July 2002 July–August 2002 Solar Decameter Spikes V. N. Melnik, N. V. Shevchuk, A. A. Konovalenko, H. O. Rucker, V. V. Dorovskyy, S. Poedts, A. Lecacheux Solar Physics, May 2014, Volume 289, Issue 5, pp 1701-1714 1 - Interesting chains, CH, low activity !13 UT: significant SE eruption (prominence), CME !! http://soho.nascom.nasa.gov/pickoftheweek/ 2 - Interesting chains, CH, Ýðóïöèÿ çàïàäíîãî ïðèëèìáîâîãî âîëîêíà Chains inside a meridional CH ? Âñïûøå÷íàÿ àêòèâíîñòü íà Ñîëíöå è îñîáåííîñòè âûõîäà íîâûõ ìàãíèòíûõ ïîòîêîâ â 2011-2013 ãã. À.À.Ãîëîâêî ÈÊÈ-2014, Ñåññèÿ: Ñîëíöå http://plasma2014.cosmos.ru/presentations âèäåî +3 - Interesting chains, CH Chains inside a meridional CH ? +02 UT: Impulsive X1 SW flare without protons! +20 UT: Impulsive M5 SW flare without protons! A Comparison of Solar X-Ray Flare Timescales and Peak Temperatures with Associated Coronal Mass Ejections S. W. Kahler1 and A. G. Ling2 2022 ApJ 934 175 https://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.3847/1538-4357/ac7e56/pdf Low geo-effectiveness of fast halo CMEs related to the 12 X-class flares in 2002 B. Schmieder, R.S. Kim, B. Grison, K. Bocchialini, R.Y. Kwon, S. Poedts, P. Demoulin 2020 https://arxiv.org/pdf/2003.10777.pdf SAUSAGE WAVES IN TRANSVERSELY NONUNIFORM MONOLITHIC CORONAL TUBES I. Lopin1 and I. Nagorny 2015 ApJ 810 87 Evolution of the Source of Quasi-Periodic Microwave Pulsations in a Single Flaring Loop E. G. Kupriyanova, V. F. Melnikov, and K. Shibasaki Publ. Astron. Soc. Japan 65, 3 [4 pages] (2013) http://pasj.asj.or.jp/v65/sp1/65S003/65S003.pdf Spatially Resolved Microwave Observations of Multiple Periodicities in a Flaring Loop E. G. Kupriyanova, V. F. Melnikov, K. Shibasaki Solar Physics, June 2013, Volume 284, Issue 2, pp 559-578 Particle Acceleration and Propagation in Strong Flares without Major Solar Energetic Particle Events K.-L. Klein • G. Trottet • S. Samwel • O. Malandraki Solar Phys (2011) 269: 309–333; File 3-6 Cancellation analysis of current density in solar active region NOAA10019 Gaetano De Vita1,2, Antonio Vecchio3, Luca Sorriso-Valvo1*, Carine Briand4, Leonardo Primavera2, Sergio Servidio2, Fabio Lepreti2 and Vincenzo Carbone J. Space Weather Space Clim., 5, A28 (2015) 4 - Interesting chains, CH Chains inside a meridional CH ? Coronal Mass Ejections, Type II Radio Bursts, and Solar Energetic Particle Events in the SOHO Era N. Gopalswamy1, S. Yashiro2, S. Akiyama2, P. Makela2, H. Xie2, M. L. Kaiser1, R. A. Howard3 and J. L. Bougeret4 E-print, Feb 2008, File; Annales Geophysicae 26, 3033–3047, 2008. sci-hub.tw/10.5194/angeo-26-3033-2008 https://www.ann-geophys.net/26/3033/2008/angeo-26-3033-2008.pdf 5 - Interesting chains, CH Chains inside a meridional CH ? !02 UT: NOBE, SW prominence! +6 - Interesting chains, CH Chains inside a meridional CH ? ++!!09:30 UT: our harmonical type II burst with patches and other fine structures; associated with near-center impulsive flare, pathes of dimmings !!See Events! +7 - Interesting chains, CH +!11 UT: large W-limb eruption, LDE, partial halo CME!! See Events!! +!16 UT: spectacular NW filament eruption and CME!! See Events !! ENDPOINT BRIGHTENINGS IN ERUPTING FILAMENTS Y.-M. Wang1, K. Muglach1,2, and B. Kliem Astrophysical Journal, 699:133–142, 2009, File ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- !! 6-8d - Proton LDE of 7d, surrounded by several our impulsive non-proton flares of 6d and 8d Illustration ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ +8 - Interesting chains, CH +09:20 UT: one more impulsive flare, M1.6; location ? 