONS AND CONFINED X-CLASS FLARES Yuming Wang1,2 and Jie Zhang Astrophysical Journal, 665:1428Y1438, 2007 August; File After 10d, 15:50 UT: 7-min cadence at 195 A +10 - CH; interesting chains; several jets and eruptions; +Continuation of 9d activity +24 UT: X1.3 flare Narrowband Spikes Observed during the 2013 November 7 Flare Marian Karlicky1, Jan Benacek2, and Jan Rybak3 2021 ApJ 910 108 https://arxiv.org/pdf/2104.01345.pdf https://doi.org/10.3847/1538-4357/abe62b Location of Decimetric Pulsations in Solar Flares Arnold O. Benz, Marina Battaglia and Nicole Vilmer Solar Physics, Volume 273, Number 2, 363-375, 2011 Particle Acceleration and Propagation in Strong Flares without Major Solar Energetic Particle Events K.-L. Klein • G. Trottet • S. Samwel • O. Malandraki Solar Phys (2011) 269: 309–333; File ++11 - CH; interesting chains (illustration!!); several jets and eruptions; ++17:30 UT: large SE filament eruption; See Events (preliminary) +20:05 UT: X1.6 flare Coronal Sources and In Situ Properties of the Solar Winds Sampled by ACE During 1999–2008 Hui Fu, Bo Li, Xing Li, Zhenghua Huang, Chaozhou Mou, Fangran Jiao, Lidong Xia Solar Phys. 2015 http://arxiv.org/pdf/1505.00407v1.pdf THE DISAPPEARING SOLAR FILAMENT OF 2003 JUNE 11: A THREE-BODY PROBLEM K. S. Balasubramaniam1, A. A. Pevtsov2, E. W. Cliver3, S. F. Martin4 and O. Panasenco 2011 ApJ 743 202 Particle Acceleration and Propagation in Strong Flares without Major Solar Energetic Particle Events K.-L. Klein • G. Trottet • S. Samwel • O. Malandraki Solar Phys (2011) 269: 309–333; File Partially-erupting prominences: a comparison between observations and model-predicted observables D. Tripathi1, S. E. Gibson2, J. Qiu3, L. Fletcher4, R.Liu5, H. Gilbert5, H. E. Mason1 E-print, Feb 2009, File; A&A +12 - CH; interesting chains; many jets and eruptions from the same NW AR; Hard X-ray Emission In Kinking Filaments Rui Liu & David Alexander HARD X-RAY EMISSION IN KINKING FILAMENTS Rui Liu1, and David Alexander Astrophysical Journal, 697:999–1009, 2009, File 13 - CH; chains; several jets and eruptions; Solar Type IV bursts at frequencies 10-30 MHz V.N. Melnik, H. O. Rucker, A. A. Konovalenko, V.V. Dorovskyy, E.P. Abranin, A.I. Brazhenko, B.Thide, A. A. Stanislavskyy 2018 https://arxiv.org/ftp/arxiv/papers/1802/1802.06249.pdf Spatial Offsets in Flare-CME Current Sheets John C. Raymond, Silvio Giordano, Angela Ciaravella 2017 https://arxiv.org/pdf/1706.03090.pdf +14 - CH; chains; jets and eruptions; +06 UT: NW filament eruption followed by central flare and SE eruption; See Events +15 - CH; chains; jets and eruptions; +23:30 UT: E-limb X1.3 LDE flare; halo CME, dimmings; See Events Evidence for Energetic Neutral Hydrogen Emission from Solar Particle Events G. M. Mason1, M. E. Greenspan7,2, S. G. Kanekal3, R. A. Leske4, M. D. Looper5, J. E. Mazur6, and R. A. Mewaldt4 2021 ApJ 923 195 https://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.3847/1538-4357/ac2fa2/pdf https://doi.org/10.3847/1538-4357/ac2fa2 Solar Energetic Particles and Associated EIT Disturbances in Solar Cycle 23 R. Miteva, K.