:Product: Weekly Highlights and Forecasts :Issued: 2001 Apr 10 2112 UT Highlights of Solar and Geomagnetic Activity 02 - 08 April 2001 Solar activity reached high levels for the third consecutive week! Region 9393 (N17, L = 151, class/area Fkc/2440 on 29 March) produced two X-class flares on 02 April while crossing the west limb. One of these flares, an X20 at 02/2151 UTC (X-ray peak estimated due to GOES SRS saturation), had the largest X-ray magnitude seen to date in Cycle 23. The X20 was associated with a 10,000 SFU Tenflare, a partial-halo CME, and a solar proton event (see the discussion below). Region 9393 also holds the distinction of being the largest sunspot group yet seen during Cycle 23. Region 9415 (S21, L - 001, class/area Eko/880 on 07 April) rotated into view just as Region 9393 was departing the disk. Region 9415 was an able successor to Region 9393: it produced three major flares during the period, the largest of which was an X5/Sf (optical flare designation uncertain) at 1921 UTC on 06 April (see the Energetic Event Summary for flare times). Halo CMEs were associated with each of these major flares. Region 9415 was also responsible for an M5 X-ray flare on 01 April, a day before it rotated into view. It is currently near center disk, classified as a large, magnetically complex (beta-gamma-delta) E-type spot group with a strong persistent delta magnetic configuration in its leader spots. Note: Region 9415 produced additional major flares during 09 - 10 April; details will provided in next week's issue. Data were available from the Advanced Composition Explorer (ACE) spacecraft for most of the period. Three CME passages occurred during the period associated with major flare activity in Regions 9393 and 9415. The first CME, likely associated with an X-class flare from Region 9393 on 02 April, reached the ACE spacecraft at 04/1422 UTC and caused abrupt increases in velocity, density, temperature, IMF field intensity, and IMF Bz variability. Solar wind speeds were as high as 800 km/sec with this passage. The second CME, likely associated with an M5 flare from Region 9415 on 05 April, reached ACE at 07/1700 UTC and caused relatively modest changes in velocity, density, temperature, and Bz. The third CME, associated with an X5 flare from Region 9415 on 06 April, reached ACE at 08/1034 UTC causing sudden increases in velocity (peak around 670 km/sec), IMF field intensity, temperature, Bz variability, and density. Greater than 10 MeV and greater than 100 MeV proton events followed the X20 flare of 02 April. The greater than 10 MeV event began at 02/2340 UTC, reached a peak of 1110 PFU at 03/0740 UTC, and ended at 06/1340 UTC. The greater than 10 MeV proton flux remained at enhanced levels for the rest of the period. The greater than 100 MeV proton event began at 03/0120 UTC, reached a peak of 5.4 PFU at 03/0740 UTC, and ended at 03/2025 UTC. The greater than 2 MeV electron flux at geosynchronous orbit was at normal to moderate levels. The geomagnetic field was intermittently disturbed during the period due to the CME passages mentioned above. The 04 April passage caused unsettled to minor storm conditions during 04 - 05 April. Active to major storm conditions occurred during the CME passages on 07 - 08 April. Forecast of Solar and Geomagnetic Activity 11 April - 07 May 2001 Solar activity is expected to range from moderate to high levels during the period. Region 9415 is expected to produce more major flares before it rotates to the far side of the Sun on 16 April. Isolated major flares will be possible during the rest of the period due to the expected return of active longitudes associated with old Region 9393 and Region 9415. A solar proton event at greater than 10 MeV was in progress as the period ended and is expected to continue for the next two days. Additional proton events at greater than 10 and greater than 100 MeV will be possible during the period. The greater than 2 MeV electron flux at geosynchronous orbit is expected to be at normal to moderate levels during most of the period. Geomagnetic field activity is expected to be at active to major geomagnetic storm levels during 11 - 12 April in response to recent major flares and accompanying halo-CMEs from Region 9415. Quiet to active conditions are expected during the rest of the period. .