9 - Interesting chains, CH !19 UT: backside halo Polarimetric Reconstruction of Coronal Mass Ejections from LASCO-C2 Observations O. Floyd, P. Lamy Solar Physics November 2019, 294:168 https://link.springer.com/content/pdf/10.1007%2Fs11207-019-1553-0.pdf ORIGIN OF CORONAL SHOCK WAVES ASSOCIATED WITH SLOW CORONAL MASS EJECTIONS J. Magdaleni?c1,2, C. Marqu?e1, A. N. Zhukov1,3, B. Vr?snak2, and T. ? Zic Astrophysical Journal, 718:266–278, 2010 July; File 10 - Interesting chains, CH 11 - Interesting chains, CH 12 - Interesting chains, Very large filament;CH +13 - Interesting chains, Very large filament;CH 10:30 UT: SE filament eruption Decameter Type III-Like Bursts V.N.Mel'Nik, A.A.Konovalenko, H.O.Rucker, B.P.Rutkevych, V.V.Dorovskyy, E.P.Abranin, A.I.Brazhenko, A.A.Stanislavskii, A.Lecacheux 2018 https://arxiv.org/ftp/arxiv/papers/1802/1802.07311.pdf A STUDY OF FAST FLARELESS CORONAL MASS EJECTIONS H. Q. Song1,2, Y. Chen1, D. D. Ye1, G. Q. Han1, G. H. Du1, G. Li1,3, J. Zhang2, and Q. Hu 2013 ApJ 773 129, File 13-15 Comparative analysis of decametre 'drift pair' bursts observed in 2002 and 2015 Volvach, Ya.S., Stanislavsky A.A., Konovalenko A.A., Koval A.A., and Dorovskyy V.V.: 2016, Advanced in Astronomy and Space Physics 6, 24. doi: 10.17721/2227-1481.6.24-27 http://aasp.kiev.ua/volume6/024-027-Volvach.pdf 14 - Interesting chains, Very large filament;CH 14-18 Magnetic-field variations and solar flare activity I.Yu. Grigor’eva, A. N. Shakhovskaya, M. A. Livshits, I. S. Knyazeva Astronomy Reports, November 2012, Volume 56, Issue 11, pp 887-894 ++15 - Interesting chains, Very large filament;CH +!!>20 UT: spectacular, central, doubl eruption; X3 flare; double halo CME; remote and canalized dimmings; inside, later H-alpha ejections; See Events!! Over-expansion of coronal mass ejections modelled using 3D MHD EUHFORIA simulations C. Verbeke, B. Schmieder, P. Demoulin, S. Dasso, B. Grison, E. Samara, C. Scolini, S. Poedts Advances in Space Research 2022 https://arxiv.org/pdf/2207.03168.pdf Low geo-effectiveness of fast halo CMEs related to the 12 X-class flares in 2002 B. Schmieder, R.S. Kim, B. Grison, K. Bocchialini, R.Y. Kwon, S. Poedts, P. Demoulin 2020 https://arxiv.org/pdf/2003.10777.pdf The causes of quasi-homologous CMEs Lijuan Liu, Yuming Wang, Rui Liu, Zhenjun Zhou, M. Temmer, J. K. Thalmann, Jiajia Liu, Kai Liu, Chenglong Shen, Quanhao Zhang, A. M. Veronig 2017 https://arxiv.org/pdf/1706.08878.pdf Structures in the outer solar atmosphere Review Lyndsay Fletcher, Peter J. Cargill, Spiro K. Antiochos, Boris V. Gudiksen Space Science Reviews 2015 http://arxiv.org/pdf/1412.7378v1.pdf File Observed Aspects of Reconnection in Solar Eruptions Ronald L. Moore • Alphonse C. Sterling • G. Allen Gary • JonathanW. Cirtain • David A. Falconer Space Sci Rev., 2011, File Trend of photospheric magnetic helicity flux in active regions generating halo coronal mass ejections_ A. Smyrli1,2, F. Zuccarello1, P. Romano3, F. P. Zuccarello4, S. L. Guglielmino1, D. Spadaro3, A. W. Hood2, and D. Mackay2 A&A 521, A56 (2010), File THE OPTICAL DEPTH OF WHITE-LIGHT FLARE CONTINUUM Hugh Potts, Hugh Hudson1, Lyndsay Fletcher, and Declan Diver Astrophysical Journal, 722:1514–1521, 2010 ÐÎËÜ ÂÛÁÐÎÑΠÏËÀÇÌÛ Â ÐÀÇÂÈÒÈÈ ÌÎÙÍÛÕ ÑÎËÍÅ×ÍÛÕ ÂÑÏÛØÅÊ ÐÀÇËÈ×ÍÎÉ ÄËÈÒÅËÜÍÎÑÒÈ À. Í. Øàõîâñêàÿ1, Ì. À. Ëè âøè ö2, È. Ì. ×åðòîê2 ÀÑÒÐÎÍÎÌÈ×ÅÑÊÈÉÆÓÐÍÀË, 2006, òîì 83,¹12, ñ. 1128–1141 -Liu et al. Observational Evedence of a Magnetic Flux Rope Eruption ..., BBSO31190, 2003. -GARY and MOORE. ERUPTION OF A MULTIPLE-TURN HELICAL MAGNETIC FLUX TUBE... http://solar.physics.montana.edu/cgi-bin/eprint/index.pl?entry=763 +Noise storm Gary, G. A. and Moore, R. L.: Eruption of a Multiple-Turn Helical Magnetic Flux Tube in a Large Flare: Evidence for External and Internal Reconnection That Fits the Breakout