Halo CME Mail Date: Wed, 13 Feb 2002 22:15:58 +0000 (GMT) From: Kevin Schenk Subject: FULL HALO CME 2002/02/12 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ UCMEO 93001 20213 2130/ 20212 61506 80242 0701/ 069// 233// 40414 20212 61436 81800 11237 09825 1122/ 99999 BT EIT and LASCO observed a full HALO CME on 2002/02/12. The event was first seen in C2 at 15:06 UT as a bright symetric loop front with core over the North East quadrant centered at PA 70 degrees. This event developed to a full HALO with faint material at all postion angles by 19:00 UT. The event was first seen in C3 field at 16:42 UT. Plane-of-sky speeds averaged to 20Rs measured 414 km/sec with slight acceleration into the C3 field. This event in the Corona may have been possibly caused by more than one single event. Complex interior muli-loop structure followed the front which makes this event difficult to determine. EIT sees a wave/flow of material through a channel East of AR 9825 located in the NE at location [N12; E37] beginning 13:26 UT and crosses the limb to backside of disk. At 14:36 UT a flare from AR9825 with CME of East SE projection and wave occurs. GOES reports a C5.8 x-ray flare from AR9825 at this time. These two events may possibly be the cause of the complex HALO seen in Lasco. This event is not completely a front side event. Images and movies of this event are available on the Lasco servers at: ftp://ares.nrl.navy.mil/pub/lasco/halo/20020212/ Best reguards, Kevin Schenk EIT and LASCO Operations Nasa-Goddard Space Flight Center, USA