:Product: Weekly Highlights and Forecasts :Issued: 2002 Apr 16 2212 UTC # Prepared by the US Dept. of Commerce, NOAA, Space Environment Center # Product description and SEC contact on the Web # http://www.sec.noaa.gov/weekly.html # # Weekly Highlights and Forecasts # Highlights of Solar and Geomagnetic Activity 08 - 14 April 2002 Solar activity ranged from low to high levels. Activity was low on 08 April with frequent C-class flares, most of which were produced by Region 9899 (N18, L = 179, class/area Dao/220 on 10 April). Activity increased to moderate levels on 09 April due to two M-class flares from Region 9899 including an M2/2b flare at 09/0042 UTC associated with Type II and IV radio sweeps (for other flare magnitudes and times, please refer to the Energetic Events or Optical Flares lists). It also produced an M1 X-ray flare at 10/1907 UTC and a C3/Sf flare at 12/0512 UTC, both associated with Type II and IV radio sweeps. Region 9899 grew at a gradual pace during most of the period, with minor mixed polarities near its large leader spot. Activity increased to high levels on 10 April due to an impulsive M8/1n flare at 10/1231 UTC from Region 9893 (N19, L = 215, class/area Eai/490 on 09 April) associated with a Type II radio sweep and a 510 sfu Tenflare. Region 9893 was part of a two region complex that included Region 9901 (N20, L = 204, class/area Dai/250 on 13 April), which rapidly emerged just to the east of Region 9893. The M8/1n flare occurred near the junction of these two groups where a magnetic delta configuration had formed. This delta configuration dissipated, but another delta developed in the leader spots of Region 9901 and persisted through the rest of the period. Activity alternated between low and moderate levels during 11 – 14 April with isolated M-class flares from the Region 9893/9901 complex including an M4/1f at 12/1802 UTC associated with a Type IV radio sweep. Solar wind data were available from NASA Advanced Composition Explorer (ACE) spacecraft for most of the summary period. No significant disturbances were detected. However, minor changes were observed during 11 – 14 April including intermittent periods of sustained southward IMF Bz (maximum southward deflections to minus 9 nT (GSM)) and brief periods of elevated solar wind velocities (peaks to 530 km/sec on 11 April). There were no proton events detected at geo-synchronous orbit. Greater than 2 MeV electron fluxes at geo-synchronous orbit were at normal to moderate levels during 08 – 10 April, then decreased to normal levels for the rest of the period. Geomagnetic field activity was at quiet to unsettled levels during 08 – 10 April. Activity increased to quiet to active levels during 11 – 14 April, though the active periods were brief. Forecast of Solar and Geomagnetic Activity 17 April - 13 May 2002 Solar activity is expected to be at low to moderate levels during the period. Isolated lesser M-class flares are likely during 17 - 21 April and 29 April – 13 May. There will be a slight chance for isolated major flare activity during these periods as well. Activity is expected to be low during 22 – 28 April. There will be a slight chance for a proton event through 20 April and again during 07 – 13 May. Greater than 2 MeV fluxes may reach high levels around 30 April – 02 May. Normal to moderate flux levels are expected during the rest of the period. Active geomagnetic field conditions are likely during 17 – 18 April due to an expected CME passage. Active conditions will also be possible during 27 – 30 April due to recurrent coronal hole effects. .