NOVEMBER 1999 30 Oct - 1 Nov No real time SOHO data 2 - !! Interesting chains at EIT !! 3 - ! Interesting chains at EIT ! !!! Yohkoh, 23 UT: a spectacular large-scale chain-like brightening in the SW sector;ILLUSTRATION!!! 4 - !! Interesting chains at EIT !! 5 - !! A large NW CME at ~19 UT !! !! Interesting/outstanding chains at EIT (e3!) !! Over-the-limb element at e1, 07 UT 6 - !! Interesting/outstanding chains at EIT !! !!!A chain crossing a CH (e1, 19 UT) ILLUSTRATION!! A E post-CME arcade at NOBE A large eruption at e4 at 19 UT A Comparison of EIT and TRACE Loop Widths S. I. Chastain, J. T. Schmelz 2017 7 - !! Interesting/outstanding chains at EIT !! A long south chains at e1 at 19 UT 8 - !! Interesting chains at EIT; a large active complex !! !!! Yohkoh, 01 UT: a spectacular large-scale brightening in the E/SE sector;ILLUSTRATION!!! 9 - !! Interesting chains at EIT; a large active complex !! Statistics of "Cold" Early Impulsive Solar Flares in X-ray and Microwave domains Alexandra L. Lysenko, Alexander T. Altyntsev, Natalia S. Meshalkina, Dmitriy Zhdanov, Gregory D. Fleishman 2018 10 - !!! EIT: Outstanding chains in S hemisphere !!! 11 - !! EIT: Interesting/complex chains !! LASCO: gap 12 - !! EIT: Interesting/complex chains !! 13 - !! EIT: Interesting/complex chains !! Incomplete data 14 - !!! EIT: Interesting evolving chains and transequatorial brightening in E sector!! Eruption of the N filament at 19 UT!! Statistics of "Cold" Early Impulsive Solar Flares in X-ray and Microwave domains Alexandra L. Lysenko, Alexander T. Altyntsev, Natalia S. Meshalkina, Dmitriy Zhdanov, Gregory D. Fleishman 2018 15 - !!! EIT: chains and transequatorial brightening in E sector at ~17 UT !! !!!Over-the-limb chains!!! ILLUSTRATION Structure of the transition region and the low corona from TRACE and SDO observations near the limb C. E. Alissandrakis, A. Valentino Solar Phys. 2019 16 - High flare activity without clear EIT chains. Several CMEs; partial halo at 03 UT Some internal NOBE chains !! Yohkoh: spectacular interconnection bright structures and arcades!! Which Bow Shock Theory, Gasdynamic or Magnetohydrodynamic, Better Explains CME Stand-off Distance Ratios from LASCO-C2 Observations ? Jae-Ok Lee1,2, Y.-J. Moon1, Jin-Yi Lee3, R.-S. Kim2, and K.-S. Cho2 2017 ApJ 838 70 ---------------------------- 16-20 SOHO: no observations ---------------------------- 17,18 - !! Yohkoh: spectacular interconnection bright structures and arcades!! 19 - NOBE: interesting chains with over-the-limb elements 20 - M3/2N LDE at 22 UT !!EIT, >19 UT: interesting large evolving chains!! (see previous rotation) 21 - !!Interesting chains; Clear, long chains near the S and N-poles!! !Absorbtion chain at 19 UT (see originals e1,2)! 22 - !!Outstanding S-polar chain; Clear, long evolving chains !! (see previous rotation) ILLUSTRATION!! No CMEs 23 - !!Outstanding S-polar chain; Clear, long evolving chains !! (see previous rotation) ILLUSTRATION!! No CMEs 23-26 On flare predictability based on sunspot group evolution Marianna Korsos, Andras Ludmany, Robert Erdelyi, Tunde Baranyi 2015 24 - !! Large (prolonged) NW CME !! !!Clear, long evolving chains !! !!Perhaps outstanding chains at e2 (~07 UT)!! 25 - !!! Clear, large morning NW (continuation) and S CMEs !!! ! Complicated chains, including long and thin ones! !e2: evolving (CME-ralated) chains in NW sector! 26 - !!07 UT: partial halo (W)!! !!! 18 UT: Large filament eruption in the S sector, arcades and one more partial halo (SW) !!! !!! Outstanding/complicated chains; ILLUSTRATION!!! ++27 - !!! Further development of the chains (e2) !!! Outstanding chains at e1, 19 UT !!!Yohkoh: Outstanding arcade and transequatorial loops following the yesterday filament eruption!!! ++12:05 UT: X1.4 flare (W68) without large SEPs 29 Traveling ionospheric disturbances as huge natural lenses: Solar radio emission focusing effect, Koval, A., Y. Chen, A. Stanislavsky, and Q.-H. Zhang (2017). J. Geophys. Res. Space Physics, 122 DOI: 10.1002/2017JA024080 Apparent Solar Tornado - Like Prominences Olga Panasenco, Sara F. Martin, Marco Velli E-print, July 2013, Solar Physics, February 2014, Volume 289, Issue 2, pp 603-622 Particle Acceleration and Propagation in Strong Flares without Major Solar Energetic Particle Events K.-L. Klein • G. Trottet • S. Samwel • O. Malandraki Solar Phys (2011) 269: 309–333; File 28 - !!! Outstanding/interesting chains !!! --------------------------------------------------------- 28 Nov - ? Dec SOHO is not in order; practically no data ---------------------------------------------------------