Model of Solar Magnetic Eruptions, Astrophys. J., 611, 545–556, doi: 10.1086/422132, 2004. Harra et al. Flows in the Solar Atmosphere due to the eruptions on the 15th July, 2002 (E-print, 2005) +16 - Interesting chains, Very large filament;CH +!!Strong Noise storm Database of episode-integrated solar energetic proton fluences Zachary D. Robinson1*, James H. Adams Jr.2, Michael A. Xapsos3 and Craig A. Stauffer J. Space Weather Space Clim. 2018, 8, A24 https://www.swsc-journal.org/articles/swsc/pdf/2018/01/swsc170061.pdf DEFLECTIONS OF FAST CORONAL MASS EJECTIONS AND THE PROPERTIES OF ASSOCIATED SOLAR ENERGETIC PARTICLE EVENTS S. W. Kahler1, S. Akiyama2, and N. Gopalswamy 2012 ApJ 754 100, File Trend of photospheric magnetic helicity flux in active regions generating halo coronal mass ejections_ A. Smyrli1,2, F. Zuccarello1, P. Romano3, F. P. Zuccarello4, S. L. Guglielmino1, D. Spadaro3, A. W. Hood2, and D. Mackay2 A&A 521, A56 (2010), File +17 - Interesting chains, Very large filament;CH +!!07 UT: Double impulsive M8.7 flare, eruption, dimmings; Similar to 15d event; See Events. Type II burst? Radio oscilations; Continuum noise storm +Strong Noise storm !!20 UT: eruption, including EUV and H-alpha ejection; Large FD! +18 - Interesting chains, Very large filament;CH +!!07:40 UT: Impulsive X1.8 flare, eruption, halo CME, remote and canalized dimmings; See Events +!narrow drifting bands at 25-50 MHz; type II and drifting CONT; +Noise storm; Several large CMEs (backside?) Over-expansion of coronal mass ejections modelled using 3D MHD EUHFORIA simulations C. Verbeke, B. Schmieder, P. Demoulin, S. Dasso, B. Grison, E. Samara, C. Scolini, S. Poedts Advances in Space Research 2022 https://arxiv.org/pdf/2207.03168.pdf Polarimetric Reconstruction of Coronal Mass Ejections from LASCO-C2 Observations O. Floyd, P. Lamy Solar Physics November 2019, 294:168 https://link.springer.com/content/pdf/10.1007%2Fs11207-019-1553-0.pdf Low geo-effectiveness of fast halo CMEs related to the 12 X-class flares in 2002 B. Schmieder, R.S. Kim, B. Grison, K. Bocchialini, R.Y. Kwon, S. Poedts, P. Demoulin 2020 https://arxiv.org/pdf/2003.10777.pdf Particle Acceleration and Propagation in Strong Flares without Major Solar Energetic Particle Events K.-L. Klein • G. Trottet • S. Samwel • O. Malandraki Solar Phys (2011) 269: 309–333; File ÐÎËÜ ÂÛÁÐÎÑΠÏËÀÇÌÛ Â ÐÀÇÂÈÒÈÈ ÌÎÙÍÛÕ ÑÎËÍÅ×ÍÛÕ ÂÑÏÛØÅÊ ÐÀÇËÈ×ÍÎÉ ÄËÈÒÅËÜÍÎÑÒÈ À. Í. Øàõîâñêàÿ1, Ì. À. Ëè âøè ö2, È. Ì. ×åðòîê2 ÀÑÒÐÎÍÎÌÈ×ÅÑÊÈÉÆÓÐÍÀË, 2006, òîì 83,¹12, ñ. 1128–1141 ---------- 12-18 Origins of coronal energy and helicity in NOAA 10030 Lirong Tian1, David Alexander1, and Richard Nightingale2 E-print, April 2008; ApJ, 684:747-756, 2008 http://www.journals.uchicago.edu/doi/pdf/10.1086/589492 http://spacibm.rice.edu/~alicetlr/publications/2008c.pdf ---------------------- +19 - Interesting chains, Very large filament;CH !15-16 UT: large SE CME (backside), C3.9 LDE !One more step of FD! The Low-High-Low Trend of Type III Radio Burst Starting Frequencies and Solar Flare Hard X-rays Hamish A. S. Reid, Nicole Vilmer, Eduard P. Kontar A&A, 2014 http://arxiv.org/pdf/1403.1839v1.pdf +20 - Interesting chains, Very large filament;CH +!21 UT: X3.3 LDE from SE backside activity; large CME! See Event One more bakside CME before the main limb flare; Some canalized dimmings on the disk Evidence for Energetic Neutral Hydrogen Emission from Solar Particle Events G. M. Mason1, M. E. Greenspan7,2, S. G. Kanekal3, R. A. Leske4, M. D. Looper5, J. E. Mazur6, and R. A. Mewaldt4 2021 ApJ 923 195 https://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.3847/1538-4357/ac2fa2/pdf https://doi.org/10.3847/1538-4357/ac2fa2 Low geo-effectiveness