April 2003 1 - 01 UT: SE-limb eruption; 03 UT: SW eruption Magnetic Disconnections at the Boundary of a Small Interplanetary Magnetic Flux Rope Associated with a Reconnection Exhaust JieMin Wang, Qiang Liu, Yan Zhao Solar Physics August 2018, 293:116 Ultra-long-period Oscillations in EUV Filaments near to Eruption: Two-wavelength Correlation and Seismology C. Foullon , E. Verwichte and V.M. Nakariakov E-print, June 2009; ApJ 2,3 - CHs, chains +4 - CHs, chains 06:40 UT: weakening of faint NS 20 UT: significant SWeruption, M1.9 +5 - CHs, chains 14 UT: significant SEeruption 6-8 - Large CH, chains 9 - Large CH, chains C6.4 at 09:33; M2.5/1F at 23:29 SW-limb; Nobe; CME ++10 - Large CH, chain, illustration ++13 UT: significant eruption maybe inside a large CH; Similar to 28 Dec 1998? See Events! >22:30 UT: Nobe NW-limb eruption, fine at 304 A +11- Large CH, chain, illustration ++14 UT: significant eruption maybe near a large CH; See Events! 12 - Large CH 13 - Large CH 08:40 UT: very impulsive soft X-ray flare Coronal Mass Ejections, Type II Radio Bursts, and Solar Energetic Particle Events in the SOHO Era N. Gopalswamy1, S. Yashiro2, S. Akiyama2, P. Makela2, H. Xie2, M. L. Kaiser1, R. A. Howard3 and J. L. Bougeret4 E-print, Feb 2008, File; Annales Geophysicae 26, 3033–3047, 2008. sci-hub.tw/10.5194/angeo-26-3033-2008 https://www.ann-geophys.net/26/3033/2008/angeo-26-3033-2008.pdf +14 - Large CH >08 UT: noticeable SE eruption 15 - Large CH, chains >21 UT: NE eruption 16 - Large CH, chains 17 - Large CH, chains 21 UT: central eruption 18 - CH, chains 19-22 - EIT bakeout Impacts on Cosmic-Ray Intensity Observed During Geomagnetic Disturbances Binod Adhikari, Nirakar Sapkota, Prashrit Baruwal, Narayan P. Chapagain, Carlos Roberto Braga Solar Physics October 2017, 292:149 ++21 - No EIT data ++13:08 UT: Central M2 flare, impulsive, halo CME, GOES imager data High resolution observations with Artemis--JLS, (II) Type IV associated intermediate drift bursts C. Bouratzis, A. Hillaris, C.E. Alissandrakis, P. Preka-Papadema, X. Moussas, C. Caroubalos, P. Tsitsipis, A. Kontogeorgos A&A 2019 https://arxiv.org/pdf/1904.02262.pdf High resolution observations with Artemis-IV and the NRH. I. Type IV associated narrow-band bursts C. Bouratzis, A. Hillaris, C.E. Alissandrakis, P. Preka-Papadema, X. Moussas, C. Caroubalos, P. Tsitsipis, A. Kontogeorgos A&A 2015 http://arxiv.org/pdf/1512.02481v1.pdf Fine Structure of Metric Type-IV Radio Bursts Observed with the ARTEMIS-IV Radio Spectrograph: Association with Flares and Coronal Mass Ejections C. Bouratzis, A. Hillaris, C. E. Alissandrakis, P. Preka-Papadema, X. Moussas, C. Caroubalos, P. Tsitsipis, A. Kontogeorgos Solar Phys., 2014 http://arxiv.org/pdf/1406.1202v1.pdf CME Interaction with Coronal Holes and their Interplanetary Consequences N. Gopalswamy1, P. Makela1,2, H. Xie1,2, S. Akiyama1,2, and S. Yashiro1,2 JGR, 2009; File; J. Geophys. Res., Vol. 114, No. A3, A00A22 ++22 - No EIT data !!! ++07:18 UT: good type II in our spectrum; no effects on GOES; see CORONAS? ++23 - CH, chains ++01 UT: central/NW M5 flare; NOBE; two CWs, halo CME; See Events (do anew) ++15:40 UT: similar to previous; two CWs; See Events (do anew) +24 - CH, chains; several eruptions +Good Noise Storm +12:30 UT: NW eruption and CME similar to 23d ones; See Events (do anew) Slow-Mode Oscillations of Hot Loops Excited at Flaring Footpoints Tongjiang Wang, Wei Liu, Leon Ofman, Joseph M. Davila (Submitted on 16 Jun 2017) 5th Hinode Meeting: Exploring the Active Sun, ASP Conference Series, Vol. 456, eds. by L. Golub, I. De Moortel, and T. Shimizu, 127, 2012 https://arxiv.org/pdf/1706.05427.pdf Episodic X-ray Emission Accompanying the Activation of an Eruptive Prominence: Evidence of Episodic Magnetic Reconnection Wei W. Liu, Tong-Jiang Wang, Brian R. Dennis, Gordon D. Holman E-print, Feb 2009; ApJ +25 - CH, chains; several eruptions +05:30 UT: large NE near-limb eruption and CME; Подождать efz Solar Energetic Particles and Associated EIT Disturbances in Solar Cycle 23 R. Miteva, K.-L. Klein, I. Kienreich, M. Temmer, A. Veronig, O. E. Malandraki E-print, Feb 2014, File; Solar Phys. http://arxiv.org/pdf/1402.1676v1.pdf ++26 - CH, chains; several eruptions + 08:05 UT: very impulsive M7 flare and eruption near NW limb; our type II burst; 4-line dimmings; See Events; (do anew) ++21:30 UT: large NE near-limb eruption and CME; Spectacular global channeled dimmings; See 4 lines; See Events The Low-High-Low Trend of Type III Radio Burst Starting Frequencies and Solar Flare Hard X-rays Hamish A. S. Reid, Nicole Vilmer, Eduard P. Kontar A&A, 2014 http://arxiv.org/pdf/1403.1839v1.pdf The improved ARTEMIS IV multichannel solar radio spectrograph of the University of Athens Kontogeorgos, A.; Tsitsipis, P.; Caroubalos, C.; Moussas, X.; Preka-Papadema, P.; Hilaris, A.; Petoussis, V.; Bouratzis, C.; Bougeret, J.-L.; Alissandrakis, C. E.; Dumas, G. Experimental Astronomy, Volume 21, Issue 1, pp.41-55, 2006 http://arxiv.org/pdf/1009.3628v1.pdf 26 Apr-2 May The distribution function of the average iron charge state at 1 AU: from a bimodal wind to ICME identification C. Larrodera, C. Cid Solar Phys. 2020 https://arxiv.org/pdf/2009.07596.pdf 27 - CH, chains; several eruptions 01 UT: large NW near-limb enclined eruption, NOBE 15:30 UT: NW-limb eruption 28 - CH, chains; several eruptions 29 - CH, chains; several eruptions +30 - CH, chains; several eruptions +17 UT: significant central eruption