Halo CME Mail Date: Tue, 23 Jul 2002 20:47:24 +0000 (GMT) From: Kevin Schenk Subject: Full HALO CME Event 2002/07/23 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ UCMEO 93001 20723 2000/ 20723 70042 90318 0901/ 089// 133// 32170 20723 60024 80236 21372 10039 1122/ 99999 BT Lasco and EIT observed a full HALO CME event on 2002/07/23. The event was first observed in the C2 field at 2002/07/23 00:42 UT as a bright loop front over the East limb with LE already to 3Rs at PA 90 degrees. Material was at all angles by 01:31 UT. The event entered C3 at 02:18 at 20Rs and tracked to 30 Rs by 03:18. The plane of sky speeds through both fields at PA 90 degrees calculated to 2170 km/sec. A slower wave front over PA 273 degrees only totaled 359 km/sec. A very impulsive shock in the East quadrent. EIT sees a flare from AR 10039 located [S13; E72] at 00:24 UT with brightening till 02:26 UT. A westward wave is seen with material to both front and backside (along limb) of disk. GOES shows a X4.8 x-ray flare of AR 10039 at the same period. This flare is probably the event seen by EIT and LASCO. Images and movies are available on the Lasco servers at: ftp://lasco6.nascom.nasa.gov/pub/lasco/halo/20020723/ Best reguards Kevin Schenk EIT and LASCO Operations NASA-Goddard Space Flight Center, USA