of fast halo CMEs related to the 12 X-class flares in 2002 B. Schmieder, R.S. Kim, B. Grison, K. Bocchialini, R.Y. Kwon, S. Poedts, P. Demoulin 2020 https://arxiv.org/pdf/2003.10777.pdf Properties of DH Type II Radio Bursts and Their Space Weather Implications N. Gopalswamy, P. Makela submitted to the URSI AP-RASC 2019 2018 https://arxiv.org/ftp/arxiv/papers/1810/1810.11173.pdf MODELING OF GYROSYNCHROTRON RADIO EMISSION PULSATIONS PRODUCED BY MAGNETOHYDRODYNAMIC LOOP OSCILLATIONS IN SOLAR FLARES George Mossessian1,2 and Gregory D. Fleishman 2012 ApJ 748 140 HARD X-RAY AND MICROWAVE EMISSIONS FROM SOLAR FLARES WITH HARD SPECTRAL INDICES T. Kawate1, N. Nishizuka2, A. Oi3, M. Ohyama4 and H. Nakajima 2012 ApJ 747 131 Diagnostics of energetic electrons with anisotropic distributions in solar flares I. Hard X-rays bremsstrahlung emission Zharkova V.V., Kuznetsov A.A. and Siversky T.V. E-print, Nov 2009, A&A, 512, A8 (2010) http://www.aanda.org/10.1051/0004-6361/200811486 Energetic particles related with coronal and interplanetary shocks N. Gopalswamy E-print, Nov. 2007. Lecture Notes in Physics 725, Eds. K.-L. Klein and A. McKinnon, p. 139-160, 2007; File Why was there no Solar Energetic Particle Event Associated with the Gamma-ray-line Flare of 2002 July 23? N. Gopalswamy1, S. Krucker2, B. R. Dennis1, R. P. Lin2, M. L. Kaiser1, and A. Vourlidas3 Submitted to ApJL, 2003?, File +21 - Interesting chains, CH +Good coinsiding transequatorial chain at EIT and NOBE; Illustration +22 - Interesting chains, CH >05 UT: slow SW filament eruption Coronal cavities: observations and implications for the magnetic environment of prominences Sarah E. Gibson Solar Prominences, Astrophysics and Space Science Library, Volume 415. ISBN 978-3-319-10415-7. Springer International Publishing Switzerland, 2015, p. 323 https://arxiv.org/pdf/1702.02214.pdf ------------ +These days: several examples of filament oscillation under an effect of a large CME!!! ------------ +23 - Interesting chains, CH +!00:30 UT: SE-limb X4 flare; Some canalized dimmings on the disk; GAMMA Emission, See Events!! Similar to the 20d event +04 UT: NW eruption, NOBE; +>13 UT: spectacular slow eruption of large NW filament; restructuring of the NW quadrant see 304 A !! http://www.nasa.gov/centers/goddard/news/topstory/2003/0903rhessi.html (ôàéë çàïèñàí) Quasi-periodic Accelerations of Energetic Particles during a Solar Flare Dong Li, Wei Chen ApJL 2022 https://arxiv.org/abs/2205.07423 Electron Energy Spectra and e-e Bremsstrahlung from Anisotropic Electron Distributions in Extreme Solar Flares I. D. Oparin, Yu. E. Charikov, E. P. Ovchinnikova, A. N. Shabalin 2020 https://arxiv.org/pdf/2012.07908.pdf Electron acceleration during magnetic reconnection in macroscale systems J. F. Drake Fleishman's webinar 20-Nov-2020 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YXGDkw0tMJ0&feature=youtu.be RHESSI Results Time for a Rethink? Review Brown, J. C.; Kontar, E. P.; Veronig, A. M. The High Energy Solar Corona: Waves, Eruptions, Particles, Lecture Notes in Physics, Volume 725. ISBN 978-3-540-71569-6. Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg, 2007, p. 65 https://arxiv.org/pdf/astro-ph/0607440.pdf ENERGETIC PARTICLES IN THE SOLAR ATMOSPHERE Review N. Vilmer1 and S. Musset2 SF2A-2019: Proceedings of the Annual meeting of the French Society of Astronomy and Astrophysics. Eds.: P. Di Matteo, O. Creevey, A. Crida, G. Kordopatis, J. Malzac, J.