Oct 1999 ---------------------------------------- 1 - .. Irregular SOHO observations ---------------------------------------- 1 - !! Interesting EIT chains !! Type II burst at ~08 UT - our time 2 - !! Interesting EIT chains 3 - !! Interesting EIT chains Irregular SOHO observations 4 - !! Outstanding but complicated chains at e1 (see e2) !!! Spectacular CHs on yhis and nearest days 5 - !!! Outstanding but complicated chains at e1 (see e2) !!! Spectacular CHs on yhis and nearest days 6 - !! A large SE CME at ~04 UT !! Outstanding but complicated chains at e1 (see e2) 7 - A large NE CME !! Interesting EIT chains A Statistical Study on Property of Spatial Magnetic Field for Solar Active Region Liu Suo Ap&ss 2014 http://arxiv.org/pdf/1405.2149v1.pdf 8 Solar Magnetic Flux Ropes Review Boris Filippov, Olesya Martsenyuk, Abhishek K. Srivastava, and Wahab Uddin Journal of Astrophysics & Astronomy, 2015 http://arxiv.org/ftp/arxiv/papers/1501/1501.02562.pdf 8-10 Long-Period Oscillations of Sunspots Observed by SOHO/MDI V. I. Efremov, L. D. Parfinenko, A. A. Solov’ev, E. A. Kirichek Solar Physics, June 2014, Volume 289, Issue 6, pp 1983-1998 http://arxiv.org/ftp/arxiv/papers/1412/1412.4107.pdf 12 - !! E and SE CMEs (partial halo) (no EIT data) COMPARING SPATIAL DISTRIBUTIONS OF SOLAR PROMINENCE MASS DERIVED FROM CORONAL ABSORPTION Holly Gilbert1, Gary Kilper1, David Alexander2, and Therese Kucera1 Astrophysical Journal, 727:25 (12pp), 2011, File 13 - !!! N CME at ~07 UT, and powerful EIT(195 A) eruption_ accompanied by a clear EUV and X-ray arcade !!! (see similar events of 16 and 20 Sept) See Events! !!! Interesting/outstanding chains at e2 !!! Chains along the CH boudary http://solar.physics.montana.edu/nuggets/1999/991015/991015.html 14 - !!! X1.8 flare and a partial (E) halo CME (no our spectra); High-cadance data at 304 A; See Events! !! Interesting chains (e2!,e1) 15 - !!! Interesting and outstanding (at the end of the day) chains at EIT and NOBE October 15: A large scale dimming just to the south of (and over) the large group consisting of regions 8728, 8729, 8731 and 8732 was observed starting early in the day and peaking between 06:30 and 08h UTC. This may have been a slow moving coronal mass ejection, however, no obvious CME was seen in LASCO C2 movies. 16 - !!! Outstanding and interesting chains at EIT !! Signature of the turbulent component of solar dynamo on active region scales and its association with flaring activity Valentina I. Abramenko MNRAS 2021 https://arxiv.org/pdf/2111.04425.pdf A Statistical Study on Property of Spatial Magnetic Field for Solar Active Region Liu Suo Ap&ss 2014 http://arxiv.org/pdf/1405.2149v1.pdf 17 - A NW/W slow CME (C3!) at the morning !!! Outstanding and interesting chains at EIT and NOBE!! "8" in the SE sector 18 - A NE HALO CME at the morning. Report on two filament eruptions !!! Outstanding and interesting chains at EIT (particularly in NE sector) and NOBE!! Coronal Hole Influence on the Observed Structure of Interplanetary CMEs Pertti Makela, Nat Gopalswamy, Hong Xie, Amaal A. Mohamed, Sachiko Akiyama, Seiji Yashiro E-print, Jan 2013, File; Solar Phys. 19 - !! Several SE CMEs !!! NOBE: outstanding chains in SE sector and above the SE limb !!! !!! Outstanding and interesting chains at EIT e4(!!!): a clear over-the-limb element 20 - !! M2 flare at ~06 UT: a Max Mil event (see the www page), type II burst, W CME and associated SE CME !!Interesting system of chains at EIT connecting SE and W sectors!! Magnetic helicity and active filament configuration: P. Romano, F. Zuccarello, S. Poedts, A. Soenen and F. P. Zuccarello A&A 506 (2009) 895-900, File The 17–22 October (1999) solar-interplanetary-geomagnetic event: Very intense geomagnetic storm associated with a pressure balance between interplanetary coronal mass ejection and a high-speed stream Alisson Dal Lago, Walter D. Gonzalez, Laura A. Balmaceda JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH, VOL. 111, A07S14, doi:10.1029/2005JA011394, 2006 21 - !!! Outstanding and interesting chains and large transequatorial arcade; !!! NOBE and EIT Chains along a CH(?) in the SE sector (see previous days) Observation of Alfven wave in ICME-HSS interaction region Omkar Dhamane, Anil Raghav, Zubair Shaikh, Utsav Panchal, Kalpesh Ghag, Prathmesh Tari, Komal Chorghe, Ankush Bhaskar, Wageesh Mishra 2022 https://arxiv.org/pdf/2209.04682.pdf Comparison of counterstreaming suprathermal electron signatures of ICMEs with and without magnetic cloud: are all ICMEs flux ropes? Jiemin Wang, Yan Zhao, Hengqiang Feng, Qiang Liu, Zhanjun Tian, Hongbo Li, Ake Zhao and Guoqing Zhao A&A 632, A129 (2019) A Statistical Study on Property of Spatial Magnetic Field for Solar Active Region Liu Suo Ap&ss 2014 http://arxiv.org/pdf/1405.2149v1.pdf 22 - !! A number of W (and S) CMEs !!! Severe geomagnetic storm !!! (see 20) *** Dst~- 258 nT *** !!! Outstanding and interesting chains and large transequatorial arcade;!! Extreme-ultraviolet and hard X-ray signatures of electron acceleration during the failed eruption of a filament A. Netzel, T. Mrozek, S. Kolomanski, and S. Gburek E-print, Dec 2012; A&A 548, A89, 2012; File ****************************************************** !!! Many days: very large chains along the CH boundary ****************************************************** 23 - !! A number of W CMEs !!! Outstanding and interesting chains and large transequatorial arcade;!! 24 - !!! Outstanding and interesting chains 25 - !!! A filament eruption and large CME at ~ 14 UT from the N sector!!! !!! Outstanding and interesting chains and post-CME arcade !!! E2: evident chain evolution before(!) and after the eruption!!! !!!ILLUSTRATION!!! Make a java E2 movie 26 - Several CMEs !!! Outstanding and interesting chains. Evolution !!! Coronal transients and metric type II radio bursts - II. Accelerations at low coronal heights: S. Mancuso A&A 463 (2007) 1137-1141, File 27 - !!! Outstanding chains. Illustration !!! 28 - !!! Outstanding chains. Illustration !!! 29 - !!! Outstanding chains. Illustration !!! 30 Oct - 1 Nov No real time SOHO data