May 2003 1 - CH, several eruptions; Chains inside CH +2 - CH, several eruptions; Chains inside CH +03 UT: significant eruption; See events +18 UT: significant eruption with global dimmings (disturbances); See Events TRANSIENT CORONAL SIGMOIDS AND ROTATING ERUPTING FLUX ROPES L. M. GREEN1, B. KLIEM2,3, T. T?O R?OK1, L. van DRIEL-GESZTELYI1,4,5, and G. D. R. ATTRILL1 E-print, Sept. 2007, File, Solar Phys. 2-3 Determination of Coronal Mass Ejection physical parameters from combination of polarized visible light and UV Lyman-? observations R. Susino, A. Bemporad 2016 ++3 - CH, several eruptions; Chains inside CH +19 UT: significant SW eruption; similar to 02d one (b); See Events +4 - CH; chains; inside-CH activity? +Onset of the 5d event ++5 - CH; chains; inside-CH activity? ++Noticiable increase of area of S-polar CH due to slow eruption ! See Events (preliminary)! 6 - 7-min 195 A data CH; chains; inside-CH activity? +Interesting SW CME with very large cavity +7 - CH; chains; inside-CH activity? EIT data between 04 and 16 UT? Mercury transit ++~16 UT: central eruption near or inside CH (see 10.04.2003); chains in difference images; See Events +8 - CH; chains; inside-CH activity? Several NE eruptions +15 UT: NE eruption; chains in difference images; see Events +9 - CH; chains; inside-CH activity? >11 UT: three large NW CMEs +15 UT: N/Central eruption; chains in difference images; See Events! +10 - CH; chains; +>13 UT: slow global dynamics and clear chains northeastward of large CH; Illustration! See Events! +11 - CH; chains; 21:30 UT: large N/NW CME, backside? +22:30 UT: noticible eruption in NW near CH 12 - CH; chains; 13 UT: E disk eruption and SW over the limb loop eruption ------------------------- 12 May - 23 June A Multi-wavelength Analysis of Active Regions and Sunspots by Comparison of Automatic Detection Algorithms C. Verbeeck, P. A. Higgins, T. Colak, F. T. Watson, V. Delouille, B. Mampaey, R. Qahwaji Solar Physics, March 2013, Volume 283, Issue 1, pp 67-95 ------------------------- 13 - CH; chains; 14 - CH; chains; 01 and 14 UT: central/SW eruptions near CH 15 - CH; chains; 16 - CH; interesting chains; 17 - CH; interesting chains; 18 - CH; interesting chains; Particle Acceleration in Plasmoid Ejections Derived from Radio Drifting Pulsating Structures N. Nishizuka1, M. Karlicky2, M. Janvier3, and M. Barta 2015 ApJ 799 126 ++19 - CH; interesting chains; ++09 UT: significant NE eruption near CH; 4-line dimmings; See Events 20 - CH; interesting chains; +21 - CH; interesting chains; 00:30 UT: significant central eruption; See Events ------------------------------------------ May-June 2003 Time Evolution of Force-Free Parameter and Free Magnetic Energy in Active Region NOAA 10365 G. Valori, P. Romano, A. Malanushenko, I. Ermolli, F. Giorgi, K. Steed, L. van Driel-Gesztelyi, F. Zuccarello, J.