---------------------------------------- !!! Continuation of the WSM3 Program !!! ---------------------------------------- 1 - !!Interesting/outstanding chains at EIT!! !!A clear chain outlining a NE CH (see previous and following days) and/or footpoints of huge arcades!! 2 - Two CMEs including a partial S halo at 18 UT !!Interesting/outstanding chains at EIT!! NOBE: fragmentary chains ! 3 - Two CMEs including a partial S halo at 18 UT !!Interesting/outstanding chains at EIT!! NOBE: fragmentary chains ! 4 - !!Interesting/outstanding chains at EIT!! NOBE: fragmentary chains ! 5 - !!Interesting/outstanding chains at EIT!! NOBE: fragmentary chains along the CH boundary! !!A clear chain outlining a NE CH (see previous and following days) and/or footpoints of huge arcades!! 6 - !!Interesting/outstanding chains at EIT!! NOBE: fragmentary chains along the CH boundary! 7 - !!Interesting/outstanding chains at EIT (e1,13 UT!) !! !TRACE Observational evidence for local particle acceleration associated with magnetically confined magnetic islands in the heliosphere – a review Olga V. Khabarova 1 , Gary P. Zank 2,3, Olga E. Malandraki 4 , Gang Li 2, 3 , Jakobus A. le Roux 2,3, Gary M. Webb Sun and Geosphere, 2017; 12/1: 23 -30 http://newserver.stil.bas.bg/SUNGEO//00SGArhiv/SG_v12_No1_2017-pp-23-30.pdf The Interaction Between Coronal Mass Ejections and Streamers: A Statistical View over 15 Years (1996?–?2010) O. Floyd, P. Lamy, A. Llebaria Solar Physics, April 2014, Volume 289, Issue 4, pp 1313-1339; File 8 - !!!OUTSTANDING chains at EIT (e1 !!!) including ones connecting a SW CME with M1.4 flare (perhaps with a faint CME) near the E-limb !!! ILLUSTRATION !!! See previous days Some chains outlining CH(s) and over-the-limb elements There are almost nothing ARs but a number of filaments on the disk Observations of a solar flare and filament eruption in Lyman ? and X-rays F. Rubio da Costa1,2, L. Fletcher1, N. Labrosse1, and F. Zuccarello2 A&A 507, 1005–1014 (2009) 9 - !!!OUTSTANDING chains at EIT (e1 !!!) ILLUSTRATION !!! See previous days and previous ritation Some chains outlining and crossing CH(s) 10 - !! Interesting/outstanding chains at EIT !! !!! NOBE: global filaments !!! (See nearest days !!) --------------------------------------------------------------------- !!! 10-22 NOBE: outstanding longitude chains in the N hemisphere !!! -------------------------------------------------------------------- 11 - !! Interesting/outstanding chains at EIT !! Two large and maybe related CMEs: N CME of 11d, 21 UT and W CME of 12d, 01 UT ++12 - !!!OUTSTANDING equatorial chain at EIT (e1,e2, 19 UT!!!) ILLUSTRATION !!! ++01 UT: large SW filament eruption; 4-line dimmings, See EVENTS ÊÐÓÏÍÎÌÀÑØÒÀÁÍÛÅ ßÂËÅÍÈß ÍÀ ÑÎËÍÖÅ, ÑÂßÇÀÍÍÛÅ Ñ ÝÐÓÏÖÈÅÉ ÂÎËÎÊÎÍ ÂÍÅ ÀÊÒÈÂÍÛÕ ÎÁËÀÑÒÅÉ: ÑÎÁÛÒÈÅ 12.09.1999 È. Ì. ×åðòîê1, Â. Â. Ãðå÷íåâ2, À.Ì.Óðàëîâ2 ÀÑÒÐÎÍÎÌÈ×ÅÑÊÈÉÆÓÐÍÀË, 2009, òîì 86,¹4, ñ. 392–405 13 - !! A continuation of previous chains !! !! Outstanding/interesting chains (mainly diffuse) LDE (09:30 UT) sourse in the central/north sector; partial halo N CME !! 14 - !!! Outstanding chains on e1 at 19 UT (CME associated ?)!! ILLUSTRATION Several CMEs Modelling the Global Solar Corona II: Coronal Evolution and Filament Chirality Comparison A.R. Yeates · D.H. Mackay · A.A. van Ballegooijen Solar Phys (2008) 247: 103–121 http://www.springerlink.com/content/66h3876790633575/fulltext.pdf 14 Sept 1999 15 - !!! Continuation: Outstanding chains on e1 at 01 UT !!! 16 - !!! A huge NW filament eruption at ~17 UT with partial halo CME!!! See Yohkoh ILLUSTRATION !!! Interesting Chains A STUDY OF FAST FLARELESS CORONAL MASS EJECTIONS H. Q. Song1,2, Y. Chen1, D. D. Ye1, G. Q. Han1, G. H. Du1, G. Li1,3, J. Zhang2, and Q. Hu 2013 ApJ 773 129, File ENDPOINT BRIGHTENINGS IN ERUPTING FILAMENTS Y.