June 200See EOARD Reports 0 1 - !Interesting complicated chains! 2 - !Interesting complicated chains; LDE(s) and two large E CMEs! 3 - !Interesting complicated chains and LDEs! 4 - !! 22 UT: NE-eruption and CME!! !Interesting complicated chains! The injection of ten electron/3He-rich SEP events Linghua Wang1, Sam Krucker2,3, Glenn M. Mason4, Robert P. Lin2 and Gang Li A&A 585, A119 (2016) http://arxiv.org/pdf/1605.07882v1.pdf 5 - !! 03 UT: SW-eruption and CME!! !Interesting complicated chains! *6 - !!! 13-15 UT UT: NE-eruptions, X-flares and halo CME!! !Interesting complicated chains! Very large Forbush on 8-9 June!!! Wang et al. Rapid Penumbral Decay Following Three X-Class Flares (6 June 2000; 28 and 29 Oct 2003), ApJ Lett, submitted in 2003 http://solar.physics.montana.edu/cgi-bin/eprint/index.pl?entry=746 How Do Shock Waves Define the Space-Time Structure of Gradual Solar Energetic Particle Events? Review Donald V. Reames Space Sci. Rev 2022 https://arxiv.org/ftp/arxiv/papers/2210/2210.16693.pdf A Semi-empirical Approach to the Dynamic Coupling of CMEs and Solar Wind P. Romero-Corona1,2,3, J. J. Gonzalez-Aviles1,2,3, and P. Riley4 2022 ApJ 937 24 https://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.3847/1538-4357/ac8b03/pdf On the Emission Region of Type II Radio Bursts in Interplanetary Shock Fronts E. Aguilar-Rodriguez & P. Corona-Romero Solar Physics volume 295, Article number: 77 (2020) https://link.springer.com/content/pdf/10.1007/s11207-020-01643-x.pdf Quantifying the Propagation of Fast Coronal Mass Ejections from the Sun to Interplanetary Space Combining Remote Sensing and Multi-Point in-situ Observations Xiaowei Zhao, Ying D. 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Sawant Advances in Space Research, Volume 49, Issue 11, 1 June 2012, Pages 1607–1614 THE LIMIT OF MAGNETIC-SHEAR ENERGY IN SOLAR ACTIVE REGIONS Ronald L. Moore1, David A. Falconer1,2,3, and Alphonse C. Sterling 2012 ApJ 750 24 Fluctuation analysis of solar radio bursts associated with geoeffective X-class flares T.B. Veronesea, , , R.R. Rosaa, M.J.A. Bolzanb, F.C. Rocha Fernandesc, H.S. Sawantd and M. Karlicky Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics, Volume 73, Issues 11-12, 2011, Pages 1311-1316 Energetic Particle Acceleration and Propagation in Strong CME-Less Flares K.-L. Klein • G. Trottet • A. Klassen Solar Phys (2010) 263: 185–208, DOI 10.1007/s11207-010-9540-5; File Speed Evolution of Fast CME/Shocks: Analysis of Kilometric Type II Emissions J. A. Gonzalez-Esparza and E. Aguilar-Rodriguez Ann. Geophys., 27, 3957-3966, 2009, File Highlights of the Brazilian Solar Spectroscope H.S. Sawant, J.R. Cecatto, H. Meszarosova, C. Faria, F.C.R. Fernandes, M. Karlicky, M.C. de Andrade Advances in Space Research, Volume 44, Issue 1, Pages 54-57, 2009 A COMPARATIVE STUDY BETWEEN ERUPTIVE X-CLASS FLARES ASSOCIATED WITH CORONAL MASS EJECTIONS AND CONFINED X-CLASS FLARES Yuming Wang1,2 and Jie Zhang Astrophysical Journal, 665:1428Y1438, 2007 August; File TRANSIENT CORONAL SIGMOIDS AND ROTATING ERUPTING FLUX ROPES L. M. GREEN1, B. KLIEM2,3, T. T?O R?OK1, L. van DRIEL-GESZTELYI1,4,5, and G. D. R. ATTRILL1 E-print, Sept. 2007, File, Solar Phys. See EOARD Reports 7 - !!! 