August 2000 *********** 1- ... Continuation of interesting/outstanding chains ---------- 1 - !!Interesting/outstanding chains; CH-associated!!ILLUSTRATION!! !Nobe: a chain along a CH! See previous rotation 2 - !!Interesting/outstanding chains; CH-associated!!ILLUSTRATION!! 17 UT: Significant NE-limb eruption and CME Hot prominence detected in the core of a Coronal Mass Ejection: III. Plasma filling factor from UVCS Lyman-? and Lyman-? observations R. Susino, A. Bemporad, S. Jejcic, P. Heinzel A&A 2018 Hot prominence detected in the core of a coronal mass ejection II. Analysis of the C?iii line detected by SOHO/UVCS S. Jejcic1,2, R. Susino3, P. Heinzel1, E. Dzifcakova1, A. Bemporad3 and U. Anzer4 A&A 607, A80 (2017) Hot prominence detected in the core of a coronal mass ejection: Analysis of SOHO/UVCS L? and SOHO/LASCO visible-light observations P. Heinzel1,4, R. Susino2, S. Jejcic3,1, A. Bemporad2 and U. Anzer4 A&A 589, A128 (2016) +3 - !!Interesting/outstanding chains; CH-associated!! Our event, 07 UT: Significant NW-limb eruption, CME, and interesting type II burst 4 - Interesting chains; 5 - Interesting chains; 6 - Usual chains; low activity Kinematic Properties of Slow ICMEs and an Interpretation of a Modified Drag Equation for Fast and Moderate ICMEs T. Iju, M. Tokumaru, K. Fujiki Solar Physics, June 2014, Volume 289, Issue 6, pp 2157-2175 7 - !~05 UT: Large NE and SE fronts on LASCO ! ! 22 UT: SE filament eruption! 8 - ! 1130 UT: SE M1 LDE ! Interesting chains on E2 and Yohkoh(!) ++9 - !!! 16 UT: a CM eruption and full halo! Large propagating brightening and not too impressive dimmings ! Interesting/complicated chains! The same region as 14 July. !!!Dst ~223 nT on 12d Estimation of Reconnection Flux using Post-eruption Arcades and Its Relevance to 1-au Magnetic Clouds N. Gopalswamy, S. Yashiro, S. Akiyama, H. Xie Solar Phys. 2017 File The Roles of Reconnected Flux and Overlying Fields in CME Speeds Minda Deng, Brian T. Welsch 2015 Trend of photospheric magnetic helicity flux in active regions generating halo coronal mass ejections_ A. Smyrli1,2, F. Zuccarello1, P. Romano3, F. P. Zuccarello4, S. L. Guglielmino1, D. Spadaro3, A. W. Hood2, and D. Mackay2 A&A 521, A56 (2010), File ON THE MAGNETIC FLUX BUDGET IN LOW-CORONA MAGNETIC RECONNECTION AND INTERPLANETARY CORONAL MASS EJECTIONS Jiong Qiu,1 Qiang Hu,2 Timothy A. Howard,1 and Vasyl B. Yurchyshyn3 The Astrophysical Journal, 659:758-772, 2007, File A Study of the Orientation of Interplanetary Magnetic Clouds and Solar Filaments Yuming Wang, Guiping Zhou, Pinzhong Ye, S. Wang, and Jingxiu Wang The Astrophysical Journal, 651:1245-1255, 2006 10 - !~0650 UT: a CM activity, arcade and partial halo CME! ! Interesting chains! 11 - ! Interesting/complicated chains! 07:38 UT: NW-limb prominence eruption, Sharkovskaya, Sol. Ph., 207, 369, 2002 Our event: I GG,DS 65- 45 12 - ! ~16 UT: two large W CMEs! ! Interesting/complicated chains! Dst~223 nT Electron–Ion Intensity Dropouts in Gradual Solar Energetic Particle Events during Solar Cycle 23 Lun C. Tan 2017 ApJ 846 18 13 - !~06 UT: a large W CME! ! Interesting/complicated chains! 14 - ! Outstanding/complicated chains! e2, ILLUSTRATION !! !!NOBE!!! 15 - ! ~10:30 UT: a significant eruption in the SE sector!! ! Outstanding/complicated chains! ILLUSTRATION !! !!NOBE!! 16 - ! ~01 UT: a significant eruption in the center of the E hemisphere!! ! Interesting/complicated chains! ILLUSTRATION !! !!NOBE: outstanding chains associated with the E-hemisphere eruption !! (see the NOBE movie) *17 - ! Outstanding/complicated chains! !!Our type II burst at 08:40 UT !! 18 - !!~04 UT: SW-limb eruption and CME (see NOBE)!! !! Outstanding chains, including ones inside the NE CH (see e3)!! !ILLUSTRATION! See previous rotation and NOBE movie 19 - !! Outstanding chains!! ILLUSTRATION! In low-activity conditions 20 - !! Outstanding chains!! ILLUSTRATION! ~11 UT: a large N/NE CME, perhaps as a part of a toroidal CME 21 - !! Outstanding chains!! ILLUSTRATION! Partly SE filament eruption 22 - !!Outstanding chains, e1_19 ! Illustration ! 23 - !! 00 UT: S/SW eruption and CME accompanied by chains !! 24 - ! Interesting chains and a large CH ! ! a NOBE and EIT chains along the NE CH boundary ! +25 - ! Interesting chains and a large CH ! ~0730 UT: our type II burst and CME ~14 UT: E/NE-limb eruption and halo CME 26 - ! Interesting chains and a large CH ! 27 - ! Interesting chains and a large CH ! 28 - ! Interesting chains and a large CH ! ~01 UT: E-limb eruption and CME 29 - ! Interesting chains and a large CH ! ~08:30 UT: a filament eruption and large SW CME following by a NE CME; toroidal halo? ; Later: activity in the SE quadrant 30 - ! Interesting/outstanding chains and a large CH ! ~00:30 UT: a large SE eruption and CME !Interesting over-the-limb features, including e4- ILLUSTRATION! 31 - ! Interesting/outstanding chains and CHs !