Halo CME Mail Date: Tue, 20 Aug 2002 01:14:30 +0000 (GMT) From: Kevin Schenk Subject: Partial HALO CME on 2002/08/18 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ UCMEO 93001 20819 0100/ 20818 62154 80618 1201/ 290// 323// 40685 20818 62124 82236 30703 10069 1112/ 99999 BT EIT and LASCO observed a partial HALO CME event on 2002/08/18. The event was first observed in C2 field at 21:54 UT as a bright wide loop front event with cavity and core material following. The PA of the front spanned 120-290 degrees. The event was first seen in C3 begining 22:18 UT and was tracked through the field to 06:18 UT at 28Rs. The averaged plane-of-sky speeds through both fields was determined to 685 km/sec with slight acceleration through the C3 field. EIT observed a flare from AR 10069 located at [S07; W03] beginning at 21:24 UT. A wave was produced spanning southward and filament channel activation between the AR 10079 and 10069 displaced and ejected material. GOES reports an M2.2 xray flare of AR 10069 at this time. This flare is most likely associated with the event seen in EIT and LASCO. Images and movies are available on the LASCO servers at: ftp://ares.nrl.navy.mil/pub/lasco/halo/20020818/ Best regards Kevin Schenk EIT and LASCO Operations NASA-Goddard Space Flight Center, USA