15 UT: one more X1 flare and halo CME (faint)!! !Interesting complicated chains! See EOARD Reports 8 - !Interesting complicated chains! !! Dst ~-75 nt and large Forbush!!! Masuda S, Kosugi T, Hara H, Tsuneta S, Ogawara Y (1994) A loop-top hard X-ray source in a compact solar flare as evidence for magnetic reconnection. Nature 371(6497):495–497 9 - !Interesting complicated chains! *10 - !!17 UT: M5/3B LDE, partial W halo and protons!! !Interesting complicated chains! See EOARD Reports Coronal mass ejections and their sheath regions in interplanetary space Review Emilia Kilpua, Hannu E. J. Koskinen & Tuija I. Pulkkinen Living Reviews in Solar Physics December 2017, 14:5 File https://link.springer.com/content/pdf/10.1007%2Fs41116-017-0009-6.pdf The Interaction of Successive Coronal Mass Ejections: A Review Noe Lugaz Manuela Temmer Yuming Wang Charles J. Farrugia Sol Phys (2017) 292: 64. File http://sci-hub.cc/10.1007/s11207-017-1091-6 Estimating the Height of CMEs Associated with a Major SEP Event at the Onset of the Metric Type II Radio Burst during Solar Cycles 23 and 24 P. Makela, N. Gopalswamy, S. Akiyama, H. Xie, and S. Yashiro ApJ 2015 http://cdaw.gsfc.nasa.gov/publications/makela/makela2015ApJ.pdf Correcting for interplanetary scattering in velocity dispersion analysis of solar energetic particles T. Laitinen (1), K. Huttunen-Heikinmaa (2), E. Valtonen (2), S. Dalla ApJ 2015 http://arxiv.org/pdf/1504.06166v1.pdf How Many CMEs Have Flux Ropes? Deciphering the Signatures of Shocks, Flux Ropes, and Prominences in Coronagraph Observations of CMEs Review A. Vourlidas, B.J. Lynch, R.A. Howard, Y. Li E-print, July 2012; Solar Phys. 2013, Volume 284, Issue 1, pp 179-201, File CO-ANALYSIS OF SOLAR MICROWAVE AND HARD X-RAY SPECTRAL EVOLUTIONS. I. IN TWO FREQUENCY OR ENERGY RANGES Qiwu Song1, Guangli Huang1 and Hiroshi Nakajima 2011 ApJ 734 113 11 - !Interesting complicated chains! A Comparison of EIT and TRACE Loop Widths S. I. Chastain, J. T. Schmelz 2017 https://arxiv.org/pdf/1705.06776.pdf How Many CMEs Have Flux Ropes? Deciphering the Signatures of Shocks, Flux Ropes, and Prominences in Coronagraph Observations of CMEs A. Vourlidas, B.J. Lynch, R.A. Howard, Y. Li E-print, July 2012, File; Solar Phys. 12 - !Interesting complicated/outstanding chains! see He 10830 ! Activity inside a narrow CH ! 13 - !Interesting complicated/outstanding chains! !interesting over-the-limb structure at e1! 14 - !Interesting complicated chains! !Some eruptions, particularly, in the NE sector! 15 - !Interesting complicated chains! !Some eruptions! Geoeffectiveness of Coronal Mass Ejections in the SOHO era Mateja Dumbovic, Andy Devos, Bojan Vrsnak, Davor Sudar, Luciano Rodriguez, Domagoj Ruzdjak, Kristoffer Leer, Susanne Vennerstrom, Astrid Veronig Solar Phys., 2014 http://arxiv.org/pdf/1410.3303v1.pdf File MAGNETIC FIELD STRENGTH IN THE UPPER SOLAR CORONA USING WHITE-LIGHT SHOCK STRUCTURES SURROUNDING CORONAL MASS EJECTIONS R.-S. Kim1,3, N. Gopalswamy1,3, Y.-J. Moon2, K.-S. Cho1,3,4 and S. Yashiro 2012 ApJ 746 118, File Propagation of Moreton Waves Y.Z. Zhang, R. Kitai, N. Narukage, T. Matsumoto, S. Ueno, K. Shibata and J.X. Wang E-print, April 2011, File, PASJ STRENGTH OF CORONAL MASS EJECTION-DRIVEN SHOCKS NEAR THE SUN AND THEIR IMPORTANCE IN PREDICTING SOLAR ENERGETIC PARTICLE EVENTS Chenglong Shen, Yuming Wang, Pinzhong Ye, X. P. Zhao, Bin Gui, and S. Wang The Astrophysical Journal, 670:849–856, 2007 16 - !Interesting complicated chains! !Some eruptions! !!! Yohkoh: Sharp large-scale tread brightening; ILLUSTRATION!!! !!! Yohkoh: interconnecting loop in absorption; ILLUSTRATION!!! A Statistical Study on Property