1 - !! Outstanding chains: e1 (!!!); e2 (?), e3(?) 2 - ! A clear loop NE CME at ~20 UT !!! Outstanding chains: e1 (!!!); e2 (!!!), e3(?)!!! 3 - !!! Outstanding chains: e1 (!!!); e2 (!!!), e3(?)!!! 4 - !! Interesting chains: e1 (one image) 5 - !!Interesting and then outstanding chains: e1 (!!); e2 (?), e3(?)!! 6 - !! A large loop NE CME at 11:30 UT and then a spectacular N CME with a bright prominence !! !!! Outstanding chains: e1 (!!!); e2 (!!!), e3(?)!!! !!! Good coinciding with TRACE_1,2 at 0345 UT. ILLUSTRATION !!! Automatic analysis of double coronal mass ejections from coronagraph images Matthew Jacobs, Lin-Ching Chang, Antti Pulkkinen, Space Weather Volume 13, Issue 11 November 2015 Pages 761–777 7 - ! A large loop W CME at ~20 UT !! Outstanding/interesting chains: e1 (!!); e2 (?), e3(?)!! 7-8 Formation of Two Homologous Transequatorial Loops Jie Chen, Alexei A. Pevtsov, Jiangtao Su, Robertus Erdelyi, Yuanyong Deng, Shangbin Yang & Yongliang Song Solar Physics volume 295, Article number: 59 (2020) https://link.springer.com/content/pdf/10.1007/s11207-020-01625-z.pdf 8- !! Interesting/outstanding chains: e1 (!!!); e2 (?), e3(?)!! !!! Outstanding comparison of TRACE (2340 UT) with e1 (9d, 0100 UT) !!! !!! An outstanding chain coinsiding with a CH in the SE sector!!! 9 - !!! Outstanding chains: e1 (!!!); e2 (?), e3(?)!! !!! Outstanding comparison of e1 (01 UT)with TRACE (8d, 2340 UT) !!! !!! An outstanding chain coinsiding with a CH in the SE sector!!! 10 - !!! Outstanding/interesting chains: e1 (!!!); e2 (?), e3(?)!! !!! An outstanding chain coinsiding with a CH in the SE sector!!! 11 - !! Interesting chains: EIT 12 - Two noticeable CMEs !! Interesting chains: EIT 13 - !!! Our type II burst at ~06 UT associated with a SW CME; then one more large CME !! Interesting chains: EIT High resolution observations with Artemis--JLS, (II) Type IV associated intermediate drift bursts C. Bouratzis, A. Hillaris, C.E. Alissandrakis, P. Preka-Papadema, X. Moussas, C. Caroubalos, P. Tsitsipis, A. Kontogeorgos A&A 2019 https://arxiv.org/pdf/1904.02262.pdf Fine Structure of Metric Type-IV Radio Bursts Observed with the ARTEMIS-IV Radio Spectrograph: Association with Flares and Coronal Mass Ejections C. Bouratzis, A. Hillaris, C. E. Alissandrakis, P. Preka-Papadema, X. Moussas, C. Caroubalos, P. Tsitsipis, A. Kontogeorgos Solar Phys., 2014 http://arxiv.org/pdf/1406.1202v1.pdf 14 - A Halo (or multiple) CME !! Interesting chains: EIT 15 - !! EIT (e1): Interesting/outstanding chains perhaps with over-the-limb elements !!! 16 - 17 - 18 - !! Interesting chains at e1 !! 19 - !! A faint halo CME and EIT wave at EIT and TRACE!! !!! A large NE CME at 09 UT - our event with type II/IV bursts !!! !! Interesting chains at e1 and perhaps outstanding chains at e3!! Coronal transients and metric type II radio bursts - II. Accelerations at low coronal heights: S. Mancuso A&A 463 (2007) 1137-1141, File 20,21 - !! Interesting chains at e1 with the outstanding over-the-limb structure !! !!! Outstanding thin chains (20d,13 UT; 21d,19 UT)). See similar chains in the next rotation !!! 22-26 !! Interesting NOBE images: chains and filaments 22 - 23 - !!! Outstanding thin chains at e2 (22 UT) 24 - !! Interesting thin chains at e1 25 - !!! A halo CME !!! !! Interesting chains at e1 TRACE(4) http://solar.physics.montana.edu/nuggets/1999/990910/990910.html Which Bow Shock Theory, Gasdynamic or Magnetohydrodynamic, Better Explains CME Stand-off Distance Ratios from LASCO-C2 Observations ? Jae-Ok Lee1,2, Y.-J. Moon1, Jin-Yi Lee3, R.-S. Kim2, and K.-S. Cho2 2017 ApJ 838 70 http://sci-hub.cc/10.3847/1538-4357/aa656f Вспышки, выбросы, протонные события А.В. Белов Геомагн. и аэрономия 2016 File MAGNETIC FIELD STRENGTH IN THE UPPER SOLAR CORONA USING WHITE-LIGHT SHOCK STRUCTURES SURROUNDING CORONAL MASS EJECTIONS R.-S. Kim1,3, N. Gopalswamy1,3, Y.-J. Moon2, K.-S. Cho1,3,4 and S. Yashiro 2012 ApJ 746 118, File Relations estimated at shock discontinuities excited by coronal mass ejections M. V. Eselevich and V. G. Eselevich Astronomy Reports, Volume 55, Number 4, 359-373, 2011 Astronomicheskii Zhurnal, 2011, Vol. 88, No. 4, pp. 393–408 A benchmark event sequence for mass ejection onset studies - A flare associated CME with coronal dimming, ascending pre-flare loops and a transient cool loop: R.A. Harrison and D. Bewsher A&A 461 (2007) 1155-1162, file A STUDY OF FLARE-ASSOCIATED X-RAY PLASMA EJECTIONS. I. ASSOCIATION WITH CORONAL MASS EJECTIONS Yeon-Han Kim,1, 2 Y.-J. Moon,1 K.-S. Cho,1 Kap-Sung Kim,2 and Y. D. Park ApJ 622 :1240–1250, 2005 File 26 - !! Interesting/outstanding chains at e1 27 - !!! Huge NE prominence eruption and loop CME at 01 UT !!! !! Interesting chains at e1 See TRACE 28- !! Interesting NOBE images: chains and filaments !! Interesting chains at e1 and TRACE 29 - !! Interesting chains 30 - !! Interesting chains at e1 and TRACE (one TRACE image appears belong to 31d) !! Statistics of "Cold" Early Impulsive Solar Flares in X-ray and Microwave domains Alexandra L. Lysenko, Alexander T. Altyntsev, Natalia S. Meshalkina, Dmitriy Zhdanov, Gregory D. Fleishman 2018 https://arxiv.org/pdf/1802.09288.pdf 31 - !! A large partial halo (C3/NE) CME at 11 UT !! OUR EVENT!! !! Interesting/outstanding chains and wave at EIT !! See TRACE for 30d !!