:Product: Weekly Highlights and Forecasts :Issued: 2002 Aug 13 2212 UTC # Prepared by the US Dept. of Commerce, NOAA, Space Environment Center # Product description and SEC contact on the Web # http://www.sec.noaa.gov/weekly.html # # Weekly Highlights and Forecasts # Highlights of Solar and Geomagnetic Activity 05 - 11 August 2002 Solar activity was low for most of the period. Activity reached moderate levels on 05 August due to a minor M-class flare from Region 63 (N17, L = 003, class/area Eao/250 on 09 August) and 07 August due to an isolate M-class event from Region 57 (S08, L = 146, class/area Eac/380 on 04 August). For flare times and magnitudes, please refer to the Energetic Events or Optical Flare lists. Region 57 began the period in a decay phase and continued until it rotated beyond the western limb on 08 August. Region 61 (N08, L = 041, class/area Ekc/360 on 09 August) exhibited steady growth early in the period and developed a minor magnetic delta configuration in the intermediate spots on 07-08 August. The only other events of interest were a number of disappearing filaments, most notable a 19 degree filament which lifted off at approximately 11/0700 UTC and was visible in LASCO EIT195 imagery. Late in the period, a moderate sized spot group Region 69 (S08, L = 297, class/area Eko/450 on 11 August) rotated onto view and appears to be developing. Solar wind data were available from the NASA Advanced Composition Explorer (ACE) spacecraft for most of the summary period. Solar wind velocities decreased during the first half of the period down to approximately 300 km/s on 08 August. Wind velocities increased on 09-10 August to a peak velocity around 450 km/s and on 11 August a high-speed stream increased solar wind velocity to around 550 km/s. There were no proton events at geo-synchronous orbit. Greater than 2 MeV electrons flux at geo-synchronous orbit was at normal to moderate levels. Geomagnetic field activity was at quiet to unsettled levels for most of the period. On 09-11 August, periods of active conditions were observed and the higher latitudes reported periods of minor to major storming. An isolated period of minor storm level was observed on 10 August. Forecast of Solar and Geomagnetic Activity 14 August - 09 September 2002 Solar activity is expected to be low to moderate. M-class events are expected during the first half of the forecast period. There is a chance of major flare activity due to the return of old Regions 39, old Region 44 and presence of Region 69 on the disk early in the period. There will be a chance for a proton event during the first half of the period. Greater than 2 MeV electrons flux is expected to be moderate on 14-16 August due to coronal hole effects. Normal to moderate levels are expected the remainder of the period. Geomagnetic field activity is expected to be quiet to unsettled during most of the forecast period. Active conditions are possible on 23 August and 07-08 September due to returning coronal hole effects. .