of Spatial Magnetic Field for Solar Active Region Liu Suo Ap&ss 2014 http://arxiv.org/pdf/1405.2149v1.pdf Negative bursts Grechnev et al., PASJ, 2013 17 - !!02:30 UT: M3.5/2B LDE!! TRACE. No EIT data *18 - !!02 UT: X1 flare with very impulsive component, type II burst, CME!! TRACE, No EIT data Properties of solar energetic particle events inferred from their associated radio emission A. Kouloumvakos, A. Nindos, E. Valtonen, C.E. Alissandrakis, O. Malandraki, P. Tsitsipis, A. Kontogeorgos, X. Moussas, A. Hillaris A&A 2015 http://arxiv.org/pdf/1507.03776v1.pdf 19 - No EIT data; some CMEs 20 - EIT data from 18 UT; interesting chains !~10 UT: SW eruption and partial halo! *21 - !!~08 UT: our type II burst and eruption in NE sector, on a boundary of tranequatorial CH!! Yohkoh movie !!~22 UT: large SW CME !! Interesting chains!! 21-27 Identifying Flux Rope Signatures Using a Deep Neural Network Luiz F. G. dos Santos, Ayris Narock, Teresa Nieves-Chinchilla, Marlon Nunez, Michael Kirk Solar Phys. 2020 https://arxiv.org/pdf/2008.13294.pdf 22 - !! Interesting/outstanding chains!! !! A transequatorial CH with a bright loop inside!! 23 - !!At least two large eruptions and CMEs; one at 07 UT!! !! Interesting/outstanding chains!! !! A transequatorial CH with a bright loop inside!! 24 - !! Interesting/outstanding chains (incl. CH-associated)!! Illustration! !! A transequatorial CH with a bright loop inside!! Geoeffectiveness of Coronal Mass Ejections in the SOHO era Mateja Dumbovic, Andy Devos, Bojan Vrsnak, Davor Sudar, Luciano Rodriguez, Domagoj Ruzdjak, Kristoffer Leer, Susanne Vennerstrom, Astrid Veronig Solar Phys., 2014 http://arxiv.org/pdf/1410.3303v1.pdf File *25 - !! Interesting/outstanding chains (incl. CH-associated)!! Illustration! !!07:50 UT: M1.9/2N LDE near a CH and CME with a very bright prominence inside!! !! A transequatorial CH ! 26 - !! Interesting/outstanding chains (incl. CH-associated)!! Illustration! 26-29 Long-Term Oscillations of Sunspots and a Special Class of Artifacts in SOHO(MDI) and SDO(HMI) Data V.I. Efremov, A.A. Soloviev, L.D. Parfinenko, A. Riehokainen, E. Kirichek, V.V. Smirnova, Y.N. Varun, I. Bakunina, I. Zhivanovich 2018 https://arxiv.org/ftp/arxiv/papers/1802/1802.06379.pdf *27 - !! Interesting/outstanding chains!! !!~10 UT: NW filament eruption and large CME!! *28 - !! Interesting/outstanding chains!! Illustration !!~19 UT: spectacular W eruption with very bright prominence!! !!Interesting closed chains before the eruption (association?)!! Energy Spectrum of Solar Energetic Electron Events over 25 Years Wen Wang (??)1,2, Linghua Wang (???)2, Sam Krucker3,4, and Robert F. Wimmer-Schweingruber5 2023 ApJ 948 51 https://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.3847/1538-4357/acbea2/pdf LOW IONIZATION STATE PLASMA IN CORONAL MASS EJECTIONS Jin-Yi Lee1 and John C. Raymond 2012 ApJ 758 116 Detecting the widths of shock fronts preceding coronal mass ejections M. V. Eselevich Astronomy Reports, Volume 54, Number 2, 173-183, 2010, File Astronomicheskii Zhurnal, 2010, Vol. 87, No. 2, pp. 197–208. Ciaravella, A., Raymond, J.C., Kahler, S.W., Vourlidas, A., Li, J.: 2005, Detection and diagnostics of a coronal shock wave driven by a partial-halo coronal mass ejection on 28 June 2000. Astrophys. J. 621, 1121 – 1128. doi:10.1086/427619, 2005. 29 - !Interesting/outstanding chains!! !!!e2, 16 UT: clear "vertical" chain, Illustration!! 30 - !Interesting chains!!