Halo CME Mail Date: Wed, 9 Feb 2000 17:04:53 +0000 (GMT) From: Simon Plunkett Subject: Halo CME on 2000/02/08 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ LASCO and EIT observed a full halo CME yesterday, 2000/02/08. The event was first visible as a bright, structured loop above the NE limb in C2 at 09:30 UT. It was later visible at all position angles, although it was very faint in the SW. The plane-of-sky speed was 715 km/s at PA 60 (NE limb). This CME was associated with an M1.3 flare in AR 8858, located at N27 E27. The flare and a coronal wave were observed by EIT, beginning at 08:48 UT. Images and movies of this event are available at the LASCO anonymous ftp server: ftp://ftp://ares.nrl.navy.mil/pub/lasco/halo/20000208. Please also note that a web-based mail archive for these halo alerts has now been established. All future alerts will be posted to this archive as they are issued. We expect to have all previous alerts added to the archive in the near future. The archive can be accessed at: http://lasco-www.nrl.navy.mil/cgi-bin/halocme_parse. There is also a link to the archive from the LASCO home page, right next to the "CME List" link. Best wishes, Simon Plunkett. ++ | Simon Plunkett, E-mail: plunkett@kreutz.nascom.nasa.gov | | USRA, Mail Code 682.3, | | NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, Phone: +1-301-286-2941 | | Building 26, Room G-1, +1-301-286-3447 | | Greenbelt, MD 20771. Fax: +1-301-286-0264 | ++