-B. Marquette, M. N'Diaye, O. Venot, 2019, pp 283-289 http://sf2a.eu/proceedings/2019/2019/vilmer.pdf Low geo-effectiveness of fast halo CMEs related to the 12 X-class flares in 2002 B. Schmieder, R.S. Kim, B. Grison, K. Bocchialini, R.Y. Kwon, S. Poedts, P. Demoulin 2020 https://arxiv.org/pdf/2003.10777.pdf Development of a method for determining the search window for solar flare neutrinos K. Okamoto, Y. Nakano, S. Masuda, Y. Itow, M. Miyake, T. Terasawa, S. Ito, M. Nakahata Solar Phys. 2019 https://arxiv.org/pdf/1909.10715.pdf Solar hard X-ray imaging by means of compressed sensing and finite isotropic wavelet transform M. A. Duval-Poo1, M. Piana1,2 and A. M. Massone2 A&A 615, A59 (2018) https://www.aanda.org/articles/aa/pdf/2018/07/aa31765-17.pdf Solar hard X-ray imaging by means of Compressed Sensing and Finite Isotropic Wavelet Transform M. A. Duval-Poo, M. Piana, A. M. Massone A&A 2017 https://arxiv.org/pdf/1708.03877.pdf Flare Observations Review Arnold O. Benz Living Reviews in Solar Physics December 2017?, 14:2 File This article is a revised version of http://dx.doi.org/10.12942/lrsp-2008-1. https://link.springer.com/content/pdf/10.1007%2Fs41116-016-0004-3.pdf Constraints on energy release in solar flares from RHESSI and GOES X-ray observations I. Physical parameters and scalings A. Warmuth and G. Mann A&A 588, A115 (2016) http://www.aanda.org/articles/aa/pdf/2016/04/aa27474-15.pdf ÑÂßÇÜ ÌÅÆÄÓ ÏÎßÂËÅÍÈÅÌ ÈÑÒÎ×ÍÈÊΠÃÀÌÌÀ-ÈÇËÓ×ÅÍÈß È ÓÄÀÐÍÎÉ ËÈÍÅÉÍÎÉ ÏÎËßÐÈÇÀÖÈÅÉ ËÈÍÈÈ Í ÂÎ ÂÑÏÛØÊÅ 23 ÈÞËß 2002 ÃÎÄÀ ÔÈÐÑÒÎÂÀ Í.Ì. ÏÀÆ Òîì: 41Íîìåð: 10 Ãîä: 2015 Ñòðàíèöû: 642 Measurements and Modeling of Total Solar Irradiance in X-Class Solar Flares Christopher Samuel Moore, Phillip Clyde Chamberlin, Rachel Hock 2015 http://arxiv.org/pdf/1509.06074v1.pdf Fine Structure in Flare Soft X-ray Light Curves Brian Dennis and Kim Tolbert: RHESSI Science Nuggets, No. 262, Sept 2015 http://sprg.ssl.berkeley.edu/~tohban/wiki/index.php/Fine_Structure_in_Flare_Soft_X-ray_Light_Curves RHESSI and General Relativity Bill Thompson and Hugh Hudson RHESSI Science Nuggets No. 260, Sept 2015 http://sprg.ssl.berkeley.edu/~tohban/wiki/index.php/RHESSI_and_General_Relativity Hard X-Ray Imaging of Individual Spectral Components in Solar Flares Amir Caspi, Albert Y. Shih, James M. McTiernan, Sam Krucker 2015 ApJL http://arxiv.org/ftp/arxiv/papers/1508/1508.06003.pdf Plasma Heating to Super-Hot Temperatures (>30 MK) in the August 9, 2011 Solar Flare I.N. Sharykin, A.B. Struminsky, I.V. Zimovets 2015 http://arxiv.org/pdf/1502.03220v1.pdf The spatial, spectral and polarization properties of solar flare X-ray sources Natasha L. S. Jeffrey Ph.D. Thesis, 2014 http://arxiv.org/pdf/1412.8163v1.pdf On the sensitivity of the GOES flare classification to properties of the electron beam in the thick target model Reep, J.W., Bradshaw, S.J., McAteer R.T.J. E-print, Oct 2013, http://arxiv.org/pdf/1310.3242v1.pdf; ApJ ESTIMATING THE PROPERTIES OF HARD X-RAY SOLAR FLARES BY CONSTRAINING MODEL PARAMETERS J. Ireland1, A. K. Tolbert2, R. A. Schwartz2, G. D. Holman3, and B. R. Dennis 2013 ApJ 769 89 Too few? Too many? Simoes, P. J. A. and Kontar, E. P. RHESSI Science Nugget, No. 200, 2013 Implications for electron acceleration and transport from non-thermal electron rates at looptop and footpoint sources in solar flares Simoes, P. J. A. and Kontar, E. P. E-print, Feb 2013; A&A LOW IONIZATION STATE PLASMA IN CORONAL MASS EJECTIONS Jin-Yi Lee1 and John C. Raymond 2012 ApJ 758 116 H alpha line impact linear polarization observed in the 23 July 2002 flare with the Large Solar Vacuum Telescope (LSVT) Firstova N.M., Polyakov V.I., Firstova A.V. E-print, 29 May 2012; Solar Phys. HARD X-RAY AND MICROWAVE EMISSIONS FROM SOLAR FLARES WITH HARD SPECTRAL INDICES T. Kawate1, N. Nishizuka2, A. Oi3, M. Ohyama4 and H. Nakajima 2012 ApJ 747 131 Several papers in Space Sci. Rev., 159, 2011 Overview of the Volume A Review