-M. Malherbe Solar Phys., 2014 -------------------------------------------- 22 - CH; interesting chains; 23 - CH; interesting chains; ++24 - CH; interesting chains; ++06:30 UT: significant central eruption near CH; large dimmings; See Events ON ASYMMETRY OF MAGNETIC HELICITY IN EMERGING ACTIVE REGIONS: HIGH-RESOLUTION OBSERVATIONS Lirong Tian1, Pascal D?emoulin2, David Alexander1, and Chunming Zhu1 Astrophysical Journal, 727:28 (13pp), 2011 January 25 - CH; interesting chains; ON ASYMMETRY OF MAGNETIC HELICITY IN EMERGING ACTIVE REGIONS: HIGH-RESOLUTION OBSERVATIONS Lirong Tian1, Pascal D?emoulin2, David Alexander1, and Chunming Zhu1 Astrophysical Journal, 727:28 (13pp), 2011 January *************************** 26-... -Very active period; 12-min cadence at 304 A; Several similar eruptions and activity between two CH West X-class flares without protons COOL-PLASMA JETS THAT ESCAPE INTO THE OUTER CORONA Gianni Corti,1 Giannina Poletto,1 Steve T. Suess,2 Ronald L. Moore,2 and Alphonse C. Sterling2 The Astrophysical Journal, 659:1702Y1712, 2007 *************************** ++26 - CH; interesting chains; 12-min cadence at 304 A ++05:40 and 16:20 UT: significant central eruptions near CH; large dimmings; See Events ++27 - CH; interesting chains; 12-min cadence at 304 A ++ 03, 06 and 15 UT: significant central eruptions near CH; large dimmings; See Events ++ >06 UT: our event; no type II, strong storm; ++ 23 UT: X1.3 flare Oscillations and Waves in Radio Source of Drifting Pulsation Structures M. Karlicky, J. Rybak, M. Barta Solar Phys. 2018 Magnetic field configuration in corona and X-ray sources for the flare from May 27, 2003 at 02:53 A.I. Podgorny, I. M. Podgorny, N. S. Meshalkina. Sun and Geosphere, 2017; 12/2: 85 -92 The Magnetic Field in the Solar Atmosphere Review Thomas Wiegelmann, Julia K. Thalmann, Sami K. Solanki A&Arv, 2014 ÍÀÊÎÏËÅÍÈÅ ÌÀÃÍÈÒÍÎÉ ÝÍÅÐÃÈÈ Â ÊÎÐÎÍÀËÜÍÎÌ ÒÎÊÎÂÎÌ ÑËÎÅ Â ÏÐÅÄÂÑÏÛØÅ×ÍÎÌ ÑÎÑÒÎßÍÈÈ ÀÊÒÈÂÍÎÉ ÎÁËÀÑÒÈ ÑÎËÍÖÀ È.Ì. Ïîäãîðíûé, À.È. Ïîäãîðíûé ÈÊÈ-2014, Ñåññèÿ: Ñîëíöå Global Energetics of Thirty-eight Large Solar Eruptive Events Emslie, A. G.; Dennis, B. R.; Shih, A. Y.; Chamberlin, P. C.; Mewaldt, R. A.; Moore, C. S.; Share, G. H.; Vourlidas, A.; Welsch, B. T. Astrophysical Journal, Volume 759, Issue 1, article id. 71, 18 pp. (2012); File HARD X-RAY AND MICROWAVE EMISSIONS FROM SOLAR FLARES WITH HARD SPECTRAL INDICES T. Kawate1, N. Nishizuka2, A. Oi3, M. Ohyama4 and H. Nakajima 2012 ApJ 747 131 Streamer Wave Events Observed in Solar Cycle 23 S. W. Feng, Y. Chen, B. Li, H. Q. Song, X. L. Kong, L. D. Xia and X. S. Feng Solar Phys (2011) 272:119–136, File Propagation of Moreton Waves Y.Z. Zhang, R. Kitai, N. Narukage, T. Matsumoto, S. Ueno, K. Shibata and J.X. Wang E-print, April 2011, File, PASJ Trend of photospheric magnetic helicity flux in active regions generating halo coronal mass ejections_ A. Smyrli1,2, F. Zuccarello1, P. Romano3, F. P. Zuccarello4, S. L. Guglielmino1, D. Spadaro3, A. W. Hood2, and D. Mackay2 A&A 521, A56 (2010), File Analysis of SolarWind Events Using Interplanetary Scintillation Remote Sensing 3D Reconstructions and Their Comparison at Mars B.V. Jackson • J.A. Boyer • P.P. Hick • A. Buffington • M.M. Bisi • D.H. Crider Solar Phys (2007) 241: 385–396 Evidence of Magnetic Helicity in Emerging Flux and Associated