-L. Klein, I. Kienreich, M. Temmer, A. Veronig, O. E. Malandraki E-print, Feb 2014, File; Solar Phys. http://arxiv.org/pdf/1402.1676v1.pdf BROADBAND QUASI-PERIODIC RADIO AND X-RAY PULSATIONS IN A SOLAR FLARE Gregory D. Fleishman,1,2 T. S. Bastian,3 and Dale E. Gary1 Astrophysical Journal, 684:1433-1447, 2008 September http://www.journals.uchicago.edu/toc/apj/2008/684/2 16 - CHs; chains; Continuation of the 15d event: E-limb X1.3 LDE flare Searching for Carrington-like events and their signatures and triggers Elena Saiz*, Antonio Guerrero, Consuelo Cid, Judith Palacios and Yolanda Cerrato J. Space Weather Space Clim., 6, A6 (2016) Open Access http://www.swsc-journal.org/articles/swsc/pdf/2016/01/swsc150040.pdf +17 - CHs; chains; +22:55 UT: SE M6.8 LDE flare, partial halo CME; faint,but long dimmings and chains on the disk; See Events Radio Observations of Coronal Mass Ejections: Space Weather Aspects Review Angelos Vourlidas , Eoin P Carley and Nicole Vilmer Front. Astron. Space Sci. 7:43 2020 https://www.frontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/fspas.2020.00043/full Coronal hard X-ray sources revisited Brian R. Dennis, Miguel A. Duval-Poo, Michele Piana, Andrew R. Inglis, A. Gordon Emslie, Jingnan Guo, Yan Xu ApJ 2018 https://arxiv.org/pdf/1809.04631.pdf Exploring the capabilities of the Anti-Coincidence Shield of the INTEGRAL spectrometer to study solar flares R. Rodr.?guez-Gas.en1,2 • J. Kiener1 • V. Tatischeff1 • N. Vilmer2 • C. Hamadache1 • K.-L. Klein2 E-print, Sept 2013; Solar Phys. http://arxiv.org/pdf/1308.3350v1.pdf !! Grechnev-Kundu event!! See presentation Grechnev IKI-09 (slide 17); FIAN-09 Mars Odyssey/HEND and RHESSI Vadim Vybornov and Michael A. Livshits RHESSI Science Nugget No. 202, June 2013 Livshits-IsraSW-2013.pdf File Measurements of Electron Anisotropy in Solar Flares Using Albedo with RHESSI X-Ray Data E. C. M. Dickson, E. P. Kontar Solar Physics, June 2013, Volume 284, Issue 2, pp 405-425 Solar Radio Bursts and Space Weather N. Gopalswamy ISWI Workshop, Oct 2012, Presentation, File HARD X-RAY AND MICROWAVE EMISSIONS FROM SOLAR FLARES WITH HARD SPECTRAL INDICES T. Kawate1, N. Nishizuka2, A. Oi3, M. Ohyama4 and H. Nakajima 2012 ApJ 747 131 Coherent Radio Emissions Associated with Solar System Shocks A Review Iver H. Cairns M.P. Miralles, J. Sanchez Almeida (eds.), The Sun, the Solar Wind, and the Heliosphere, IAGA Special Sopron Book Series 4, DOI 10.1007/978-90-481-9787-3_23, c _Springer Science+Business Media B.V. 2011, pp. 267-338, File High-Energy Emission from a Solar Flare in Hard X-rays and Microwaves M.R. Kundu, V.V. Grechnev, S.M. White, E.J. Schmahl, N.S. Meshalkina, L.K. Kashapova E-print, Aug 2009; Solar Phys.(2009) 260: 135–156; File BBSO # 1331 The Relaxation of Sheared Magnetic Fields – A Contracting Process Haisheng Ji, Guangli Huang and Haimin Wang Astrophysical Journal, Volume 660, Issue 1, pp. 893-900, 2007 SOLAR TYPE II RADIO BURSTS AND IP TYPE II EVENTS H. V. Cane and W. C. Erickson Astrophysical Journal, 623:1180–1194, 2005; File 18 - CHs; interesting chains, áóðÿ Dst~-141 Searching for Carrington-like events and their signatures and triggers Elena Saiz*, Antonio Guerrero, Consuelo Cid, Judith Palacios and Yolanda Cerrato J. Space Weather Space Clim., 6, A6 (2016) Open Access http://www.swsc-journal.org/articles/swsc/pdf/2016/01/swsc150040.pdf +19 - CHs; interesting chains, Illustration +20 - CHs; interesting chains, Illustration 21 - CHs; interesting chains, 22 - CHs; interesting chains, 23 - CHs; interesting chains, +24 - CHs; interesting chains, +>02 UT: central eruption; See Events ***************** 25- .... - Interruption in SOHO data *****************