B. R. Dennis1, A. G. Emslie2, and H. S. Hudso Space Sci. Rev., 159, 2011, File RHESSI LINE AND CONTINUUM OBSERVATIONS OF SUPER-HOT FLARE PLASMA A. Caspi1 and R. P. Lin1,2 Astrophysical Journal Letters, 725:L161–L166, 2010 MANIFESTATIONS OF ENERGETIC ELECTRONS WITH ANISOTROPIC DISTRIBUTIONS IN SOLAR FLARES. II. GYROSYNCHROTRON MICROWAVE EMISSION Alexey A. Kuznetsov1,2 and Valentina V. Zharkova3 Astrophysical Journal, 722:1577–1588, 2010 Diagnostics of energetic electrons with anisotropic distributions in solar flares I. Hard X-rays bremsstrahlung emission Zharkova V.V., Kuznetsov A.A. and Siversky T.V. E-print, Nov 2009, A&A, 512, A8 (2010) http://www.aanda.org/10.1051/0004-6361/200811486 Fig. 1 in MASS COMPOSITION IN PRE-ERUPTION QUIET SUN FILAMENTS Gary Kilper1, Holly Gilbert1,2, and David Alexander1 The Astrophysical Journal, 704:522–530, 2009 October The RHESSI observations have given us what appears to be a newclass of coronal hard X-ray sources, namely coronal sources that precede the impulsive phase. The prototype of this class is the event of 23 July 2002 (Lin et al. 2003; Asai et al. 2006), Interpretation of the SOHO/UVCS observations of two CME-driven shocks Salvatore Mancusoa, and Alessandro Bemporad Advances in Space Research, Volume 44, Issue 4, 17 August 2009, Pages 451-456 IMAGING SPECTROSCOPY ON PREFLARE CORONAL NONTHERMAL SOURCES ASSOCIATED WITH THE 2002 JULY 23 FLARE Ayumi Asai1, Hiroshi Nakajima1, Masumi Shimojo1, Takaaki Yokoyama2, Satoshi Masuda3, and S?am Krucker4 Astrophysical Journal, 695:1623–1630, 2009 April http://www.iop.org/EJ/toc/-alert=43190/0004-637X/695/2 E-print,Jan 2009 UV and Radio Observations of the Coronal Shock Associated with the 2002 July 23 Coronal Mass Ejection Event S. Mancuso and D. Avetta The Astrophysical Journal, Vol. 677, No. 1: 683-691, 2008. White, S.M., Krucker, S., Shibasaki, K., Yokoyama, T., Shimojo, M., Kundu, M.R. Radio and Hard X–ray Images of High–Energy Electrons in an X-class Solar Flare: 2003, ApJL 595, 111. RHESSI papers will appear in the October 1, 2003 issue of ApJL: http://sprg.ssl.berkeley.edu/~hhudson/rhessi/ RHESSI SPECIAL ISSUE ON THE 2002 JULY 23 GAMMA-RAY FLARE 2003 October 1 Volume 595, Number 2, Part 2 : http://www.journals.uchicago.edu/ApJ/journal/contents/ApJL/v595n2.html RHESSI observations of HXR sources: http://solar.physics.montana.edu/cgi-bin/eprint/index.pl?entry=655 RHESSI observations of the 23 July 2002 gamma-ray line flare at the following locations: http://www.berkeley.edu/news/media/releases/2003/09/02_flares.shtml http://www.gsfc.nasa.gov/topstory/2003/0903rhessi.html http://www.nasa.gov/home/index.html?skipIntro=1 ---------------------------------------- See http://www.gsfc.nasa.gov/topstory/20020724grandslam.html#top about recent X-class flares ---------------------------------------- BBSO http://solar.njit.edu/publications.htm ------------------ Impact Linear Polarization of the H? Line Observed in a Proton Flare with the Irkutsk Large Solar Vacuum Telescope N. M. Firstova, V. I. Polyakov, A. V. Firstova Solar Phys. 248(2),53-73, 2008. The Cause of Photospheric and Helioseismic Responses to Solar Flares: High-Energy Electrons or Protons? A. G. Kosovichev E-print, Oct 2007; Ap. J. Analysis of the hydrodynamic and helioseismic effects in the photosphere during the solar flare of July 23, 2002, observed by Michelson Doppler Imager (MDI) on SOHO, and high-energy images from RHESSI shows that these effects are closely associated with sources of the hard X-ray emission, and that there are no such effects in the centroid region of the flare gamma-ray emission. These results demonstrate that contrary to expectations the hydrodynamic and helioseismic responses (''sunquakes") are more likely to be caused by accelerated electrons than by high-energy protons. A series of multiple impulses of high-energy electrons forms a hydrodynamic source moving in the photosphere with a supersonic speed. The moving source plays a critical role in the formation of the anisotropic wave front of sunquakes. Energy partition in two solar flare/CME events Emslie, A. G. et al. Journal of Geophysical Research, Volume 109, Issue A10, CiteID A10104 21 April, 23 July and 24 August 2002 X-class flares: Raymond. Far UV Spectra of Fast Coronal Mass Ejections Associated with X-class Flares. http://solar.physics.montana.edu/cgi-bin/eprint/index.pl?entry=656 -------------------------- See references in Aschwanden, Asytophys.-2004, p. 13 (e-print, 2005) THERMAL TO NONTHERMAL ENERGY PARTITION AT THE EARLY RISE PHASE OF SOLAR FLARES Alexander A. Altyntsev1, Gregory D. Fleishman2,3, Sergey V. Lesovoi1, and Nataliia S. Meshalkina 2012 ApJ 758 138 Preflare Nonthermal Emission Observed in Microwaves and Hard X-Rays A. ASAI et al. PASJ: Publ. Astron. Soc. Japan 58, L1-L5, 2006 RADIO AND WHITE-LIGHT CORONAL SIGNATURES ASSOCIATED WITH THE RHESSI HARD X-RAY EVENT OF 2002 JULY 23 M. J. Reiner, S. Krucker, D. E. Gary, B. L. Dougherty, M. L. Kaiser, and J.-L. Bougeret The Astrophysical Journal, 657, 1107-1116, 2007 Time delay between $\gamma$-ray lines and hard X-ray emissions during the 23 July 2002 solar flare interpreted by a trap plus precipitation model: C. Dauphin and N. Vilmer A&A 468 (2007) 289-298 (Section 'The Sun') http://www.aanda.org/10.1051/0004-6361:20066247 -------------------------------------------------------- The CME-productivity associated with flares from two active regions Adv. Space Res., 39(9), Pages 1469-1472, 2007 S. Akiyama, S. Yashiro and N. Gopalswamy We report on two flare-productive adjacent active regions (ARs), with different levels of coronal mass ejection (CME) association. AR 10039 and AR 10044 produced strong X-ray flares during their disk passages. We suggest that different pre-eruption evolution and magnetic configuration in the two regions might have contributed to the difference between the two ARs --------------------------------------------------------- Energetic particles related with coronal and interplanetary shocks N. Gopalswamy E-print, Nov. 2007. Lecture Notes in Physics 725, Eds. K.-L. Klein and A. McKinnon, p. 139-160, 2007; File Magnetic Field, H?, and RHESSI Observations of the 2002 July 23 Gamma-Ray Flare Yurchyshyn, Vasyl; Wang, Haimin; Abramenko, Valentyna; Spirock, Thomas J.; Krucker, Sam Astrophysical Journal, 605:546–553, 2004; File Why was there no Solar Energetic Particle Event Associated with the Gamma-ray-line Flare of 2002 July 23? N. Gopalswamy1, S. Krucker2, B. R. Dennis1, R. P. Lin2, M. L. Kaiser1, and A. Vourlidas3 Submitted to ApJL, 2003?, File Hard X-ray source motions in the 2002 July 23 gamma-ray flare. Krucker, S., Hurford, G. J., Lin, R. P. ApJ 595, L103-L106, 2003, File. RHESSI observations of particle acceleration and energy release in an intense solar gamma-ray line flare. Lin, R. P., Krucker, S., Hurford, G. J., et al. ApJL 595, L69-L72, 2003, File. +24 - Interesting chains, CH ; NW filament activity +09:30 UT: sharp IIIGG and CONT at our spectrum!! +!15 UT: one more SE eruption; See Events!! +!>20 UT: formation of the very bright chain on the boundary of the N polar CH (Thompson event); See Events! 