Flare R. Chandra, B. Schmieder, G. Aulanier, J.M. Malherbe E-print, June 2009; Solar Phys. Temporal Evolution of Free Magnetic Energy Associated with Four X-class Flares Ju Jing, P. F. Chen, Thomas Wiegelmann, Yan Xu, Sung-Hong Park, Haimin Wang E-print, Feb 2009; ApJ Coronal Mass Ejections, Type II Radio Bursts, and Solar Energetic Particle Events in the SOHO Era N. Gopalswamy1, S. Yashiro2, S. Akiyama2, P. Makela2, H. Xie2, M. L. Kaiser1, R. A. Howard3 and J. L. Bougeret4 E-print, Feb 2008, File; Annales Geophysicae 26, 3033–3047, 2008. Solar Mass Ejection Imager 3-D reconstruction of the 27–28 May 2003 coronal mass ejection sequence, Jackson, B. V., M. M. Bisi, P. P. Hick, A. Buffington, J. M. Clover, and W. Sun, J. Geophys. Res., 113, A00A15, doi:10.1029/2008JA013224, (2008) Imaging Interplanetary Disturbances Causing Forbush Decreases Kahler, S.W. and G.M. Simnett, in Proc. of the 29th Intl. Cosmic Ray Conference, Pune, India, 2, 267-270 (2005), File ++28 - CH; interesting chains; 12-min cadence at 304 A ++ 00:20 UT: X3.6 flare and significant eruptions; Propagating dimming at 304 A!!! See Events!!! Negative bursts Grechnev et al., PASJ, 2013 28-29 The Solar Mass Ejection Imager and Its Heliospheric Imaging Legacy Review T. A. Howard, M. M. Bisi, A. Buffington, J. M. Clover, M. P. Cooke, C. J. Eyles, P. P. Hick, P. E. Holladay, B. V. Jackson, J. C. Johnston, S.W. Kahler • T.A. Kuchar • D.R. Mizuno • A.J. Penny • S.D. Price • R.R. Radick • G.M. Simnett • S.J. Tappin, N.R. Waltham • D.F. Webb Space Science Reviews, 2013, ++29 - CH; interesting chains; 12-min cadence at 304 A ++ 01 UT: X1.1 flare and significant eruptions; See Events ++19:30 UT: M2.8 impulsive flare in another (but connected) region between two CHs Quasi-Periodic Pulsations in Solar and Stellar Flares: A Review of Underpinning Physical Mechanisms and Their Predicted Observational Signatures I. V. Zimovets, J. A. McLaughlin, A. K. Srivastava, D. Y. Kolotkov, A. A. Kuznetsov, E. G. Kupriyanova, I.-H. Cho, A. R. Inglis, F. Reale, D. J. Pascoe, H. Tian, D. Yuan, D. Li & Q. M. Zhang Space Science Reviews volume 217, Article number: 66 (2021) Âñïûøêè, âûáðîñû, ïðîòîííûå ñîáûòèÿ À.Â. Áåëîâ Ãåîìàãí. è àýðîíîìèÿ 2016 File Last news on zebra pattern Gennady Chernov Solar Phys. 2016 TRAPPED ENERGETIC ELECTRONS OF CORONAL LOOPS IN THE DECAY PHASE OF SOLAR FLARES Yuriy Tsap, Jing Huang, Yihua Yan ÈÊÈ, 2014, Ñåññèÿ: Ñîëíöå SOLAR ENERGETIC PARTICLE EVENTS AND THE KIPLINGER EFFECT S. W. Kahler 2012 ApJ 747 66, File Spectral and spatial observations of microwave spikes and zebra structure in the short radio burst of May 29, 2003 G. P. Chernov1,2, R. A. Sych1,3, N. S. Meshalkina1,3, Y. Yan1 and C. Tan A&A 538, A53 (2012) Radioheliograph Observations of Microwave Bursts with Zebra Structures A. T. Altyntsev, S. V. Lesovoi, N. S. Meshalkina, R. A. Sych and Y. Yan Solar Physics, Volume 273, Number 1, 163-177, 2011 OBSERVATIONAL EVIDENCE OF CHANGING PHOTOSPHERIC VECTOR MAGNETIC FIELDS ASSOCIATED WITH SOLAR FLARES J. T. Su1,2, J. Jing1, H. M. Wang1, X. J. Mao2,3, X. F. Wang2, H. Q. Zhang2, Y. Y. Deng2, J. Guo2 and G. P. Wang 2011 ApJ 733 94 Particle Acceleration and Propagation in Strong Flares without Major Solar Energetic Particle Events K.