:Product: Weekly Highlights and Forecasts :Issued: 2001 Mar 20 2112 UT Highlights of Solar and Geomagnetic Activity 12 - 18 March 2001 Solar activity decreased to mostly low levels following last week's brief period of major flare activity from Region 9368 (N25, L = 086, class/area Eki/610 on 08 March). This region was decaying as it quietly crossed the west limb on 12 March. There were two sunspots groups of note during the period: Region 9373 (S07, L = 329, class/area Eai/320 on 12 March) and Region 9384 (N11, L = 334, class/area Dao/120 on 16 March). Region 9373 produced C-class flares during the period as it displayed alternate periods of growth and decay. Region 9373 was of moderate size and magnetic complexity at the close of the period. Region 9384 produced C-class subflares as well, mostly during 15 - 16 March as it grew. Region 9384 stabilized on 17 March as a moderate-sized group with a minor degree of magnetic complexity. A full-halo CME occurred on 15 March following a filament eruption near center disk. Data were available from the Advanced Composition Explorer (ACE) spacecraft for most of the period. However, interplanetary magnetic field data was unavailable on 16 March. A coronal transient was observed during 12 - 13 March. Transient effects were minor with small increases in solar wind velocity and density, along with a fairly brief southward turning of IMF Bz (maximum deflections to minus 10 nT (GSM). Nominal solar wind conditions occurred during the remainder of the period. No proton events occurred. The greater than 2 MeV electron flux at geosynchronous orbit was at mostly normal levels. The geomagnetic field was disturbed on 12 March as a coronal transient passed Earth. Unsettled to active levels occurred during the disturbance. Quiet to unsettled conditions prevailed for the remainder of the period. Note: at issue time, a major geomagnetic storm was in progress. Details will be provided in next week's issue. Forecast of Solar and Geomagnetic Activity 21 March - 16 April 2001 Activity is expected to be at mostly low to moderate levels during the period. Best chance for isolated M-class flares will be during 21 - 22 March and again during the latter half of the forecast period. There will also be a slight chance for a major flare during these periods. There will be a slight chance for a proton event during the period. The greater than 2 MeV electron flux at geosynchronous orbit is expected to be at normal to moderate levels during most of the period. The Geomagnetic field is expected to be disturbed during 21 - 23. Active to minor storm conditions will be possible during the disturbance. Quiet to unsettled levels are expected for the rest of the period, barring an Earth-directed CME. .