>From Hugh Hudson Check out the timing on http://sprg.ssl.berkeley.edu/~hhudson/goes_hessi_plots/2002_04/020421.gif We have been lucky! >From Dick Shine & Jake Wolfson The TRACE movie of this event is really amazing. The geometry is very good for the presumed Fe XXV components and the development of the cooler Fe XII loops. The cadence is 20s, we could have run a bit faster but I guess we had telemetry constraints. I think the full resolution will be useful for some of the fine structures seen. The hot Fe XXV shows vertical striations, looking a bit sprite-like or auroral-like with downward falling "wiggling" dark structures superposed. As the Fe XII loops expand upwards, a dark zone moves in the Fe XXV zone moves ahead of them. At the same time, the Fe XXV zone seems to be slowly falling though part of this motion is from obscuring cooler material. A movie is being prepared and will be available at: ftp://diapason.lmsal.com/pub/shine/ar9906xflare.mpg ------------------------------------------------------------ Dear all, A X1.5 class flare on the last Sunday (21-Apr-02) was observed with Nobeyama Heliograph (NoRH) from the start time of the flare to the end. We made some figures and movies of the flare and uploaded to our web site: http://solar.nro.nao.ac.jp/user/shimojo/21-Apr-02_X/ Since these figures and movies are preliminary results, the accuracy of coordinates is not so good. If you want to use the data for your study, please contact us. SHIMOJO Masumi Nobeyama Solar Radio Observatory/NAOJ E-mail : shimojo@nro.nao.ac.jp -------------------------------------------------------------- Hi everyone, We're planning on making a SOHO Hot Shot with images from the latest X flare, and the focus will be on the high number of instruments/spacecraft that observed the flare (or effects thereof). CDS, UVCS, SUMER (the actively pointed SOHO instruments) were all there, together with TRACE, and (presumably) a high number of ground based observatories. (Note that we're quite embarassed here at GSFC for the H alpha image that is being attributed to SOHO by CNN - not by our making, and the page hasn't been changed despite several attempts to communicate the errors to CNN - see http://www.cnn.com/2002/TECH/space/04/22/solar.flare/index.html) So, what we're asking for from everyone that observed the flare/effects, is at least one gif, jpeg, or png image, with a short caption, and a clear, short, image credit phrase, and a link to a web page of your own with more details/images (the link is not required). Note that "images" in this respect does not mean only those with two spatial dimensions: Spectra, time-lapse vs any other dimension, etc are fine, as long as there's a definite and obvious signature from the flare. We're not making any guarantees that we'll use your images, but we do promise that we'll give proper credit for the images/materials that we do use. We reserve the right to crop the images (at least for the Hot Shot page itself, we'll link the full version in the usual fashion). Send links (preferred) or attached material to shaugan@esa.nascom.nasa.gov Our initial plans are to have this page out by Friday, but there's (of course) a chance it'll slip until Monday. Remember: Most likely just one of your images will be used on the "front" page - so pick your best! -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stein Vidar Hagfors Haugan ESA SOHO SOC/European Space Agency Science Operations Coordinator for SOHO NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, Email: shaugan@esa.nascom.nasa.gov Mail Code 682.3, Bld. 26, Room G-1, Tel.: 1-301-286-9028/240-354-6066 Greenbelt, Maryland 20771, USA. Fax: 1-301-286-0264 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dear All, The large eruption on 21 Apr. '02 was observed by the Solar Radio Burst Locator (SRBL) from start to local sunset at 01:43 UT. The dynamic spectrum is viewable at http://srbl.caltech.edu/020421.html For more information, please contact me. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ First of all, thanks to everyone who submitted material, and my apologies for the delays in getting the page finished. It's been an "educational" experience, my next request (if ever) will likely be worded somewhat differently :-) To see the page, go to http://soho.nascom.nasa.gov/hotshots/ (it's also linked form our home page, of course). Best regards, -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stein Vidar Hagfors Haugan ESA SOHO SOC/European Space Agency Science Operations Coordinator for SOHO NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, Email: shaugan@esa.nascom.nasa.gov Mail Code 682.3, Bld. 26, Room G-1, Tel.: 1-301-286-9028/240-354-6066 Greenbelt, Maryland 20771, USA. Fax: 1-301-286-0264 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- SOHONEWS - May 2, 2002 ---------------------- SOHO HOT SHOT: "All Together Now: X1.5" You will notice several "unusual" images in the latest Hot Shot, and that is for a reason: Thanks to the Max Millennium program, a large number of solar observatories, both spacecraft and ground based, focus on certain active regions; the targets are selected by the Max Millennium chief observer for every 24 hour UT period and distributed by email to observatories around the world. The selection of images is meant to give a "taste" of the vastly different observations that can be combined to pin down the different aspects of large eruptions like this. http://sohowww.nascom.nasa.gov/hotshots/ SOHO-500 COMET CONTEST Predict the perihelion date and time of SOHO-500 and win a DVD or VHS copy of the SOLARMAX movie. See the rules of the contest at: http://sohowww.nascom.nasa.gov/comet.html _____________________________________________________________________________ To subscribe to SOHONEWS send mail to Majordomo@esa.nascom.nasa.gov with an empty 'Subject:' line and 'subscribe sohonews' as the body of the message. To send information to be distributed in SOHONEWS, please, send e-mail to editor@esa.nascom.nasa.gov _____________________________________________________________________________ Dear colleagues, During flare maximum at about 2 UT on 21 April 2002, the wonderful zebra & fibril radio fine structures around 3 GHz with 8 ms temporal resolution and 20 MHz spectal resolution (in 2.6-3.8 GHz range) can be visited at the web site: http://srg.bao.ac.cn/newyear.htm Thanks for your interest and with best regards, ================================================================= Yihua Yan National Astronomical Observatories Tel: +86-10-6485 1674 Chinese Academy of Sciences Fax: +86-10-6486 3314 Datun Road A20, Chaoyang District Email: yyh@bao.ac.cn Beijing 100012, China Web: http://srg.bao.ac.cn =================================================================