Halo CME MailHalo CME Mail Date: Mon, 21 Apr 2003 15:18 From: Gareth Lawrence Subject: Partial Halo CME on 2003/04/21, probably frontsided UCMEO 93001 30421 1915/ 30421 61336 91842 2181/ 015// 213// 30992 ///// ///// ///// ///// ///// ///// 99999 PLAIN BT LASCO observed a possible partial halo CME on 2003/02/01. The event was first observed in C2 at 13:36 UT as a ragged loop front over the NW limb; by 14:00 UT it spanned ~157 deg from PA 218 - 15. The front first appeared in C3 at 14:18 UT though the front is extremely faint in C3 images. The mean plane-of-sky speed for the system was 992 km/s at PA 318, with no strong indication of acceleration. Only C2 data were used to measure this speed. EIT was undergoing a routine CCD bakeout by this time, so no on-disk EUV data are available. However, GOES recorded a M2.8 X-ray flare between 12:54 - 13:14 UT with peak emission at 13:07 UT. The flare was also images by the SXI soft X-ray imager onboard GOES-12. This event has therefore been determined most probably frontsided. Movies and images of this event are available now at: ftp://ares.nrl.navy.mil/pub/lasco/halo/20030421 and please note that the C3 movie is only partial due to DSN contact scheduling, and that the front in the NW is extremely faint in C3 images. Some people may experience difficulties obtaining the images and movies at present; this is due to unresolved issues with the firewall at NRL. Aplogies to those affected; the problem is being worked on. Best wishes, Gareth Lawrence. ++ | Gareth Lawrence, E-mail:grl@kreutz.nascom.nasa.gov | | SOHO-LASCO Operations Scientist, | | CUA, Mail Code 682.3, | | NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, Phone: +1-301-286-2941 | | Building 26, Room 001, +1-301-286-3447 | | Greenbelt, MD 20771. Fax: +1-301-286-0264 | ++