Halo CME Mail Date: Wed, 17 Apr 2002 18:09:55 +0000 (GMT) From: Kevin Schenk Subject: Full HALO CME of 2002/04/17 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ UCMEO 93001 20417 1600/ 20417 60826 91242 2661/ 265// 123// 41192 20417 60748 80948 31537 09906 1112/ 99999 BT EIT and LASCO observed a FULL HALO CME event on 2002/04/17. The event first seen in C2 begining 08:26 as a large loop front with cavity over the West hemisphere. This event quickly developed to a full HALO event. The LE was first seen in the C3 field beginning 08:42 UT and tracked to 28 Rs by 12:42 UT. The speeds were determined at two position angles to limit the acceleration from what was discovered to be two separate ejections. The plane-of-sky speeds averaged through both fields at PA 266; 1191 km/sec and at PA 106; 600 km/sec. Minor increase of visible protons are seen in the white light images. EIT observed a limb CME from AR 9905 at location [S15; W83] and a flare of AR 9906 at location [S15; W37] beginning 2002/04/17 at 07:46 UT. The flare produced a region dimming with Northward wave and bright post event loop arcade. GOES shows a long duration M2.3 x-ray flare event during this time range. These events are probably related to the events seen in Lasco. Images and movies are available on the Lasco FTP server at: ftp://ares.nrl.navy.mil/pub/lasco/halo/20020417/ note: we have have been notified of download restrictions with the use of different browser configurations. We appologize in advance and are working to correct this. This has been seen in older versions of IE and Netscape. Best Kevin Schenk EIT and LASCO Operations NASA-Goddard Space Flight Center, USA