-M. Wang1, K. Muglach1,2, and B. Kliem Astrophysical Journal, 699:133–142, 2009, File 17 - !!! Outstanding chains at e1 and e2 as a concequence of the filament eruption of 16 Sept. ILLUSTRATION!!! 18 - Only one image at e1 19 - !! Outstanding/interesting chains The Solar Connection of Enhanced Heavy Ion Charge States in the Interplanetary Medium: Implications for the Flux-rope Structure of CMEs N. Gopalswamy, P. Makela, S. Akiyama, H. Xie, S. Yashiro, and A. A. Reinard Solar Physics, 2013, File 20 - !!! A weak full halo CME at C2 and C3 at ~05 UT !!! !!! Sharp change of outstanding chains at e2 resulting from a filament eruption !!! ILLUSTRATION !!! !!! Acconpanied by Dst~-177 nt !!! Statistical comparison of interplanetary conditions causing intense geomagnetic storms (Dst =< -100 nT) Ji, Eun-Young; Moon, Y.-J.; Kim, K.-H.; Lee, D.-H. J. Geophys. Res., Vol. 115, No. A10, A10232, 2010, File EVIDENCE FOR MIXED HELICITY IN ERUPTING FILAMENTS K. Muglach1, Y.-M. Wang, and B. Kliem Astrophysical Journal, 703:976–981, 2009 September 20 Reconstructed global feature of an interplanetary disturbance for the full-halo coronal mass ejection event on 1999 September 20 • Adv. Space Res., v. 38(3), p. 547-551, 2006. M. Tokumaru, M. Yamashita, M. Kojima, K. Fujiki and T. Nakagawa 20-24 Observations of CMEs and Models of the Eruptive Corona Review N. Gopalswamy E-print, Jan 2013, File; Solar wind 13 21 - !! A big NW CME at 03 UT !! !! Outstanding/interesting chains at EIT !! ------------------------------ 22 - NOBE: ------------------------------ 22 - !!! Outstanding global chains at e1,e2 !!! ILLUSTRATION !!! !!! Other outstanding chains at e4 !!! 22-24 Sept Satistical Study of the Interplanetary Coronal Mass Ejections from 1996 to 2014 Yutian Chi, Chenglong Shen, Yuming Wang, Pinzhong Ye, S. Wang 2015 http://arxiv.org/pdf/1504.07849v1.pdf ICME Catalogue http://space.ustc.edu.cn/dreams/wind_icmes/ A Comparative Study of Coronal Mass Ejections with and Without Magnetic Cloud Structure near the Earth: Are All Interplanetary CMEs Flux Ropes? J. Zhang, P. Hess, W. Poomvises Solar Physics, May 2013, Volume 284, Issue 1, pp 89-104; File 22-26 Long-Term Oscillations of Sunspots and a Special Class of Artifacts in SOHO(MDI) and SDO(HMI) Data V.I. Efremov, A.A. Soloviev, L.D. Parfinenko, A. Riehokainen, E. Kirichek, V.V. Smirnova, Y.N. Varun, I. Bakunina, I. Zhivanovich 2018 https://arxiv.org/ftp/arxiv/papers/1802/1802.06379.pdf 23 - !!! SW filament eruption and CME at 16 UT !!! !!! Outstanding global chains at e1,e2 !!! ILLUSTRATION !!! A STUDY OF FAST FLARELESS CORONAL MASS EJECTIONS H. Q. Song1,2, Y. Chen1, D. D. Ye1, G. Q. Han1, G. H. Du1, G. Li1,3, J. Zhang2, and Q. Hu 2013 ApJ 773 129, File Coronal Mass Ejections, Type II Radio Bursts, and Solar Energetic Particle Events in the SOHO Era N. Gopalswamy1, S. Yashiro2, S. Akiyama2, P. Makela2, H. Xie2, M. L. Kaiser1, R. A. Howard3 and J. L. Bougeret4 E-print, Feb 2008, File; Annales Geophysicae 26, 3033–3047, 2008. sci-hub.tw/10.5194/angeo-26-3033-2008 https://www.ann-geophys.net/26/3033/2008/angeo-26-3033-2008.pdf 24 - !!! Outstanding global chains at e1,e2 !!! ILLUSTRATION !!! 24-26 Long-Period Oscillations of Sunspots Observed by SOHO/MDI V. I. Efremov, L. D. Parfinenko, A. A. Solov’ev, E. A. Kirichek Solar Physics, June 2014, Volume 289, Issue 6, pp 1983-1998 http://arxiv.org/ftp/arxiv/papers/1412/1412.4107.pdf 25 - !! Outstanding/interesting chains at EIT!! !!! Outstanding transequatorial chain at NOBE!!! ILLUSTRATION!!! ------------------- 26 - SOHO/LASCO: interuption of observations till 4 Oct ------------------- 26 - !! Outstanding/interesting chains at EIT!! 27 - !! Outstanding chains at e1 (19 UT)!! ILLUSTRATION !! 28 - !! Outstanding/interesting chains at EIT!! 29 - !! Outstanding/interesting chains at EIT!! 30 - Unclear EIT images !!! A spectacular trans-equatorial CH at Yohkoh !!!