25 - Interesting chains Large AR; one more FD +26 - Interesting chains; high flare activity +21 UT: SE M 8.7 flare ; Over-the-limb dimming; halo CME; See Events! Wang et al. Evidence of Rapid Flux Emergence..., ApJ, submitted in 2003, E-print page +22 UT: SW M5.3 and SE M4.6 flares Decameter Type III-Like Bursts V.N.Mel'Nik, A.A.Konovalenko, H.O.Rucker, B.P.Rutkevych, V.V.Dorovskyy, E.P.Abranin, A.I.Brazhenko, A.A.Stanislavskii, A.Lecacheux 2018 https://arxiv.org/ftp/arxiv/papers/1802/1802.07311.pdf The Roles of Reconnected Flux and Overlying Fields in CME Speeds Minda Deng, Brian T. Welsch 2015 http://arxiv.org/pdf/1504.02905v1.pdf OBSERVATIONAL EVIDENCE OF BACK REACTION ON THE SOLAR SURFACE ASSOCIATED WITH CORONAL MAGNETIC RESTRUCTURING IN SOLAR ERUPTIONS Haimin Wang and Chang Liu Astrophysical Journal Letters, 716:L195–L199, 2010 June 26-31 Role of the Coronal Environment in the Formation of Four Shocks Observed without Coronal Mass Ejections at Earth's Lagrangian Point L1 M. Pick1, J. Magdalenic2, N. Cornilleau-Wehrlin1,3, B. Grison4, B. Schmieder1,5, and K. Bocchialini6 2020 ApJ 895 144 https://sci-hub.tw/https://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.3847/1538-4357/ab8fae Evolution and Flare Activity of Delta-Sunspots in Cycle 23 Kan Takizawa, Reizaburo Kitai Solar Phys. 2015 http://arxiv.org/pdf/1507.06453v1.pdf +27 - Interesting chains; high flare activity ++!Strong evolving noise storm at our spectrum!! +28 - Interesting chains; high flare and CME activity +Extended thin chain after activity at 02 UT; Illustration! See Events!! ++!Strong evolving noise storm at our spectrum!! Decameter Type III-Like Bursts V.N.Mel'Nik, A.A.Konovalenko, H.O.Rucker, B.P.Rutkevych, V.V.Dorovskyy, E.P.Abranin, A.I.Brazhenko, A.A.Stanislavskii, A.Lecacheux 2018 https://arxiv.org/ftp/arxiv/papers/1802/1802.07311.pdf --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- !! 28d, 23 UT - 29d, 01 UT: clear disappearance and following enhancement of the noise storm; See HIRA and CULG spectra in the 28d data !! --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 28-31 Horizontal flow below solar filaments P. Ambroz1 and W. Potzi2 A&A 613, A39 (2018) https://www.aanda.org/articles/aa/pdf/2018/05/aa31162-17.pdf +29 - Interesting chains; high flare and CME activity; CH +02:30 UT: M4.8 flare and eruption; See Events! +!Strong noise storm at our spectrum!! +!!10:30 UT: our M4.7 flare, NW filament eruption; Partial halo; Global activity; IIIgg/CONT !!See Events! Estimation of Reconnection Flux using Post-eruption Arcades and Its Relevance to 1-au Magnetic Clouds N. Gopalswamy, S. Yashiro, S. Akiyama, H. Xie Solar Phys. 2017 https://arxiv.org/pdf/1701.01943v1.pdf File 02:30 UT: An EUV Jet and H? Filament Eruption Associated with Flux Cancelation in a Decaying Active Region Huadong Chen, Yunchun Jiang, Suli Ma Solar Phys (2009) 255: 79–90 Using data from the Transition Region and Coronal Explorer (TRACE), Solarand Heliospheric Observatory (SOHO), Ramaty High Energy Solar Spectroscopic Imager(RHESSI), and Hida Observatory (HO), we present a detailed study of an EUV jet and the associated H??filament eruption in a major flare in the active region NOAA 10044 on 29 July 2002. +30 - Interesting chains; high flare and CME activity; CH +00:30 UT: SW-limb filament eruption and nice CME! +!Strong noise storm at our spectrum!! Acceleration without Heating G. Fleishman and E. Kontar RHESSI science Nugget, 13 June, 2011 A COLD, TENUOUS SOLAR FLARE: ACCELERATION WITHOUT HEATING Gregory D. Fleishman1,2, Eduard P. Kontar3, Gelu M. Nita1 and Dale E. Gary 2011 ApJ 731 L19; File +31 - Interesting chains; high eruptive activity; CH +10 UT: sharp brightening of transequatorial loop! +Deacaying noise storm! Narrowband Gyrosynchrotron Bursts: Probing Electron Acceleration in Solar Flares Gregory D. Fleishman, Gelu M. Nita, Eduard P. Kontar, Dale E. Gary ApJ 2016 http://arxiv.org/pdf/1605.00948v1.pdf