-L. Klein • G. Trottet • S. Samwel • O. Malandraki Solar Phys (2011) 269: 309–333; File Oscillatory processes in solar flares V M Nakariakov1, A R Inglis2, I V Zimovets3, C Foullon1, E Verwichte1, R Sych4 and I N Myagkova E-print, Oct 2010, File; Plasma Phys. Controlled Fusion (in press), Imaging Observations of Quasi-Periodic Pulsatory Nonthermal Emission in Two-Ribbon Solar Flares I.V. Zimovets • A.B. Struminsky Solar Phys (2009) 258: 69–88 Studying geoeffective interplanetary coronal mass ejections between the Sun and Earth: Space weather implications of Solar Mass Ejection Imager observations Webb, D. F.; Howard, T. A.; Fry, C. D.; Kuchar, T. A.; Mizuno, D. R.; Johnston, J. C.; Jackson, B. V. Space Weather, Vol. 7, No. 5, S05002, 2009, File; Comparative Analysis of Non-Thermal Emissions and Study of Electron Transport in a Solar Flare T. Minoshima, T. Yokoyama, and N. Mitani E-print, Oct 2007. Ap. J. We study the non-thermal emissions in a solar flare occurring on 2003 May 29 by using RHESSI hard X-ray (HXR) and Nobeyama microwave observations. DIFFERENT BEHAVIORS BETWEEN MICROWAVE AND HARD X-RAY SPECTRAL HARDNESS IN TWO SOLAR FLARES Zongjun Ning The Astrophysical Journal, 671: L197–L200, 2007 Simulated Solar Mass Ejection Imager and "Solar Terrestrial Relations Observatory-like" views of the solar wind following the solar flares of 27-29 May 2003 Sun, W.; Deehr, C. S.; Dryer, M.; Fry, C. D.; Smith, Z. K.; Akasofu, S.-I. Space Weather, Vol. 6, No. 3, S03006, 2008 SOLAR TYPE II RADIO BURSTS AND IP TYPE II EVENTS H. V. Cane and W. C. Erickson Astrophysical Journal, 623:1180–1194, 2005; File >29d - large compouned FD 30 - CH; interesting chains; several eruptions; 12-min cadence at 304 A 06, 10 UT: NW-limb jets; 08 UT: E-nerar-limb eruption Oscillatory motions observed in eruptive filaments K. Bocchialini1, F. Baudin1, S. Koutchmy2, G. Pouget1 and J. Solomon A&A 533, A96 (2011) +31 - CH; interesting chains; several limb eruptions; 12-min cadence at 304 A +02 UT: M9.3 flare and W-near-limb eruption; extended 4-line dimmings; see 2 June; See events +16:30, 23:30 UT: E-limb eruptions On the Relation between Flare and CME during GLE-SEP and Non-GLE-SEP Events K. A. Firoz1,2, W. Q. Gan2, Y.-J. Moon1, J. Rodriguez-Pacheco3, and Y. P. Li2 2019 ApJ 883 91 Large Solar Energetic Particle Events Associated with Filament Eruptions Outside of Active Regions N. Gopalswamy, P. Makela, S. Akiyama, S. Yashiro, H. Xie, N. Thakur, S. W. Kahler ApJ 2015 Studying geoeffective interplanetary coronal mass ejections between the Sun and Earth: Space weather implications of Solar Mass Ejection Imager observations Webb, D. F.; Howard, T. A.; Fry, C. D.; Kuchar, T. A.; Mizuno, D. R.; Johnston, J. C.; Jackson, B. V. Space Weather, Vol. 7, No. 5, S05002, 2009, File; SOLAR TYPE II RADIO BURSTS AND IP TYPE II EVENTS H. V. Cane and W. C. Erickson Astrophysical Journal, 623:1180–1194, 2005; File