:Product: Weekly Highlights and Forecasts :Issued: 2000 Dec 12 2112 UT Highlights of Solar and Geomagnetic Activity 04 - 10 December 2000 Solar activity ranged from very low to moderate levels. The period began with activity at very low levels. Activity increased to low levels on 05 December with isolated low-level C-class subflares. A further increase to moderate levels occurred on 06 December by virtue of an isolated M1/Sf flare at 06/2230 UTC from Region 9246 (S12, L = 248, class/area Eao/250 on 07 December). Region 9246 was of moderate size and magnetic complexity, but gradually decaying at the time of this flare. Solar activity dropped to low levels for the rest of the period due to isolated to occasional C-class subflares. The visible regions were either stable or declining at the close of the summary period. Data were available from the Advanced Composition Explorer (ACE) spacecraft for most of the period. Solar wind conditions were largely unremarkable through 06 December with the exception of a few periods of sustained southward IMF Bz with deflections to minus 09 nT (GSM). A recurrent coronal hole wind stream began on 07 December and continued through the rest of the period with velocities peaking at 710 km/sec during 09 - 10 December. There were no proton events detected at geosynchronous orbit. The greater than 2 MeV electron flux at geosynchronous orbit was at normal to moderate levels. The geomagnetic field was at mostly quiet to unsettled levels during 4 - 7 December with isolated active periods. The field was disturbed during 8 - 9 December due to a high speed stream associated with a recurrent, negative polarity coronal hole. Unsettled to active levels occurred during this period with brief minor to major storm intervals detected at some high latitude stations. Activity subsided to quiet to unsettled levels on the last day of the period. Forecast of Solar and Geomagnetic Activity 13 December 2000 - 08 January 2001 Solar activity is expected to be at low to moderate levels. An increasing trend is expected to begin 13 December with the return of previously active longitudes. There will also be a chance for a major flare during the first half of the period. Chances for a proton event are expected to increase during the first half of the period due to the return of previously active longitudes. The greater than 2 MeV electron flux at geosynchronous orbit may reach moderate to high levels during 05 - 06 January. Otherwise, normal to moderate fluxes are expected. Active levels will be possible around 04 - 05 January due to coronal hole effects. Quiet to unsettled levels are expected during the rest of the period, barring an Earth-directed CME. .