:Product: Weekly Highlights and Forecasts :Issued: 2001 Jul 31 2112 UT Highlights of Solar and Geomagnetic Activity 23 - 29 July 2001 Activity was low during most of the period, briefly dipping to very low levels on 26 July. Isolated B- and C-class subflares occurred during most days. Region 9543 (S23, L = 076, class/area Eai/380 on 22 July) produced isolated C-class flares during 23 – 24 July as it slowly developed. This region began to gradually decay on 25 July. Region 9553 (N13, L = 009, class/area Dai/190 on 26 July) produced isolated C-class subflares during 25 – 26 July as it grew at a moderate pace before entering a decay phase late on 26 July. At the close of the period, mostly small, simple sunspot groups populated the disk. Data were available from the Advanced Composition Explorer (ACE) spacecraft for most of the period. A coronal hole-related high speed stream was observed during 24 - 26 July with peak velocities near 600 km/sec on 25 - 26 July. Coronal hole effects subsided during 27 July. There were no proton events during the period. The greater than 2 MeV electron flux at geosynchronous orbit reached high levels during 27 - 28 July. Geomagnetic field activity was at quiet to active levels during 24 - 26 July due to coronal hole effects. Activity decreased to quiet to unsettled levels for the rest of the period. Forecast of Solar and Geomagnetic Activity 01 - 27 August 2001 Solar activity is expected to be at mostly low levels. However, isolated M-class flares will be possible during the period. No proton events are expected. The greater than 2 MeV electron flux at geosynchronous orbit is expected to be at normal to moderate levels during most of the period. However, high flux levels will be possible around 15 - 17 and 23 - 24 August. The geomagnetic field is expected to be at quiet to unsettled levels during most of the period, barring an Earth-directed CME. However, brief active periods will be possible during 01, 12 - 13, 21 - 22 and 27 August due to coronal hole effects. .